Today, June 15, 2017, is the second solar encounter between Earth and Saturn in the Sign of Sagittarius (Sun/Vulcan in Gemini),* a powerful Impulse carving new paths from the causal level of Ideas – the Powers precipitating into Events.
Trying to interpret this ‘solstitial’ conjunction, consecrated to intelligent creativity (designated as the 3rd Ray of both Earth and Saturn, as well as of Humanity), it can be said that this Direction and Arrow thrown by the Solar Archer directs the fiery hearts to set up the Future through a Plan, an integrated system of evolutionary Goals. These are those archetypes that, if scientifically manifested, will realize the New Aquarian Humanity and Culture.
In this passage of Eras, all of us, more or less consciously, know that we are experiencing a great moment in planetary history, tragic yet unique in its evolutionary and ‘resolution’ potential.
In this urgency, we cannot “lose the Dates”. We must consciously plan our Future, beginning from the causal plane, toward a growing communion of intent and more and more in conformity with the heavenly Rhythms:
“… the more we ascend into the hierarchy of creatures, the better the Rites of the Cosmos are observed and the greater are the power and precision of the effects. Below the human level, ritual dictates are respected, but unconsciously; above, cooperation is perfected and voluntary. Man is the degree of passage from one to the other form of obedience, which entails a great crisis of growth … Those creatures that follow the general rhythm take advantage of it, for their sake and their own undertakings: here is the duality of that one act which is the Invocation-Evocation. Nothing happens if the seeds are not thrown (invocation) at the right moment, but if the stimuli (= centers) are set, energy propagates through them and models their developments (evocation).”**
The TPS project, invoking and evoking the propulsive and creative energy of this solar Direction, presents one of the most beautiful and precious pearls of Thought for the construction of the Future: a first human formulation of the hierarchical Plan for the evolution of humanity, “The Distant Goals – compendium 2017”, that is also presented in the text Asserting the Planetary Plan and in the video of the June solstice webinar for the 2025 Initiative: Preparing the Way.
We present the work of the one who considered the theoretical foundations of a new culture and a new civilization based on universal geometric and sound laws, opening a new way for human awareness of our greater function and destiny. A true teaching flourished by the triple Seed of the Tibetan Master, Agni Yoga and Harmonics is flowing when the old world is increasingly shattered and Future is already setting up and calling us to the new Enterprise.
Thus here is not presented the work of a man, but that of a disciple who was the channel of expression of group consciousness – the very foundation of the rising age – suggesting its laws, methods and attitudes. Here is a hierarchical Model for a free and organized group, in essence an in-depth analysis of the science of Triangles of the Tibetan Master.
The seven Rays‘ energies – the cornerstone of His Teaching – are decoded according to sound laws and find a real and effective experimentation field that makes it possible to arrange and operate in a geometric, numerical, and sonorous order in group formation, in imitation of the Flower of Life (see the relative video The Star Groups and the Laws of Sound).
A free and natural structure emerges: a structure which organizes the many without constraining, where each one is able to express him/herself at best for the benefit of the whole and the common goal; a group idea intended not just as a set of people, but as a powerful, sound and luminous energy network, capable of achieving the preset goals for the benefit of the whole.
The six-pointed star geometry teaches the bonds science to human atoms and these molecules join, as in a crystal, in a living set of stars called a Lambdoma.
Today’s responsive humanity is offered a practical and at the same time highly spiritual solution, which is necessary nowadays since man is increasingly “global”, but less and less united and above all somewhat disoriented.
This text, therefore, is destined to the most sensitive and ready consciousnesses, which have the avant-garde and pioneer role, and offer practical means to build the New. It does not expose beautiful concepts or fascinating theories, but a model or project for a planetary work that has the effect of making more effective the tasks and specificities that each group or each individual recognizes as their own, and to link them in a singular set or System, or Order.
A luminous fabric of warp and weft shines, a matrix made up of hearts and living consciousnesses that, like atoms in crystals, arrange themselves in subtle structures and geometries.
They are free and oriented, united in a common work, multiple and different for each one. The science of the right relationships gradually emerges from the usual mists.
In the text “The Distant Goals” it is offered a formulation of the Plan entrusted by the Hierarchy to Humanity, the value of which is to be verified in each one’s heart.
The text opens with a table of 49 functions (7 x 7), a table of Rays and sounds. Seven goals, indicated by the Tibetan Master as the “immediate” future of humanity, constitute the main axis. They were numbered according to the quality of their Rays and ordered following a harmonic or sound principle. The text is dedicated to illustrate the 42 functions that lead to those goals. They are both vortexes of energy and progressive phases of development.

