“Venus being the highest cosmic principle of all, its vibrations reach our earth through the planet Venus via the love of Sanat Kumara. This awakens all the prepared souls whenever Venus passes through Pisces.” (see at the bottom of this article)

Venus, Vulcan and Cupid by Tintoretto
In order to celebrate the last hours of Venus in Pisces (geocentrically), here are some excerpts from Spiritual Astrology (p. 279-286, a book based mainly on Vedas, H. P. Blavatsky and Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology) about Her solar dominant role, being our golden/soular Way to Love through Beauty. Venus is the ruler of the current Sign Taurus with Her Consort Sun/Vulcan.
“The planet Venus governs love, beauty and balance on this earth. Beauty is understood and expressed through forms in the average level.
Hence Venus is bound by the lower aspect of Saturn, form or limitations.
The force that tries to break up the forms to give expansion is governed by Mars. For this reason, the love of Venus is clouded with the emotion of Mars.
Rearrangement of forms is done by Uranus, and hence Venus is linked with Uranus to create better forms.
Venus is related with Mercury, when love is balanced by intelligence to culminate in the pure buddhic plane.
Venus is related with Jupiter to cause the realisation of beauty through the power of arrangement.
Finally, Venus is linked up with Neptune to give the experiences of pure love which make man live in cosmic consciousness.
For this reason, Venus undertakes a dominant role in the evolution of beings on this earth. In fact, next to Sun, Venus is the presiding Lord over the evolution of our earth. From time to time, the planetary Logos of Venus sends its inhabitants to our earth to work as helpers, guides and Gurus.
At the present stage of evolution the effect of Venus is very rarely found free from the emotion of Mars. Love means, for the majority of mankind, the response of the desire and mental bodies, to the beauty expressed through form. Love is understood as only love towards a person, a thing or a concept. This is an essential factor in evolution, because the concept of love should give sufficient stir to the lower vehicles for the transformation of the very basic nature of man. The response on the lower planes, through the agency of form, stirs up the various components of the lower vehicles, until form raises man to realise the ‘power through the arrangement of things’. The mere presence of a beautiful form causes rearrangement of the psychic levels. The change that follows is like that of an iron bar into a magnet. Mere rearrangement of atoms and molecules on the lower plane is necessary to make the innate power of magnetism manifest. Then only, it is realised that pure love exists in the null-point of various magnetic currents. The pure ray of Venus represents this state of poise, which is the absolute quality of Libra. The sense of beauty in man causes the chain reactions that begin with a rearrangement of the etheric [vital] currents in man. The culmination of the chain reactions is the end of the struggle of mind and the release of beauty from the bondage of form.
The personality of our planetary Logos is composed of three principles:
(a) Our earth forms the vital body,
(b) our Mercury forms the mental body, and
(c) our Venus forms the astral body.
These three put together, constitute the personality of our planetary Logos. For this reason our earth as a planet rules over the functions of Gemini and Sagittarius through the activity of the poles. Our Venus rules over the activity of the dual function of Gemini and Taurus on the one hand and Libra and Capricorn on the other. Mercury works as a linking principle between these two sets of functions. We can now understand what a wide range of action Venus has upon the evolution of this earth and the beings on this earth. Truly has he a dominant role.
The concept of beauty in man exists in physical forms, when he is governed by Mars on the lower plane. This concept is raised to mental forms, when Mercury collaborates with Venus in evolution. This is the starting point of meditation. When man commences to think of a beautiful form in the absence of a physical vehicle of form, he is freed from the bondage of matter.

