Organizing the New

We are on the edge of Aries 2015, a Sign/month that transmits the First and Seventh Rays, i.e., the power to start through new impulses, rhythms and ordering. Thus it is ‘propitious’ to turn our thoughts to organize the energies of the Beginning, the New, the Future.

How to organize the energies of the New?

Rete di Luce

In this passage from the ages of Pisces to Aquarius – the New – the fate of humanity is forged between two lines of force, indicated by the esoteric Teaching as the Sixth and Seventh Rays [1]:

“…there are at this time, two minor rays (which are rays of attribute) affecting powerfully the destiny of mankind. These are the sixth Ray of Abstract Devotion or Idealism and the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic or Organisation. The sixth ray began to pass out of manifestation in 1625 after a long period of influence, whilst the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order began to come into manifestation in 1675. There are three points to be remembered in connection with these two rays and their effects upon the race of men. (I am not here dealing with their effects upon the other kingdoms in nature.)

1. The sixth ray is […] the most powerful in manifestation in this time and a very large number of people are responsive to its influence. It is still the line of least resistance for the majority, particularly in the Aryan race, for the reason that when in process of time and through evolution the influence of a ray has become potent, it is groups that are primarily affected and not just individuals. A rhythm and a momentum is then set up which lasts a long time and which gains power through the very force of organised numbers. […] the sixth ray people are the reactionaries, the conservatives, the die-hards and the fanatics, who hold on to all that is of the past and whose influence is potent to hinder the progress of humanity into the new age. Their name is legion. They provide, however, a needed balance and are responsible for a steadying process which is much needed in the world at this time.

2. The seventh ray is steadily gaining momentum and has for a long time been stimulating and enhancing the activity of all fifth ray nations [Austria and France; from the point of view of the  Schools of the Mysteries, Russia and Sweden]. If you bear in mind that one of the major objectives of seventh ray energy is to bring together and to relate spirit and matter and also substance and form (note this distinction) you can see for yourself that the work of science is closely connected with this endeavour and that the creation of the new forms will definitely be the result of a working interaction between the rulers of the fifth, the second and the seventh rays, aided by the help — on demand — of the ruler of the first ray. A large number of seventh ray egos or souls and also of men and women with seventh ray personalities are coming into incarnation now, and to them is committed the task of organising the activities of the new era and of ending the old methods of life and the old crystallised attitudes to life, to death, to leisure and to the population.

monad ray cycle comb

RAY graph

3. The result of the increasing flow of seventh ray energy plus the decreasing influence of the sixth ray — which shows itself as a pronounced crystallisation of the standardised and accepted forms of belief, religious, social and philosophic — is to throw the millions of people who do not respond to either of the above influences through egoic or personality relation, into a state of bewilderment. They feel entirely lost, are gripped by the idea that life holds for them no desirable future, all that they have learnt to cherish and to hold dear is rapidly failing.

These three groups of people, influenced by the sixth and seventh rays or who are bewildered by the impact of forces generated by those rays, are those who must together, with understanding and clear vision, bring order out of the present chaos. They must materialise those new and desirable conditions which will conform to the subjective pattern in the minds of the illumined people of the world and to the spiritual plan as it exists in the consciousness of the members of the Hierarchy. The new age with its peculiar civilisation and culture will be brought into manifestation through the collaboration of the well-intentioned many, responsive increasingly to the good of the whole and not of the individual; they are the idealistic but practical thinkers, influenced by the pattern of things to come and the world disciples, impressed by the plans and under the instruction of the Hierarchy which is directing and controlling all.

It is with these three groups of people and with the work upon which they are engaged that any prevision I may evidence will consistently deal. All changes in connection with the human family, the fourth kingdom in nature, are always dependent upon three factors:

1. Those outer physical events which are definitely “acts of God” and over which no human being has the slightest authority.

