Religiosity and Intelligent Communion of Art

“As soon as one speaks of Art, the great significance acquired by this concept over millennia and the value of its manifestations awaken reflection. Humanity has always loved Art, even in those recurrent periods, like the present, which no longer know what it is and do not produce it. When the Muses circulate among them, human beings perceive their superior energy and cultivate it; when they retreat to their Heavens, human beings feel bereft and bleak.


Nove Muse A

As it is known, Greeks recognized and nominated them. The Muses come and go, sing and dance and are living rhythms honored by all the peoples such as perfume and balm of life. Some social experiments, ancient and modern, pretended to forget them or made them domestic and chained, but failed and fell into sadness.

Humans can not do without Art, although they have not yet fully understood its nature and Law. How to exhaust the infinite? When everything falls apart or ruins, and nothing remains to save us from barbarism, Art continues to bear witness to those values we wanted to break down and denigrate. Although poorly understood, dormant and a stranger to the world of cold reason, Art attracts and guide us to its mysterious paths. It comes from the heart and protects humans against misfortunes bestowed by their brains.

Each human being discovers Art within themselves, when they are sufficiently mature to know how to recognize its signs. It is the first and last consolation, it does not react to the schemes that intellect would sometimes like to impose on it; it is as vast and comprehensive as Space. One seeks it and sometimes finds it not only with the brush, or the compass, or the chisel, or the flute, but with every breath, because it is inseparable from Life.

Venere - Botticelli 2What the 1 wills and the 2 loves and the 3 plans is reflected by the 4, and it is Art. It is the Art of living, the highest art of all. Man is called to make a work of Art of his existence, in the broadest and most complete liberty. As it flows from the Centre, it involves and transforms every action and is present and active in all approaches. Real Science (today still unknown) is not foreign to art. Nor is philosophy, religion nor even politics or economics, nor even love, which includes and reveals all and is the most faithful companion of the Artist.

These times are dark and poor because Art is silent. But this is true only in a superficial sense. Really it vibrates even now in the heart and this is demonstrated by the fact that it is sought and invoked. There will be a return to understanding that the ways of real pan-human communion spring forth from Art. Its light and smiling traces will bind peoples together, much better than other pseudo-visions which have cruelly separated them.

One day, on this way, it will be understood that the pure principle of Art is far more powerful than today’s policies and armies, but first we must purify current aesthetic theories from that mixture, emotional, intellectual, uncertain, corrupt and obscure, which spoils them.

The Light of Art is the clearest. Nothing reveals the imperfect, the incorrect, the weak, the inexact and the false better. The work of Art, whether it is expressed in an object or thought in the heart, is a truth, and modern conceptions, sometimes dark and demented, vanish in front of Its light.

The synthetic and vital understanding of the heart is that way of union which does not pass through the fields of the intellect and does not use its separating property of analysis but the synthesis of the opposites. It is a direct way, typical of the double, eternal flowing of Art; from high to low, from the lowest to the sublime.

Art is thus the great hope for the concordant union of mankind, and between it and the other kingdoms of nature. Whatever is not got by weapons, the goal not reached by fighting religions or objective failure of ideologies of all kinds, will be achieved by Art and the secret Muses who inhabit spaces there and take care of their immensities.

Art does not care for quantity, since large and small do not stand in Its light. Nor are the distinctions made ​​by humans, vain shadows on the shadow.”

(extracts from the unpublished text of E.S. “The Distant Goals”, 1995 – Vortex 6.4: Religiosity and Intelligent Communion of Art)



Today (August 10, 2013, exactly at 3.20 am GMT) VenusAphrodite, Bearer of the Art of the New Culture, passes heliocentrically at the center of the sign of Scorpio which transmits the 4th Energy consecrated to Harmony through Conflict, that eternal traction to the “splendor of Truth” – Beauty. On the other side of the Heavens, Mercury-Hermes, the other pole of the solar Divine Hermaphrodite with His beloved Venus, is interposed between the Sun and the star Aldebaran, the Eye of Taurus, the single Eye of Revelation.

It is beautiful to think that this date or direction is one of the most propitious moments to sow, in general mentality and human hearts, a fiery and causal germ for the Restoration of Art and Its mystery. The power of the caduceus of Mercury and of “Its Sign” Scorpio touches, with its magic, the still obscure areas of consciousness, filling it with splendor and charm.


Extracted from Vortex 6.4 of  TPS – The Distant Goals – compendium 2017
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3 Responses to Religiosity and Intelligent Communion of Art

    • Antonella N. says:

      Wonderful! The relationship between sound vibrations and the geometry of its forms teaches us how to create and coordinate for the construction of a New Culture and Civilization.

  1. Mark 6.4 says:

    Thanks for this new presentation here. Great to be reminded of it!

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