A first hypothesis for the Planetary Plan (its current first 49 Cycle is from 1987 to 2035)
In this new dispensation, the function and responsibility of the Italian nation and spirit as a contribution to the planetary One Work can be recognized. In fact, Its mission is “carving the paths”; so the Tibetan Master synthesizes Italy’s task in the global work for the common Good, and also indicates Italy as the place for 3rd Ray Initiations: “Those who take initiation on the line of the Mahachohan, or on the third ray, will take it at the advanced occult school in Italy.” (From: A. A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation”, Lucis Collection).
In order to clear and deepen our vision and understanding of the Planetary Plan, as well as to better present the formulation and matrix of the 49 Goals, the translation of a new document is currently underway. Here is the introduction:
There is a Plan of Evolution for Humanity.
This Plan brings into being a Planetary Purpose.
Starting from these assumptions, as indicated by the texts of Esoteric Teaching,[1] a first Formulation of the evolutionary Plan envisaged for the Human Group is presented here.
The Plan of Evolution for Humanity is part of a more general planetary Plan, inscribed in turn in a solar, cosmic and ultimately universal Plan.
The working out of this part of the Planetary Plan depends on human consciousness, which must learn to become more responsive or responsible, but is set up and constituted by the Will and Energy of higher Beings and Consciousness.
In this Hierarchy of Beings indicated as the Rulers of human evolution and of other kingdoms of nature, there are two major sections: one is defined as the Custodians or Executors of the Plan[2] and the other as the “Creative Contemplatives of the Planet” those Lives and Energies receiving and transmitting the Planetary Purpose.[3]
The Plan of Evolution, as it will be developed in this paper, is in essence the substantial energy or energized substance of the planetary Purpose, and of Its Registrants; It is Their magnetic and creative energy.
Accordingly, so that the Purpose can be revealed on Earth, it is evidently necessary that Humanity, the “centre of awareness”, expands progressively its capacity of vision of the Plan, inclusiveness and identification with the Whole:
“One may ask (and rightly ask) wherein all this information can be of use to us in the midst of a troubled and bewildered world.
For obvious reasons, a vision of the Plan, nebulous as it must necessarily be, confers a sense of proportion and also of stability. It leads to a much-needed re-adjustment of values, indicating as it does, that there is purpose and objective behind all the difficult happenings of daily life. It broadens and widens and expands the consciousness, as we study the great volume of the planetary life, embracing as it does the detail and the finished structure, the item man, and the entire life of the planet, with their relation to the greater Whole. This is of far more importance than the minute detail of the human being’s individual capacity to grasp his own immediate place within the larger picture…
… It is not, however, a profitless task for the disciples and aspirants to catch the dim outline of that structure, that purpose and that destiny which will result from the consummation and fruition of the Plan on earth. It need evoke no sense of futility or of endless striving or of an almost permanent struggle. Given the fact of the finiteness of man and of his life, given the tremendous periphery of the cosmos and the minute nature of our planet, given the vastness of the universe and the realisation that it is but one of countless (literally countless) greater and smaller universes, yet there is present in men and upon our planet a factor and a quality which can enable all these facts to be seen and realised as parts in a whole, and which permits man (escaping, as he can, from his human self-consciousness) to expand his sense of awareness and identity so that the form aspects of life offer no barrier to his all- embracing spirit… [T]here will be those on earth who can vision the Plan with clarity, and whose vision will be far more inclusive and comprehending than ours. Vision is of the nature of divinity. Expansion is a vital power and prerogative of Deity. Therefore let us struggle to grasp what is possible at our particular stage of development, and leave eternity to reveal its hidden secrets.”[4]
Let us then seek to deepen the vision of the hierarchical Plan, to understand it better through thought illuminated by love for All, in order to learn to cooperate more and more consciously with it. Only by activating our fundamental will-to-Good can we connect to the substantial energy of the planetary Plan, and thus serve, in Group consciousness, the higher Purpose and Will:
“when [certain factors are] connected with each other through linking streams of energy”, they can function consciously in the service of the Greater One.[5]
It is only through expansion and evolution of human Group Consciousness that the restoration of the Plan of Love and Light on Earth can be ensured, as recited in the fourth stanza of the Great Invocation:
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Dear Ann,
Thank you for the excellent work of the webinar and for having participated in it. With love, Zipporah
Thank you, Zipporah
The maps are giving hope, beauty and love.
Thanks Zip,
as part of the “impressing agents”, our will-to-good and goodwill are helping the precipitation of the Divine Plan, heavenly Ideas and Necessity into the new Aquarian Culture and Order.
Let this first possible Formulation and Thought-Formula of the Plan accelerate the salvation of humanity and planet through the “causal building” of the Future.