2. The activity of human beings themselves, working on all the different rays but in any given time and in any particular period conditioned by:
a. The preponderance of egos to be found on any particular ray. There are a very large number of second ray egos in incarnation today and their work and their lives will facilitate the coming Great Approach.ray2moncycle

b. The nature and the quality of the predominating personality rays of the majority. At this time there are a vast number of souls in incarnation whose personality rays are either the sixth or the third. They condition the coming civilisation outstandingly including all educational and financial enterprises, just as the influence of those who have soul contact and can express soul quality condition and determine the current culture.

c. The activity of the fifth principle, that of the mind. This mind principle is peculiarly active today in a broad and general sense. If I might put it symbolically the vertical activity of the mind which has affected individuals everywhere down the ages has always produced the mental guides, the directors and the leaders of humanity. Today, the horizontal activity of the mind, embracing huge masses of the populace and sometimes entire nations and races, can everywhere be seen and this must lead inevitably to events and effects hitherto unvisioned and impossible.

3. The influence of the outgoing and the incoming rays at any time. You have often been told that these events — for the emergence or disappearance of a ray influence is an event in time — are a matter of slow development, are psychic in nature, and are governed by law. […]

At this time, the whole world is embroiled in the chaos and the turmoil incident upon the clashing of the forces of the sixth and the seventh rays. As one ray passes out and another comes into manifestation and their impact upon the earth and upon all the forms in all the kingdoms of nature has reached the point where the two influences are equalised, then a definite point of crisis is reached. This is what has occurred today, and humanity, subjected to two types or forms of energy, is thrown “off centre” and hence the intense difficulty and tension of the present world period. The cause of this is not only the impact of the two types of energy, beating upon the forms of life with equal force, but also that the energy of humanity itself (which is a combination of the fourth and fifth rays) is swept into the conflict. To this must also be added the energy of the animal kingdom (again a combination of the energies of the third, fifth and sixth rays) for this governs the animal or physical form of every human being. You have, therefore, a meeting of many conflicting forces and the world Arjuna [the inner warrior, guided by Krishna, the Soul] is faced with a stupendous battle — one that is recurrent and cyclic but which will, in this particular era, prove a decisive and determining factor in the age old conflict between material domination and spiritual control. The forces playing upon the planet at this time are of supreme importance. If you will bear in mind that the sixth ray works through and controls the solar plexus (being closely related to the astral plane, the sixth level of awareness) and that the seventh ray controls the sacral centre, you will see why there is so much emotion, so much idealism and so much desire mixed up in connection with the world conflict and why also — apart from the storms in the political arena and the religious field — that sex and its various problems has reached a point of interest in the human consciousness where a solution of these difficulties, a fresh understanding of the underlying implications and a frank dealing with the situation is inevitable and immediate.

Four problems will be solved in the next two centuries:

1. The problem of territorial possessions which is the group correspondence within the family of nations to the materiality of the individual.

2. The problem of sex which will involve a truer understanding of the law of attraction.

3. The problem of death, which is in reality the problem of the relation between the subjective and the objective, between the tangible and the intangible, and between life and form. This problem will be solved in the realm of psychology by scientific recognition of the true nature of the individual or soul and of the persona.

4. The problem of the Jews which is symbolically the problem of humanity as a whole. […] Calvin [1509-1564] and all who followed his lead made the same mistake and instead of holding before the people of the Occident the realisation that those who recognised their essential divinity did so symbolically on behalf of all the developing, incarnating sons of God, they regarded themselves as the Chosen People and all who did not think as they did are regarded as lost. When the Jew [obviously not all of them; not to mention the horrific cases of ‘religious’ terrorism and nazism] and the narrow-minded religious devotees recognise their identity with all other people and express this identity through right relationship, we shall see a very different world. The world problem is essentially a religious problem and behind all strife in every department of world thought today is to be found the religious element.

