The Three Recognitions

(In order to celebrate the today heliocentric conjunction between Mercury and Neptune — Harmony between all parts, the recognition of the deep Wisdom of Substance/Waters, the Communion of Souls… — here are some extracts from The 3 Recognitions, a paper about the conscious cooperation toward the common Good).

Between worlds

God sleeps in the rock (1st kingdom)

Dreams in the plants (2nd kingdom)

Stirs in the animals (3rd kingdom)

Awakens in humans (4th kingdom)

And Shines in the realm of Souls (5th kingdom)


“The Ageless Wisdom indicates that a major task for humanity is building a path of consciousness – a ‘rainbow bridge’ – to connect the 4th and the 5th kingdoms so that through this living link a flood of much needed light and love can enter our earthly planes.

(…) Cooperation and ‘right relations’ with Nature is usually seen as the way in which we wisely use the resources of the planet, how we respect the plants and animals as well as how we treat each other. Maybe it is time to expand our concept to include how we commune and cooperate with the Kingdom of Souls as partners in a great Plan of Light.

(…) If we see all these realms as aspects of One Planetary Life then cooperation between the Fourth and the Fifth kingdoms is simply Life communing with Itself in a deeper and more intentional way than ever before.

Closer cooperation between the Kingdom of Souls (often referred to as the Hierarchy) and humanity is therefore a sign of a natural and healthy relationship occurring within an integrated and sentient planetary eco- system.

(…) Seen in this new light, each of our group endeavors constitutes interdependent points of expression and diverse aspects of a grand strategy to materialize the beauty of a Divine Dream. This Divine Dream will be achieved through a concerted celebration of ‘splendid multi-formity’ requiring the active participation of every living soul in cooperation with the Subtle Worlds.

Just as the carrot seed contains the pattern and promise of the crunchy carrot so the vision alive in the Planetary Logos contains the pattern and promise of a tangible “heaven on earth”. This pattern is what we refer to as the Divine Plan. Right now it is being streamed to us ‘live’ from the heart of the Kingdom of Souls into the ethers of our collective human consciousness to ignite and mobilize us.

The promise within any seed can only be shown by being sown and grown and, likewise, the Dream of the Logos depends on the creative imagination and labor of humanity to give it shape and substance. It has been said that we are the ‘hands and feet’ of the Kingdom of Souls here on Earth.

Perhaps the joyful call we are sensing is the registering of an inspiration to create a masterpiece that is not confined to canvas or marble but encompasses and utilizes the entire world.

The building of a New Civilization infused with the qualities of the Soul is an artwork of the highest order. The full flowering of this daring vision may take several hundreds or thousands of years to accomplish but the time to sow the seeds and to prepare the soil is definitely now.

Creating the right psychological soil conditions within the human family to receive the fiery Seed of New Possibilities requires the practice of a spiritual horticulture that neutralizes the acidity of criticism and hatred and adds the beneficial and enriching elements of joy, compassion, respect and goodwill.

Through this pragmatic and spiritual approach we are helping to lay the foundations of the desired new world and deliver on the Divine Promise.

(…) Like each one of us, the sacred eco-system we call Planet Earth is also evolving and seeking to fulfill the light-filled promise of its destiny within the greater Solar Family. Evolving lives within evolving lives within evolving lives.

The Tibetan teacher Master DK explains that three things are required of humanity to create the right psycho-spiritual soil conditions in which the solar seed containing this light-filled planetary promise can germinate and flourish. They are: acceptance of the reality of the Soul, recognition of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the realization of a Divine Plan.

(…) We know from the Ageless Wisdom teachings that a major task for those who are called to serve this Plan is to help prepare the way for the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ. In other words, the work of creating a bridge of resonance that facilitates direct communion and cooperation between humanity and the Kingdom of Souls as well as establishing a fecund field for the emergence and appearance of the Christ Presence that lives within the heart of each person.

One way to assist in the ‘externalization’ is to approach this task as a process of ‘internalization’. By contacting and embodying the qualities and characteristics of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Presence of the Soul eventually becomes an ‘internalized’ reality within the group consciousness of humanity.

(…) The soul qualities referred to include compassion, wisdom, light, love, joy and goodwill. Once a certain degree of embodiment has been reached then the group field becomes a magnetic point of precipitation for the Plan.”


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One Response to The Three Recognitions

  1. Nancy C. says:

    This is wonderful! Thank you Michael L.

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