The Golden Work

Today we celebrate the Earth-Venus conjunction in Aquarius. Along with this heavenly direction that makes us realize the new according to the Decrees of the 5th Ray of Manifestation and the constructive and scientific Force of the Mind (Manas), let us try to orient our thought to this golden polarity of Luminaries, seeking that heart resonance which will enable us to capture the Energies and Ideas that emanate from Them.

Golden Work 1

If Saturn is the Earth’s Master of solar Thought (note Third Ray resonance between them), it is Venus that teaches us to build a thought-form.

The construction of a thought-form is not unlike that of a building. To build a thought is equivalent to building a Temple: the canons and procedures are in fact similar.

Here we think and reckon, in accordance with the indications of esoteric Teaching, that Form, in order to emanate a ‘golden’ quality between its parts, must be built according to the sevenfold Canon of the universe and its Seven Rays or Energies.

Hence the conjunction between the two golden Brothers Earth and Venus makes it appropriate, in order to ‘build the new‘ as the solar Plan demands for this phase of the cycle, to clarify the seven stages of the construction of a living thought form:

1st phase, first Ray, energy of Will/Power, the Purpose:

First, obviously, we need to define precisely the purpose of the Work. In our case we are building together, in the name of the One Humanity, an organic nucleus of thought that could be laid at the basis of the new culture/civilization, and includes the specific forms for the various branches of culture itself. This aim must be fed by the perception of necessity and urgency, by the fire of inner contact which, as a magnet, conveys our psychic energy in that center.

2nd phase, second Ray energy of Love/Wisdom, the Field:

Golden Work 2

Then it is necessary to love such a thought, dream, imagine, nourish, cultivate and know it intimately, as every mother does with the child she is carrying in her womb, or as for the architect who dreams of the building that will emerge, imagining it already finished and living. It is also necessary to find the place to build it: here and everywhere, now and forever, in the consecrated space of our hearts.

3rd stage, the third Ray of Active Intelligence, the Plan:

The third step is to prepare a plan to fulfill the purpose, from which the Project and Program will descend. The plan should evidently be part of a major one that will orient it and determine its rules; this is also the case for the projects of each architect, which must comply with the rules of the town plan.

In the general Plan of our planetary Logos there is a section on the evolution of humanity, looked after particularly by the Hierarchy of the Masters which draws its different phases, updating them according to necessity and human response. Thus to prepare a plan means for us first of all to grasp the outlines of the hierarchical one (which can be found in the Teachings of the Masters and in the signs of the times) and that our consciences will foresee and interpret according to their ability.

Golden Work 3

Our plan will then be deposited and oriented on the Plan of the solar ecliptic, the Plan of all plans of the System, on which every Planet and every creature draws their own. It is a ritual and powerful gesture, that each of us is allowed to make as a center (sun) of his/her field.

4th Phase, fourth Ray, energy of Harmony through conflict, the Model:

The next operation, the fourth, which is always active, is to give the thought form the harmonic consistency with Heaven and beauty, as we have to feel it as a work of art, a “masterpiece”. On the other hand the Man, the planetary Artist, is called to recognize and produce Beauty, imitating the great Architect of the Universe. Every architect should do likewise, after all; even when designing a popular condominium, he should try as much as possible to make it harmonious and resonant respecting the Rules of art, and thus beautiful. Each phase of our construction will be inherently beautiful just because it will be adhering to the universal constructive Canons and reflect the Heaven.

5th stage, energy of the fifth Ray of Manifestation, the Form: The actual construction of the form is accomplished thanks to the energy of the fifth creative Quality, and the first work consists in setting up the building site and bring together the Workers.

After completing this first and decisive intervention, it is needed to dig into the ground and into ourselves to the foundation plan. So, the more elevated the thought form, the greater the required internal excavation will be. It should then have channels that connect the work to the universal energetic sources, making it potentially an independent and living entity. Similarly, when a construction is built, it is immediately required to provide those connections (connections of electricity, gas, plumbing, etc.) that will ensure its vital autonomy.

This is really a delicate moment because, in the construction phase, the power supply station is ourselves via our etheric centers. This means that we will have to take on a specific responsibility that must affect our lives, as it is clear that the consequences of our inner malfunction will affect the entire construction. The same applies to the relationship of every mother with the entity that grows in her womb, and of every builder who, if not watching closely on its work, will endanger the entire construction.

Golden Work 4

The vertical construction of the work can now begin and is accordingly a surge: the outer walls and central pillars rise rapidly, showing the unitary quality of its various parts.

6th stage, energy of the sixth Ray of Idealism and Devotion, Communion and Community:

The sixth step is performed in parallel to the formal construction of the work: it is the very building of the Community of Builders, each of which will be more and more experienced and will carry out its part with increasing mastery and confidence in their teammates. Hence the ties between the builders and between these and the work are strengthened, so that all becomes one: while building the Temple each one builds him/herself and builds the Communion, ruled by the ancient law “from Heart to Heart“, by which a sound of joy and gratitude emanates. Everyone knows to be free in the work and service, each giving the maximum, in the awareness of representing the best that the Community can express in that particular field.

7th stage, energy of the seventh Ray of Order and White Magic, the Irradiation:

The seventh stage marks the final moment: the thought form is completed and must undergo testing before being emitted into Space. Then it undergoes the light of the common heart and, if it occurs that there is nothing more to add and remove, all we can do is to cut the umbilical cord that binds the builder to the construction, the mother to the child, the thought to the thinker. It is needed to make this final act at the right time, neither too early nor late, with wisdom and with blessing love, to free ourselves and our creature, which will have a history and a life span and conduct its existence as any other spatial entity. And so:

“…One by one, in silence, the Builders leave the Temple, opened, as an appeal to men.

The long winter night gives way to day, and in their hearts, little by little, the joy of the accomplished work awakens.

Now they are free. In silence they get reward, they receive their recompense: total freedom, boundless, and in spirit they cheer. 

Light as children the Builders turn their backs to the Temple.

They aim at celestial spaces, empty of forms, where all is One. (1)

(1) Taken from: The Building of the Temple, unpublished text by Enzio Savoini, 1979
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One Response to The Golden Work

  1. Nancy C. says:

    Such wonderful work being done on TPS…thank you for sharing with all.

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