The Art of Governing

At the edge of the First Sign AriesLife of Resurrection, Union through Striving, in order to celebrate its Will energy, we translate some great thoughts* concerning this cosmic Energy applied to the human level:

“The lesson that leads the responsible free will to replace desire as a driving force is fundamental, yet is expressed with those few words that in the Christian tradition were addressed by the Son of God made man to the heavenly Father:

Not My Will, but Yours, be done

This means learning to live as a spiritual individual capable of managing the Will, a great cosmic mystery. In fact, only the spiritual individual can manage it, and only if he observes the aforementioned Rule, which excludes any impulse not descending from above. Performing the higher Will requires a total adherence to the celestial Model

… Universal Will and individual freedom are two aspects of a single reality, they are the model of the general Government. The symbol and instrument of this truth is orientation, which is specific for the individual and transcendent for the absolute, in a perfect balance.

Inseparable from the Will, which is the Power, are the Mysteries. They confer power because they teach the use of the Will. They are initiatory Agents, because they launch the first impulse, directed to the purpose, but leave free the possibilities of development. They guarantee the attainment of the aim, whatever are the human reactions to the energies thus set in motion. It is a work that is mysterious, yet not secret, since it can be traced through the careful, general and rhythmic study of history, which nothing can prevent. The Mysteries are not only an initiatory institute, dedicated to raising the best prepared consciousnesses: they are also an organ which stimulates and guides, by internal lines, the human race towards the evolutionary Goals of the Plan. In fact, it is essential to control both the excitations of growth and the stagnation of decadence. The restoration of the Mysteries (which is the first Goal of the forthcoming planetary Plan) is an imminent event, which derives from the harmonious psychic relationship between the planet and the solar System: it will be its liturgical celebration, and at the same time the first act of Government of a new world, bearer of a new culture …

… The true Government is in the hands of those (the Initiates) who are able to be channels or instruments of the higher Will, and their mandate concerns the whole of human activity … Here is the first act of the Art of Government: trying to perceive the deep energy currents and follow them with the power of thought, favoring their flow, which means respecting the cosmic Right

… In this way we begin to understand the Mystery. This passage is accomplished by an act of one’s own Will, not because we are carried away by a superior benevolent force. On that boundary, the forces are sublimated into energies, and this implies the abandonment of desire as a driving force, replaced by free will.”

It is also worth remembering what he wrote about governing:

“Governing takes hold of the centers. This is its technique. It is not about a conquering, according to the use of false power which usurps the true government. It does not force nor impose. By its nature, governing gives freedom: how could it act by subjugating anything? The centers of authentic governance are such because they are free, and their power is in proportion to the degree of freedom they can administer.

To ensure good governance it is therefore necessary to free the centers, from which the true power will flow into the environment hosting them. If one looks at the today general situation, these propositions seem unattainable even when they are recognized as true. Giving or granting freedom still nowadays seems the most dangerous action for any government of any human structure, large or modest. Yet freedom is not something that is “granted”: it is a constituent reality of spirit, and there is no reason to continue to believe that spirit has no say in concrete matters.

Thus it is evident how urgent is to “plan an education concerning governance”, combining the essential trinity of spirit together [1. Govern-Power/Will, 2. Education-Love, 3. Planning-Light]. Although it seems difficult to take this path, which no people has ever traveled (as it is known today), we do not see another alternative. If the principle of freedom rules governance, one must rely on these principles, inaugurating the most difficult path which is certainly the best. It is about assisting the centers in their effort to free themselves from the chains of preconceptions, malice, the weaknesses of illusions in general, and attachments. Those who free themselves govern, according to their share of freedom.

It transpires from these thoughts that true government does not issue decrees. Its liberating action is irresistible because it does not manifest itself with prohibitions and does not appear in visible signs. The model of governing is that of the serene and unfathomable Heaven, the perfect symbol of ordered freedom.