When the nature of the present struggle is better understood and its subjective causes are considered instead of the superficial objective reasons, then real progress will be made in the process of releasing humanity from the thraldom and the narrowness of the present civilisation and from the influence of the forces and energies which are responsible for the situation. These will be understood, correctly handled and rightly directed towards constructive and desirable ends. In the realm of this conflict, the great and fundamental law that “energy follows thought” always holds good, and one of the conditions which is inducing the present stress and strain is due to the fact that so many millions of people are beginning to think. This means that the ancient simplicity which has held good up to five hundred years ago is no longer controlling and the situation is much more complex. In ancient days the forces were largely controlled by the Lords of Materiality (those whom the ignorant and the prejudiced esotericist call “the black forces”); the forces of spirituality plus the thought of a handful of advanced men in the different nations were not so potent as they are today. The situation was then relatively simple. It was part of the evolutionary plan that matter and substance should temporarily control and that spirit should learn to “mount on the shoulders of matter” as the Ancient Wisdom puts it. Now, however, owing to the widespread education of the masses and the many means of worldwide propaganda, these masses are themselves either thinking independently or are thinking as directed by the powerful minds everywhere to be found and which are seeking to control world events. Hence the increasing difficulty of the problem and one that is equally difficult for the Lords of the Left Hand Way as it is for the Great White Lodge. This is a point which you should consider and discover the implications.

Humanity itself is rapidly arriving at the point where its united will will be the determining factor in world affairs and this will be due to the unfoldment of the mind through the success of the evolutionary process. It is right here that many experiments will be made (and are being made today) and many mistakes must inevitably take place. The major requirement therefore at this time is the rapid educating of the people in the Plan and in the nature of the forces which are controlling evolution and their directing agencies. The fact of the Hierarchy must be announced in no uncertain terms, thereby arousing public interest, public investigation and public recognition. In the process of so doing much will be learnt of the balancing group of initiates and adepts who work entirely with the material side of life and in whom (for this major cycle) the love aspect of the soul remains totally undeveloped, whereas the mind nature is potently expressing itself. If you will study what I have earlier given anent certain of the higher and lower expressions of the rays you will see how these two fields of endeavour — that of the Hierarchy, animated by love and that of the opposite pole, the Black Lodge, working entirely through mind and substance — are engaged and their close relationship will emerge. You will realise then that the margin of difference is very slight and is to be found solely in intention, in the underlying purpose and the concrete objectives which this group of material workers have set themselves. The major instrument of the Black Lodge is the organising power of the mind and not the coherent influence of love, as is the case with the Masters of the Wisdom. Yet in the natural process of form evolution, these workers on the darker side of life have their useful function. Because they are working predominantly through the mental principle, we find the susceptibility of the untrained masses to this mental imposition and the facility with which they can be regimented and standardised. They have no power to think with clarity for themselves and their minds are consequently plastic and receptive to the powerful forces directed by the two contributing groups — the spiritual workers of the planet and the material workers. Because the bulk of human beings are still materially focussed, the forces which work on the side of matter find a line of least resistance which is not available to the Masters of the Great White Lodge. This danger is, however, lessening decade by decade.”

So let us begin to organize according to the cohesive influence of love, in right relationship and ‘groups of hearts’ or Orders increasingly harmonious, luminous, magnetic, powerful and free; first on the level of Ideas, then of the abstract Mind, finally emotionally and physically, from the top down and not vice versa: according to what the Lord of the the 7th Ray hierarchical Order commands and features. (Uranus in our Solar macrosystem, the ‘occult mind’ in the microsystem ‘man’).

The 7th Ray is the Initiator to the mystery of the New.


And particularly through Aries It activates the power of the New Beginning:

“The seventh ray is one of the direct lines along which this first ray energy can travel and here again is another reason for its appearance at this time, because, in the releasing of the life into the new and improved forms, the old ways of living, of culture and of civilisation have to be destroyed or modified. This is, all of it, the work of the first Ray of Will expressing itself predominantly at this present time through the seventh Ray of Organisation and Relationship.”[2]

[1] The following are excerpts from: A. A. Bailey, The Destiny of the Nations, p. 29-36, Lucis Collection, written in 1944.  Underlining and additions in […] are by the editor. Pictures on Rays cycles are from
[2Ibidem, p. 121.
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