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TPS - English » 1. Purpose
Category Archives: 6. Community
6. Community
- What is a community?
- What are its unifying values?
- What are the right relationships of the new human society?
Late 14c., from Old French comunité “community, commonness, everybody” (Modern French communauté), from Latin communitatem (nominative: communitas) “community, fellowship,” from communis “common, public, general, shared by all or many”. Latin communitatem “was merely a noun of quality … meaning ‘fellowship, community of relations or feelings,’ but in med.Latin it was, like universitas, used concretely in the sense of ‘a body of fellows or fellow-townsmen’ ” (source:
The Latin communis, common is composed by the preposition cum, with, and munus, assignment, so that literally “doing his job along with others.” Munus is found in the Indo-European root *MA- (variants *ME-/*MAN-/*MEDH-) which expresses the idea of measurement, relationship. Note that community is cognate to “communication.”.
Etymosophy result: group ruled by mutual relations.