It should be noted that this brings down today’s political conception, which presupposes the source of power at the bottom, and furthermore entrusts it to the quantity of consensus. True elections are exercised from above and from the wise and experienced few … True Government cannot but always be in the hands of those who know how to be channels or instruments of higher Will, and their mandate concerns the whole of human activities … on the contrary, today politics is so much misunderstood, deformed and corrupt that it is impossible to understand it as the supreme social art

Contemporary human society, free but not yet supported by these conceptions, develops, in a serious state of confusion, different destinies for each of its members, without clear programs. The result is a state of fierce contrast and opposition, which prevents it from advancing with joy and order towards the spiritual goals awaiting us; therefore, we linger on the path of the concrete … This approach clips our wings, as it offers scarce and poor possibilities, but so far we haven’t been able to find a way to get rid of it.

Thus, modern man is really persuaded that he can do what he wants continuing along this path, because he does not see the signs of a real danger, which nonetheless abound. The future, however, can be thought of as the envelope of all the unmanifest cycles, the largest of which are so vast to not react to the worst human actions, being totally indifferent to them. The Galaxy to which the Solar System belongs is certainly not influenced, in its life, by the nefarious political or social conduct of a crazed terrestrial humanity; equally not even the limpid depths of the majestic and solemn solar spaces are disturbed by our reckless behavior.

The false power deceives those invested with some authority but  short-sighted … We do not look to the future and cannot understand that the future is not hostile to man, does not set traps, nor threatens us; they/we do not understand that it is a marvel towards which man advances, day by day.

That man who advances looking back to preserve what he believes is the good of the past, does not understand that the true good is not in the forms, but in their content, which is inalienable and lives in the heart, condensed and kept in that center.

It must be said, however, that despite the situation, the interest in the fate of the world appears to be growing gradually. We are learning to recognize the necessity to collaborate with the higher intelligences that govern evolutionary destinies. It is increasingly understood that the planetary system needs the contribution of every being, albeit minimal, and that it nourishes and helps us to be helped in turn. The concept that the planet educates and raises its ‘coworkers’ is gaining ground. Besides, the individual achievements hitherto sought as a necessary spiritual conquest, are taking a back seat to the increasingly significant emergence of the sincere intent of serving, in every way, the great planetary and solar enterprise. What was previously perceived as a goal to be attained is now seen as a consequence, if circumstances ever demand it; the priority of Service appears ever more clear to the consciousness.”

We read in the Teaching that we are living a time full of hope and harbinger of great changes, and therefore, ‘right’ for every transformation.

And this also explains an increasingly felt urgency of looking into the future in a new way, to learn, little by little, to draw clear, collective designs, consonant with the Plan, motivated by love, expressions of that Art of the Government of the new Culture capable of laying the foundations for a new Civilization.

The time has come to understand that it is right to inaugurate a new, more powerful cycle of work which can lead to a fusion of human minds, to the application of wisdom in every manifestation and to a deep collaboration with the spiritual Government of the world.

This means moving to the higher level of consciousness. The minor consciousness must decentralize yet not cancelling itself … the major can always understand and include the minor. Taking as reference the solar system, it is a matter of centralizing the consciousness in the Sun instead of holding it within the planet, which continues its path, but seen and known from above. In this way we understand the meaning of “expansion”, which illustrates the different vastness of the planetary or solar domains. Both are unlimited, due to the infinite law of Space, but the “expressed power” is noticeably different.

It is from the solar Logos (the center of government of the System) that Ideas come giving rise to Formulas and Forms, and feeding the various cycles of planetary and human evolution. It is therefore natural that a true Government is required to “dwell” in that same igneous and causative inner place, and to grasp the ideas, to incarnate them and preserve their power in order to associate them in Formulas according to the needs of the Plan. In this way also the Government of the new world will know how to adhere to the Model of the Real Government, understand the centrality of the Heart, reflect the harmony of the Cosmos and conform the principles of any expression to those hierarchical.

Thus It will have the capacity to assume the responsibility of the Center and establish the canons of the correct interaction between politics and government. Its mastery will be such that every expression will be a source of freedom, lead to the common Good and direct to the solar Plan.

* by Enzio Savoini, underlinings are by Editor.

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