Government and Responsibility

The human Mind, when inspired from Above, captures the harmony of higher Principles and responds with thoughts, words and winged actions. This is the real meaning of the word responsibility: the chant (spondeo) of response (re) to the call of Life.

GR1All of us are destined to be rulers, having more or less consciously reincarnated to gain experience in form, giving up our acquired degree of freedom to spend it in favor of the Common Good (that is, the greatest degree of freedom obtainable in each circumstance, considering the terrestrial and celestial situation). Thus we are all called to assume our responsibility, that is, to insert ourselves in the chant of response to the call of Life rising from the entire Universe.

The music of the spheres mentioned in the teachings might be the very chant emanating from the assumption of responsibility by the great Consciousnesses which take charge of governing planets, stars, galaxies, as well as by the lesser ones who mindfully govern all other individual existences.

The idea of responsibility suggests to us this endless chain and Man, who has free will and is a creator at his/her level, is responsible for all actions, not only in front of him/herself but, as the Teachings say, of the entire Cosmos: a Cosmos which really helps us, as the great chant rising from it supports the chant of those who timidly begin to take part in it.

How can we thus insert ourselves in the chant? First, trying to feel it in the middle of the daily noise, that is: beginning to look and listen to what is between things and events; recognize with the ears of the heart the sound that emanates from the rare words consciously uttered by those who take them in charge; learn to listen to the silence, trying to grasp the call of Life that resonates in Space always and everywhere and is addressed to each of us. Its subtle vibration is initially heard at times and a great concentration is needed to maintain the perception, so essential to govern.

GR2The chant calls and evokes resonances; It is a unique chant that branches out into innumerable rivulets of intervals, scales, sequences of notes which saturate every level of Space; It is a wedding chant as it blends naturally Heaven and Earth, the two Origins which are a Unity.

When we start to hear the chant of which we are a part, our lives will naturally orient themselves to it, the internal fires are transmuted and the lower self goes gradually into the background; the focus shifts and a more powerful light, the soul’s light, attracts us. So we begin to recognize our sound, then to emit and use it, that is, begin to give the first uncertain answers and understand the purpose which has caused us to incarnate and take on its responsibility. This tends our inner strings and calls for all possibilities: the ability to answer is thus the first, decisive act of government, that is of service to the common Good, which Humanity will learn to accomplish thanks to the progressive influence of the New Era axis: Aquarius-Leo.The motto of the man who individualizes in Leo asserts: “Let other forms exist. I rule.” Later, when s/he recognizes the Sound and enters the Chant, s/he says “I am That and That am I”, beginning to govern to serve in the endless chain of responsibility and becoming a source of Freedom or of “Water of Life poured forth for the thirsty men”, according to the ascendant motto of Aquarius.

From Agni Yoga Collection, Fiery World I § 522:

“Does having no cares befit humanity? Some confuse having no cares with reliance upon Hierarchy. They hold that because they have been incarnated here someone must be made responsible for them. But the Great Service is great solicitude. One cannot imagine a day or an hour when a man may be without care, that is to say, can dispense with thinking. Thus, care must not be regarded as an arid burden, but rather as a distinguishing quality of man. Among the privileges of the Bodhisattvas, solicitude for everything that exists is the gem of their crown. Likewise, solicitude should be welcomed as the kindling of Fire. Not petty reflections, but a most solicitous thought strikes sparks of light from the heart. It is unwise to avoid cares, for one must make haste with the fires of the spirit. Those who fear cares reveal but meager accumulations. The experienced wayfarer says, “Burden me with care when I enter the Beautiful Garden.” Man, who has received the gift of thinking, has accepted not the least of these responsibilities…”

The water of Life is mental substance, burning thought, the essential contribution of which humanity must take on to achieve the common Good. This is the ring for which mankind is responsible in the chain, and this is its glory. The coming age of Aquarius will mark a transition of consciousness that will reverberate at this level; likewise, the chant of response, the taking on of responsibility, will no longer resonate on the vibration of the concrete mind, but on that of the abstract and intuitive mind. It is on this foundation that the new world will be built.


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2 Responses to Government and Responsibility

  1. Pingback: A Matrix of the New Culture/Civilization | TPS Blog – English Area

  2. Nancy C. says:

    This is wonderful, Marinella!

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