The Network of the Essential Unity

In order to celebrate the today heliocentric alignment between the 1st and 6th Rays embodied by Pluto and Mars* in the initiatory Sign of Capricorn  the transformative and regenerative powers which destroy obstacles to the reunion with Reality and Truth -, here are some illuminating thought-forms about this energy Vortex and relationship which veils and transmits the divine Work of the Weaver and the Unifier.

Let these causal energies, potentialities and functions become active powers in the common Heart of Humanity, that “place of fire” from where we can constantly assert the Plan of Love and Light on Earth (see here the whole document about the 49 Goals or egoic Functions for the restoration of the Planetary Plan).

POLARITY 1.6 – 6.1

Restoration of the Mysteries and New World Religion are the central Goals guarded by Vortex 1.6 – A thread links all the Centers. The Network and its symmetrical 6.1 – Esotericism of the new world Religion: the power of the 6 unifies and intertwines the parts of a set in order to fully express their individual and collective potentials. Thus it has the power to extract their common essence, destined to return to the Source, to that nucleus of Truth or initial Necessity (1) that determined its existence in form.

This common essence is the true bond between the parts, the substantial energy of the connection network which allows all communications and the unitary nature of the Work. It is that etheric or vital tissue which supports every entity and form, individual and collective, and is the medium of reunification or cohesion to the Divine, to that Sacredness of Space and Heaven which is the true and unique matrix of all Spirituality or Religion.


“… Since time immemorial human beings observe and study the firmament and attempt to link starry lights of those heavenly regions. Thus they recognize some constellations, and this indicates a certain depth of synthesis. They understand that, in spite of appearances, those lights are not isolated and independent, but there are bonds, real though invisible and of unknown value, which link stars together. Contemplation of the starry vault is one of the fundamental and constant researches and shows that our heart is sensitive to universal union. This ensures that man, the seeker, will not be lost.

These words describe Function 1.6, which is precisely requested to link in-line what appears to be dispersed. In this Vortex, as in all, two energies merge: the unity, manifested in the plurality and by its means; and the Six, which ensures communion of all.

In the [human] Group the Vertex 1.6 therefore has the noble concern of realizing the unity of the members, making a single light of their lights. He must link what presents itself as separate. Thus he produces an elastic and resistant tissue, the expression of a great force of cohesion. As it links together, the work of the Vertex 1.6 is religious. As it tends towards unity without nullifying multiplicity, it is sacred.

On account of what has just been said one can recognize the title of Weaver for the Vertex 1.6. The strength of the inner links depend on his interior work and his creative meditation has great value for the System and for its Work. Much depends on this fire.


… This symbol [the lower circle in the symbol] illustrates graphically the many internal relations of the Group … A well-connected system is pulsating and alive … The figure relates the generation of a great power radiating within the Group. The waves press on the periphery which resends them to the center. Equilibrium depends on the strength of the wall that encloses the shape.
When this yields (because the Group has overcome the selfishness of its harmonic welfare and starts to serve) lines are projected impetuously outside and waves invade Space. This is described by the next figure, obtained by reversing the previous graphic process. The Group then is like a Sun, the giver of life and light.

The two images coexist, one dependent on the other. Without inner hierarchical harmony nothing beneficial can be projected. And inner peace is meaningless unless it is offered to serve and build the outer one.”

Seed 1.6

I weave in the Light, proceeding two ways.

I join Centres through innerly directed luminous Rays.
Waves of harmonic resonance emerge, placating Space and tensing it to equilibrium.

I project outwardly directed Rays from all Centres. A brilliant radiation ensues.

The two weavings alternate without cancelling each other.

A rhythmic pulsation results between the ONE and the MANY.

This is my project of Government.



“… Esotericism is a universal phenomenon, or law of nature, which concerns and governs the world of consciousness …

… The Voice calls and its appeal is directed to everybody, concerns everybody, with no exceptions. Yet only a minority listens to it, replies and is chosen. It is precisely at this point that esotericism is born. From then onward, “the goats are separated from the sheep”: between one and the other kind of consciousness a division is formed, a boundary is set up. This is temporary, fictitious and passable and is caused not by the will of the Voice, but by the different human reactions to its appeal …

[It has been even less understood that] the appeal is repeated because it pulsates like everything that lives. This is the same reactive phenomenon as described above, but this is the case both for the outer and the inner or “esoteric” circles. Partitions between consciences multiply. In the long run, spheres or concentric regions of states of consciousness are formed, which become progressively clearer, tenser, more limpid and orderly toward the center from which the Voice resounds.
Each of them is more “esoteric” or inner than the one that precedes it towards the periphery, while is “profane” to the more central ones…

The Voice continues to call until all the spheres progressively come to recognize the Center, where divisions are canceled and equality triumphs. Only in the continuation or becoming of that development a separation between “inside” and “outside” is inevitable. Hence the “esotericism” that is born to good ends still causes envy and suspicion.


The phenomenon thus illustrated is general, so it also acts in the individual human consciousness … This process is well-known and studied in the East, understood in a more gritty way in the West, and as a whole tells the long march towards reality and progressive liberation from the spell, that is, the way of the disciple. 􏰀

This simple concept of esotericism implies and explains the need for initiation, when one passes from one sphere to the other, where one is awaited and received. It is a question of a reaction to the Call and shows that the initiate is always in reality the initiator of himself. Consciousness, from stage to stage, climbs over the barriers which appear to separate the various esoteric halls, and discovers that those distinctions only exist in itself.

… On the basis of these assumptions, it can be understood that the future call sent out by the new world religion will also produce analogous effects: among those invited to the banquet provisional circles will be formed which will repeat the story narrated above, and it will be necessary to watch over this development.

Such is the task of the Vertex 6.1, who does not have the task of separating the esoteric from the profane – which happens spontaneously – but of watching over the process and disciplining the relationships between “inside” and “outside” …

… It must be said now that religious thought is not the only one to have such consequences. It is easy to recognize that something analogous happens also in the dominions of science and art. The Law is universal: the Sound, of whatever nature and sphere, chooses its hearers and these can then be called the chosen …”.

Seed 6.1

The first one exists, yet undefined.

The last one does not exist, yet is real.

I am the Light shining in the crowded desert.

I infuse the Truth around. Hierarchies of hierarchies,

open and communicating, grade the access to the central Fire.




Functionary Formula 1.6 – The Weaver: I am the radiant matrix of Unity

Functionary Formula 6.1 – The Unifier: I call to the central Truth


* The 6th Ray ‘sacred’ Luminary is Neptune but here we consider also Mars as the conjunction Pluto-Neptune is very rare and occurs each 500 years.

Today also Mercury and Venus join in the Sign of Scorpio according to the heliocentric perspective (see the relevant article: Manifestation of the Model).

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