Particularly worthy of mention is the importance of the next full moon on July 27th h.20.22 UT, as Leo’s full moons, associated with Sirius, the ‘Higher Self’ of our Sun, are referred to as “the major, monthly festival” of the new world religion, dedicated to conscious reunion with the Sacredness of Heaven:
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple. Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force. Each of the months of the year will later be dedicated (through accurate astrological and astronomical knowledge) to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 299)
Not only that, this year coincides with a total eclipse of the Moon, the longest of the XXI Century, in conjunction with Mars in Aquarius, now so ‘big’ for its 15-year close approach to Earth, and also particularly red or ‘burning’ in the visible spectrum, due to the presence of strong dust storms in its atmosphere (see
(Graphic artist Larry Koehn of created this animation of the eclipse).
We can infer from these ‘signs of the heaven’, both subjective and objective, that it is necessary that the Heart of Humanity – those who occultly serve planetary evolution – stands at the highest level (Sirio-Leo-Sun), to illuminate the strong lunar or ‘materialistic’ thrusts of this celestial direction: not desire must govern forms, but the conscious will-to-Good, that water of life which will assert the Plan of love and light on Earth:
“The keynotes of this sign are exceedingly well known. They sound out the note of individuality and of true self-consciousness. Many people are convinced that they are self-conscious when they are only swayed by desire and are oriented towards the satisfaction of that desire or when they recognise themselves as the dramatic centre of their universe. Yet the only truly self-conscious person is the man who is aware of purpose, of a self-directed life and of a developed and definite life plan and programme. Where these are present, the inference is that there is mental perception and some measure of integration. To be motivated only by emotion and actuated by desire is no indication of true self-consciousness. In the undeveloped man, it is far more instinctual than is self-awareness. In the truly developed self-conscious man not only is direction, purpose and plan present, but also a consciousness of the active agent of the plan and action.” (Ibidem, p. 288-9)
This apparent antagonism between the aspiration to manifest the spiritual energies of Sirius-Leo-Sun and the materialistic attraction exalted by the eclipse of the Moon find a powerful protagonist in Mars, which exalts the ardor of contention.
It is interesting to remember that “At the third initiation, the Moon (veiling a hidden planet) and Mars bring about a fearful conflict, but at the end the man is released from personality control.” (Ibidem, p. 71)
The Leo-Aquarius axis activated by the Sun-Earth-Moon-Mars direction also calls into question the organizing influence of Uranus (now in a powerful T square to the Sun-Moon axis), the occult or esoterically scientific mind:
“The Moon brings about the inclination to create these conditions which lead to the great and critical transformations of instinct into intellect. This the moon brings about, but Uranus causes the great transference in the human consciousness from intellectual perception to intuitive knowledge.” (Ibidem, p. 139)
Influenced by the splendor of Mars, the divine Warrior Kartikkeya, let us then welcome this invitation of the Teaching to struggle with ardor and ascend by the Solar Fire of Christic Consciousness:

Gombak Selangor Batu-Caves
“Right strivings annihilate the manifestations of contamination. A striving man verily is full of immunity. So it is with those who cross on the rim of the precipice. The best wings are woven by strivings. Even the best antidote will also be striving. The fire born of impetuous tension is the best shield. The ancients have explained how arrows never reach those who are striving …” (Agni Yoga, Heart § 216)
“Exactly with fire and sword is the planet being purified. How otherwise will the consciousness be awakened? The aspiration of humanity is drowned in earthly desires. Waves of gross desires impair each zone of light, and each instant reveals oceans of unrestrained lusts. If humanity would compare Light with darkness, the visible World with the Invisible, then it would indeed be possible to affirm the fiery Truth. In the supermundane spheres the spirit grievously atones for its earthly doings. If one imagines vortices of good or evil, which, as it were, are pulling the spirit into their orbits, then one can manifest an understanding of the cosmic currents. Free will engenders a cause of a cosmic current, and the current of evil or the current of good will be chosen by the spirit through free will, expressed by everyday actions. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World comparison of the currents of good and evil gives the impulse for pure striving.” (Agni Yoga, Fiery World III, § 126)