Aphrodite and Hermes. Clay Tablet from Locri, Calabria
But man at first requires material moulds of beauty, ere he conceives beauty without form. The temples and images of Gods erected in brick and mortar serve just this purpose at first. The worship in the temple elevates man through the initial bondage of matter. Venus in his higher levels, induces and accelerates the realisation. The process of creation is from thought-form to matter-form. Conversely, the path of liberation is from matter-form to thought-form. Thought-form retains the power of beauty in mind. This is gradually raised from the bondage of form to the level of concept. At this level, the power of beauty is elevated from the bondage of form. In the next stage, the power of beauty exists in man as the equilibrium of consciousness. The beauty at this stage is one of the potencies of soul. We find the full expression of Venus at this level. The role of Woman serves the mission of Venus to raise man from his bondage in matter to the realisation in his soul- consciousness.
It is an occult truth that the physical aspect of the spermatozoa of man are ruled by Venus. While the descent of egos into generation through the spermatozoa as their vehicles comes under the lunar ray, their coming down is governed by Mars who causes the attraction between the two lower poles. When the concept of beauty is raised from matter to mind, Mars gradually loses his hold over these vehicles of the descending egos. As a consequence, the spermatozoa sacrifice themselves for a higher purpose in which process they are transformed into a column of force, which gives a stir to Muladhara. Then, there is a corresponding stir in the heart-centre, where beauty finds its expression in love. It takes a long time to free the functions of the heart-centre from the influence of the spleen-centre. When spermatozoa are under the influence of Mars, they are controlled by the spleen-centre.
When the student releases them through meditating upon beauty without form, the production of spermatozoa is replaced by their transformation into the force. Then the physical Venus tissue which was used to prepare spermatozoa erstwhile will be sublimated into a stream of vital force which is directed to Muladhara. There it stimulates Kundalini for the upward path. Again the resonance of Venus principle is externalised in the heart- centre to call up Kundalini. In the third phase, the resonance of the Venus principle, near the Ajna-chakra, comes to aid to call Kundalini up to that centre. There ends the mission of Venus as a planet in the human constitution.

Aphrodite – Sandro Botticelli
This work of Venus on three levels (physical, mental and spiritual) manifests as glamour for beauty, love of beauty and love as beauty. (…) Venus receives the higher principles in man and brings about their manifestation in the lower principles with repeated resurrections. In creation, the higher principles have no expression except through the lower vehicles. Realisation means the containing of higher principles by the lower, as also the absorbing of the lower forms in the higher. The poise is called the Great Sacrifice, eternally conducted by Bhrugus (the sons of light)* and Angirasas (the sons of sound). (…)
Venus governs the colour sense in man. Colour is the base of form in the etheric level. Conception of the whole world by the Logos produces the vibrations of colour and sound before the origin of light. Colour brings light down to objectivity. (…) It must be clearly understood that the sense of colour in man is different from the sensitivity to light in man. The sense of colour is governed by Venus while the sensitivity to light is governed by Sun. The sense of sound is governed by Jupiter, the sense of touch by Mars, the sense of smell by Mercury. The effects of all these, bearing the respective names, are governed by Moon, the Lord of reflection. The earth as a planet forms the screen on which these effects are perceived. Believing the effect as the cause, the perceived as the real is called objectivity.
Venus also governs the unfolding nature of man. He therefore causes the unfoldment of sound as voice and music. Taurus governs voice. The unfoldment of voice is different from that of sound and its import as well. Sound and its import are governed by Jupiter, while the meaning and concept of words are governed by Mercury. In this activity, Mars governs the urge to speak and Moon governs the breath necessary for the utterance. Thus we see that Venus is an all-engrossing planet and his role in creation is very prominent.
In the horoscope of those who are on the lower level, Venus rules over the glamour for beauty. He is generally influenced by Mars. For those, who live in the higher level of personality, Venus gives the love of beauty through form and later through concept with the aid of colour combinations [nuances of Manas/mental level of Venus give discrimination]. At a still higher level of personality, he expresses the love of beauty through concept with the aid of poetry, a subtler vehicle. When the consciousness exists in soul-levels, Venus transforms the love of beauty into love as beauty. Love as beauty is the first experience of truth [for Plato “Beauty is the splendor of truth”).
(…) The glyph of Venus speaks of the whole significance of this planet. It is a circle above a cross. The cross represents the activity of the four cardinal points of our earth which includes the process of the higher principles coming down for expression and the lower forces aspiring to rise up to realize the expression. The circle above represents the soul of man as the vehicle of all higher principles. It must be remembered that our Venus represents the soul of our solar system [in this related to Sirius, the cosmic Isis]. The position of the circle above denotes the higher principles working for the lower, without being engulfed by the lower (Sukra as the Guru of Asuras). This is the happy expression of mastery of the higher over the lower. This is the true relationship of the cosmic Venus with our earth. This is poetically described as the marriage of Venus with earth. Venus being the highest cosmic principle of all, its vibrations reach our earth through the planet Venus via the love of Sanat Kumara. This awakens all the prepared souls whenever Venus passes through Pisces.”**