Merak-Earth-Sun alignment

bigdipperdirectionsToday, February 7th, the systemic relationship of our Earth is qualified by the energy of Merak (star of the Great Bear) along the Aquarius-Leo axis: analogically, the Personality (Earth) is between the Soul (Sun) and the Monadic First Ray (Merak-Great Bear) projected on the causal sphere of the earth (ecliptic meridian).

A particularly powerful and favorable Impulse and Sound urges consciousness towards the Will of unity and synthesis, causing a profound integration between all planes of living substance: thus, the Water of Life (Aquarius) can be poured, as above so below, in the heart of Humanity, driving its consciousness to the planetary service to the Will-to-Good

Merak is a pure  First Ray (will, power) center, directly connected to Aries, the sign of beginnings, and to Vulcan, the 1st Ray invisible Planet which is called “the Heart of the Sun”. Thus Earth receives, along this celestial proportion, and presumably in a special way on this day every year, a cosmic and solar sparkle towards Oneness.
The Seven Rishis of the Great Bear, the “Saptariksha with shining crests”, are given the very nature of the seven great Planetary Spirits of the Solar Logos/System, through Which the Big Dipper is expressed – being Their cosmic prototype. There is a direct exchange of energies between the Lives of the seven most developed planets of our solar system, the “sacred Planets”, and the beautiful and unfathomable Lives Who inform this highest Constellation.
The esoteric Teachings tell us that the Seven Sages of the Great Bear express the life of “the One of Whom nothing can be said”, being Its seven Head centers, i.e., the positive focal points of the seven major cosmic energies/rays as well as the positive pole of the Seven Sisters of Pleiades, the open cluster from which our solar system is supposed to originate.

svastica-orsa-maggioreThe entire constellation of Ursa Major, combined with the Pleiades and the sun Sirius, is the cosmic Spiritual Triad which governs the spiral cyclic activity of our solar system. This cosmic Triad is the driving force of any advancement and life progress. These “Seven Spirits before the Throne” are, ultimately, the prototype of the Seven Centres of Humanity and of each human being.

Thus the energies of the Big Dipper are essentially in relation with the Will or Purpose of our solar Lord or Logos, and especially the star Merak, which with the other star Dubhe indicates Polaris (our current directive and re-orienting Star), manifesting the three aspects of divine will:

“Astrologers will do well (in connection with the horoscopes of disciples and particularly of initiates) to consider the two Pointers and the Pole Star. They are mysteriously connected with the three aspects of incarnated man—Spirit, soul and body. (…) These three stars are embodiments of the three aspects of divine will.”

“Aries, the initiator of impulses (either the impulse to incarnate or the impulse to return to the originating source) is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name “Pointer” in common parlance. This Pointer is a “major star of direction” because through it (in this world cycle) flows the will to unify and to bring about synthesis. This is the force which brings about the fusion or integration of the personality, the at-one-ment of personality and soul, the unification of humanity or the Great Approach of the Hierarchy to Humanity. It will produce also the integration of our Earth into the body of the “sacred planets” and the consequent establishing of a triangle of force composed of the Pointer, Aries and our Earth. This triangular relationship will have a potent effect upon the solar system as well as upon the planet itself and is also one of the factors producing the shift in the Earth’s axis. Related to this triangle is a secondary one within our sun’s orbit, composed of Vulcan, Pluto and the Earth. In the Archives of the Great Lodge this is referred to symbolically as:

First Ray triangles

(Extracts from: A. A. Bailey, “Esoteric Astrology”, Lucis Collection).

The human planetary Order which our synthesis of human spirits essentially is, oriented to the crucial date of 2025, receives and transmits the cosmic Ray of celestial Will, the Ray of our Planetary Monad and of Its Head center or Government, Shamballa. This cosmic 1st Ray impulsion is impressed and sown, on the Ecliptic Plane of Love and Light and in all human hearts, through the 1st Department of this Order or hierarchical Humanity and seven relevant Intentions, Directions or Formulas, for the benefit of our beloved Blue Planet.

As it has been sown for the 2nd ray on Sun-Earth-Sirius alignment, the human Hierarchy impresses on Earth a First ray thought-form made of seven living centers:


1.2 I am the power of Love

1.3 I am initiatory Light

1.4 I am the sound of Beauty

1.5 I am the creative principle of Thought

1.6 I am the radiant matrix of Unity

1.7 I am the will to Synthesis



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5 Responses to Merak-Earth-Sun alignment

  1. Pingback: DIWALI - The return of the sun - Celestial Thyme Natural Incense

  2. john says:

    Gracias; just discovered your site. Good work 🙂

  3. DearTabby says:

    Especially love the prayer/mantram at the end. Extremely important information for the times. Thank you!

  4. Rachel Verdon says:

    Is all this from de Bailey’s book ???

    • Antonella N. says:

      What is not an excerpt into quotes is equally inferred from DK indications in Esoteric Astrology. The ecliptic alignment on Feb 7th is a fruit of our observation: starting from the first decade of February till March 20th close to the Equinox (Aries-Libra axis associated to the distribution of Great Bear energy through the Sun), the Sun-Earth axis is aligned with the main 7 Rishis/Stars of Great Bear, the source of 7 Rays.

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