Toward a planetary Order: the Star Groups

Today Mercury and Uranus, the Masters of the solar Model and Music through Harmony and Order, are heliocentrically conjunct along the initiatory zodiacal axis Aries-Libra and the related Stars of the supreme Constellation Great Bear.

In order to align with this powerful solar Direction (1. Sun/Vulcan – 4. Mercury – 7. Uranus) and celebrate our cosmic Source for the Seven Rays (“the Seven Rishis of Great Bear”) – the cosmic traction of the Star of Life -, here is a video which presents a hypothesis of Ordering based on Its Septenary Law, a Law which is attested by all traditions, at cosmic, solar, planetary and human levels.

(Video available also on the YouTube channel of TPS)

This conjunction between the 1st, 4th and 7th solar Energies occurs in the fiery initiatory Sign Aries, which is essentially the mental power of creating.

Humanity must learn to create the Future with the fiery power of the Higher Mind (Manas) to serve the will of the Heart (Atma-Buddhi): we must (learn to) unite through harmony on Earth to “seal the door where evil dwells”.

And the Septenary Law just show ‘how’ to do it, being the Order of Life into Form.

Rainbow on Earth

This Law is “psycho-geometrically” represented by the 6-pointed and 7 centers Star, the Seal of Solomon (actually belonging to all ancient cultures and not only to the Jewish one), a symbol impressed in Heaven by the “composite cycle” between Jupiter and Saturn every 60 years, as well as the one between Mercury and Venus every 15 months, or between Jupiter and Uranus every 84 years (see video: Celestial Geometries: and, in italian, I Cicli composti – The Compound Cycles).

The Star Order reveals that very universal Model which can reflect the Seven Principles at the base of manifestation and the mode of operation of Life and its creatures. Thus it is proposed here as the resolving way to coordinate and integrate differences into a Unity; to learn and work together for the realization of the Common Good or Purpose, both in group work or between groups, as in human “right relationships”.

This sevenfold Law becomes intelligible thanks to Science of Sound or Pythagorean Harmonics, rediscovered by Hans Kaiser in the last century and adapted by Enzio Savoini to the esoteric Science of the Seven Rays by A. A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master (see “A Treatise on the Seven Rays”, Lucis Collection), and tested for decades by certain Italian groups.

The seven basic Intervals of the propagation of Sound exemplify the 7 qualities or values needed to make a Harmony out of a disorganized set: a rainbow, an orchestra, a solar system, One Humanity: a planetary Order.

Terra a fiore della Vita

A coordinated cooperation towards a common Purpose is indeed possible if a group of centers has a structure and an orientation. And the seven-functioned structure is the one indicated by the Wisdom of each tradition for all beings endowed with consciousness: “Space is conquered by a system of seven centers“.

The video goes on to present the natural evolution of the Star Work: the Lambdoma, the 49 centers Order or System, the Model of integration and synthesis among consciousnesses, functions and activities of a group, be this a human or a planetary body, or beyond.

Stella e Lambdoma

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3 Responses to Toward a planetary Order: the Star Groups

  1. Antonella N. says:

    Adding this comment, from a sharing on FB in Blavatsky-Bailey-Roerich page:

    Star Groups and Lambdoma matrix are based on the universal septenary/sevenfold Law.

    Different organizing Numbers or Principles, different Group functions for the evolution of planetary consciousness.

    Some possible comparison inferred from the Teachings:

    1-3-7 : paradigm for Life
    2-4-6-12 : for Space
    7 in rapport with 12 : for Consciousness=Spirit/Substance or Light=Energy/Matter

    The relationship between the motion of solar Luminaries and the Earth year, taken as unit of measure, is illuminating in this respect:

    7 years in each zodiacal Sign for Uranus (7th Ray and 1st Scheme of Synthesis – according to A.A.Bailey’s Esoteric astrology)

    12 years for Jupiter’s “year” or Its revolution around the Sun, 1 earthen year in each Sign – Jupiter 2nd Ray

    7×12= 84 Uranus’ year or revolution (which contains 3 revolution years of Saturn 3rd Ray 84:3=28)
    …and Neptune (6th Ray and 2nd Scheme of Synthesis) is the Octave or double of Uranus ~ 164-168 years = 24×7

    Number 5 of Manas and mental principle (where humanity can unite with the soul level and groups) comes, according to this “psycho-maths” key, from 12 – 7 = 5 but also from 7/12=0,508…

    Saturn (3) and Jupiter (2) draw (2+3=5) around Sun/Vulcan (1) both a 6 pointed and a 5 pointed Stars each 60 years (12×5):

    Mysteries seem really anchored in heavenly motion, in the systemic cycles and directions of the manifest Bodies of solar Centers/Luminaries. That is why we can think that the unfolding of the evolutionary planetary Plan must follow the solar Plan set by Them.

    An ashramic harmonic Matrix reflected on Earth (Below) and the dynamic development of the solar Plan (Above) should be united and embodied in human consciousness (from higher Manas/causal level downwards), before by a prototype of the New Group of World Servers, then by all Humanity itself, progressively and in due time.
    That is our vision essentially and service for a new solar Culture and Civilization on Earth.

    Now it is time for sowing this Idea of a planetary hierarchical/human Order and the fruits will come progressively through the Aquarian Age.

  2. Antonella N. says:

    yes Risa, we are available for any other sharing and co-working towards this human “harmonic synthesis”

  3. Risa says:

    This information leads us to further research & to greater learning together – ever widening circles of thought & understanding leading to synthesis. Understanding this as a musician. Harmony of the Spheres. Thank you. Risa

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