Regulus-Earth-Sun alignment

regulusIn this day, Feb 18th, bridging Aquarius and Pisces signs, the Earth’s systemic relationship is qualified by the accord Sun-Earth-REGULUS (conjunction on the ecliptic meridian).

Regulus is the Heart of the Lion, the zodiacal sign which for Esoteric Astrology transmits the 1st and 5th Rays at the systemic level, thus essentially the power to rule manifestation through the 5th solar Law of Fixation,(1) or also the solar Fire of consciousness (2nd aspect of Life) which uses the 5th mental principle (Manas) to impress Ideas and the planetary Plan in human minds.

In this day Regulus/Leo, the “Guardian of North” represented by the “substitute of the Sun”, the archangel / maharaja Michael (“Who is like God,” the Sun), (2) impels and directs consciousness to ascend and decentralize, in the universal field (Aquarian) of exchange and cooperation between the worlds. It irradiates into consciousness a new dose of universal Love, our cosmic Necessity and Law.

This heavenly Legislator is the primary Fire of Leo constellation, and regulates our systemic solar Fire coming from Sirius – the Magnet of Intelligent Love; the cosmic Heart and “Primary” of our Sun; the source of the balancing Law of karma as well as of our planetary Government:

“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.” There is more real occultism hidden in the names given to the various stars by astronomers down the ages than has yet been realised, and here you have a case in point.” (A. A. Bailey, “Esoteric Astrology”, Lucis Collection, p. 300)

In the Teaching, Regulus is “the law for the individual, the law of selfishness”, yet ultimately is that focal point which transmits the energy of will/power of those higher Entities indicated as the fiery “Lions, the divine and tawny orange Flames”, the “Lions of Life”: They are the electric nucleus of the cosmic physical plane, the Building Fathers of the present manifestation of solar system. Such a First Hierarchy of divine beings or forces expresses the “mental vibration of the Solar Logos”, and are essentially Its Creative and Unitarian Laws.

“In this constellation is the exceedingly bright star, which is one of the four royal stars of the heavens. It is called Regulus the Ruler, the Lawgiver, holding in its significance the thought that man can now be a law unto himself, for he has that within him which is the king or the ruler. Hidden in the constellation is also a vivid group of stars, called “the sickle”. To the ancient initiates, who saw all the external constellations as personifications of forces and as symbols of an unfolding drama vaster than even they could understand, the constellation conveyed three major thoughts: first, that man was the ruler, the king, God incarnate, an individual son of God; second, the man was governed by law, the law of nature, the law that he makes for himself, and the spiritual law to which he will eventually subordinate himself; third, that the work of an individual is to apply the sickle and to cut out, or cut down, that which hinders the application of the spiritual law and so hinders the flowering forth of the soul.”

“There are two lawgivers in the Zodiac, Regulus and Kefus. In Leo we have one of the four royal stars, Regulus, the lawgiver, the law for the individual, the law of selfishness, if you like, the law of competition, the law that sets every man against his fellowman, the law that makes him grab and grasp, the law under which we live, the law of competition.

Regulus, the law of the individual, has to give place to Kefus, the law of Aquarius, where we shall have a new law based on suffering, illumination and love. It would be interesting to see how far you yourself can grasp what those types of law will be, based upon the suffering of the individual that has led him to lose interest in himself. When you have suffered enough you do not care about yourself any more. You find that the only way to happiness is not to be free from suffering but to lose yourself in something outside yourself.

The Aquarian law is based on spiritual illumination, on intuitive perception and brotherly love which is identification with every form in every kingdom in nature. A tremendous future lies ahead; two thousand five hundred years will have been consummated. We are on our way.” (A. A. Bailey, “Labours of Hercules”, Lucis Collection, pp. 50 and 90).


The human planetary Order, which the synthesis of human spirits essentially is, oriented to the crucial date of 2025, receives and transmits the 5th cosmic Ray of Constructive Force of fiery/golden Relationships, the Ray transmitted by the rising age of Aquarius. This cosmic 5th Ray impulsion is impressed and sown, on the Ecliptic Plane of Love and Light and in all human hearts, by the 5th Department of this Order of Spirits or hierarchical Humanity and through seven relevant Intentions, Directions or Formulas, for the benefit of our beloved Blue Planet.

As it has been sown for the 2nd Ray on Sun-Earth-Sirius alignment and the 1st Ray on Sun-Earth-Merak alignment, the human Hierarchy impresses on Earth Fifth Ray thought-form made of seven living centers:

5.1 I injet propulsive energy into the Work

5.2 I manifest the resources of the Heart

5.3 I realize the identity between seed and sower

5.4 I explore the golden building of Thought


5.6 I unfold new Flags of Light

5.7 I conform the common Work to the heavenly Liturgy


Orange-Blue Rays on earth

(To further pursue the 49 Ray Intervals, Vortexes and Goals of the Planetary Plan and System/Order, see the text TPS – The Distant Goals – compendium 2017 and the video The Star Groups and the Laws of Sound).

(1) “5. The Law of Fixation demonstrates principally on the mental plane and has a close connection with manas, the fifth principle. The mind controls and stabilises, and coherency is the result.”
“5. The Law of Fixation.—This is the governing law of the mental plane, finding its greater correspondence in the Law of Karma on cosmic mental levels. “As a man thinks, so is he;” according to his thoughts are his desires and acts, and so results the future. He fixes for himself the resultant karma. The word “Fixation” is chosen for two purposes: First, because the word implies the capacity of the thinker to shape his own destiny, and secondly because the word implies a stabilising idea, for as evolution progresses, the Ego evolves the faculty of forming definite concrete thought-forms, and, through these stable products, of subduing the fluctuations of the astral body. (…) Each of the seven subsidiary laws is linked to one of the cosmic laws, or with the Sirian Law of Karma. We need always to remember that the consciousness of the cosmic mental plane is the logoic goal of attainment, and that the Sirian Logos is to our solar Logos what the human Ego is to the personality. The Law of Karma, or cosmic Fixation, is the law of the cosmic mental plane, and controls the corresponding law in our system.” (A. A. Bailey, “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire”, Lucis Collection, pp. 569, 591-2).
(2) “Four winged wheels at each corner . . . . . for the four holy ones and their armies (hosts)” . . . . . These are the “four Maharajahs” or great Kings of the Dhyan-Chohans, the Devas who preside, each over one of the four cardinal points. They are the Regents or Angels who rule over the Cosmical Forces of North, South, East and West, Forces having each a distinct occult property. These BEINGS are also connected with Karma, as the latter needs physical and material agents to carry out her decrees (…)”. (H. P. Blavatsky, Cosmogenesis, p. 122-3).
“The Lords of Karma, or the Maharajahs, work with the sons of men in the three worlds, and through manasic principle. (…) The four Maharajahs are the dispensers of karma to the Heavenly Men, and thus to the cells, centres, and organs of His body necessarily; but the whole system works through graded representatives (…)”.
“The main stream of energy enters at the top depression in the solar sphere and passes through the entire ring-pass-not, bisecting it into two halves.
With this stream enters that group of active lives whom we call the “Lords of Karma.” They preside over the attractive forces, and distribute them justly. They enter, pass to the centre of the sphere and there (if I may so express it) locate, and set up the “Holy Temple of Divine Justice,” sending out to the four quarters of the circle the four Maharajahs, their representatives. So is the equal armed Cross formed—and all the wheels of energy set in motion.” (A. A. Bailey, “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire”, Lucis Collection, pp. 407, 468, 1183).
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