Economy – administration of the Common Domicile

The etymology of Economy concerns administration of the domicile according to justice. This definition accomodates different degrees of comprehension depending on the concept of “home”.

Our home is each of us: a human unit constituted by a multitude of systems ensuring its correct functioning; our home is our family, a human molecule; our home is the greater aggregate of family, friendships and acquaintances emerging from our many social relationships; our home is the city where we live; our home is the nation we are identified with; our home is humanity; our home is the Planet holding us with the countless forms of life to which we are so intimately connected.

terra-per-economiaThe Economy we would like to deal with is concerned not only to the relationships between human beings or between humanity and lower Kingdoms (Animal, Vegetable, Mineral), but especially concerns the Planetary System as a whole. Man must shortly assume the role of a conscious planetary Atom, with the intent to responsibly administer the home/Planet, i.e., according to just laws. Justice has many aspects. During an economic exchange, for example, when a part is remunerated excessively, other parts are thereby exploited. It might seem trivial in the short term, but in the long term it would bring a considerable damage to everyone.

When a farmer is underpaid for the wholesale produce, in the long run not only the farmers will suffer for it, going bankrupt; but also the wholesalers, by drying up the supply source. At the same time the final consumers will suffer too by seeing a reduction of quality products on the market.

When farmers, in turn, do not apply rules of good cultivation, grounds become ever more infertile, as happens so often nowadays. Soon farmers will have to use an ever larger amount of chemical fertilizers, which solves the problem in the short term, but worsens the situation in the medium/long term. In any case, the fundamental rule of justice – to operate according to the principles of the conscientious father of the family (paterfamilias) –  will be contravened.

The conscientious father of the family works not only for himself, for the short term profit, or for the contingent. He is far-sighted, directed towards the future and his descendants. The conscientious  father tries to leave to his children a more fertile ground than the one he inherited; he works to make available a wider and more beautiful house for his grandchildren; he will devote adequate time to pass on the principles and rules he learned throughout his existence so that posterity can use them properly. Thus he will pay back, with due interest, the debt contracted at his birth towards all who preceded him.

The conscientious father of the family works in favor of all seven Sectors of Manifestation of the new Culture/Civilization, in order to improve Government, Education, Economy, Art, Science, Communication and Organization of the Human kingdom and, consequently, for all the constituent parts of the Planetary System (Mineral, Vegetable and Animal kingdoms).

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One Response to Economy – administration of the Common Domicile

  1. Matthew Martin says:

    Great connections/relations made in this article. The key is to begin with ‘Taking Care of my Home’ (where I live) and gradually expand this understanding of ‘Home’ to include more and more of its relations – which can be expanded to the Whole Planet and include all Humanity and even include our Spiritual Purpose, and as well one can expand the understanding of ‘my’ (home) because the whole is really Our Home.

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