Signs of the Heavens year 2018 – 4th quarter of cycle

We’ve finally arrived at the last discontinuity of the 2018 annual cycle. In the heliocentric Heaven[1], revealing the deeper evolutionary Causes of the human and planetary advancement, after the critical peak of the last solstice of June, it is now time for evaluations and relaunch, for projection towards the solstice impulse which will usher in the new year.

The Sun-Earth alignment[2] intercepts the equinox axis of the ecliptic orbit, and thanks to this direction, according to the understanding of the Science of the Cycles, the cardinal energies LibraAries (1st -3rd – 7th Ray) transform into active forces in the evolutionary planetary field: in a nutshell, Humanity must now face those crises (Cardinal Cross) favourable to the conscious Choice of the Law of Life (mottos of Libra and Aries: I choose the way which leads between the two lines of forceI come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule).

The equinox Aries-Libra axis is for the Consciousness a vector of Initiation Power (1⬄⇔7), because it releases the impulse of abstraction and of resurgence between form and idea, becoming and being, phenomena and noumena, as it is the entry Door of the cosmic energy of the Ursa Major, the highest constellation, source of the Seven Rays[3] the highest Entities that express themselves through its main Seven Stars are the “positive focal points of the seven principal cosmic energies”.

An astronomical proof of this spatial Relation Ursa Major –Aries/Libra-Sun (Vulcan)-Earth[4] lies in the fact that the last star of the handle of this Big Dipper of the Heavens, the Rishi of 5th Ray Alkaid (Bhrigu in Sanskrit: the One who leads vigorously), is “held” by the Earth-Sun axis on 20th September (or symmetrically on 17th February), ending forty days of alignment on the ecliptic with such a supreme Constellation (the Centre of the Head of our “universe”).

Therefore, it is time for synthesis, for initiation impression, absorbed into the beauty of being.

In particular, from the solar Chart we see the Sign of the Saviour Pisces (2nd – 6th Ray) ruling this fourth equinox impulse: hence, three Luminaries transit therein, in this order: Venus (5th Ray, the Mind used with Wisdom), Mars (6th Ray, the Prince and Principle of Desire and Conflict) and Neptune, the Lord of the solar Waters and of the elevated Sensitivity (6th Ray). The redeeming force needs fiery and sensitive spirits to act in the three formal worlds.

Heliocentric tropical Chart 4th Quarter 2018

Inner Wheel: 23rd Sept 2018 h. 1.54 UT – Outer Wheel: 21st Dec h. 22.23


In this regard, the sextile (60°) between the Princes/Principles of desire-mind (kamâ-manas: Mars – Venus) and of creative intelligence Saturn (3rd Ray) assists harmonically the great Opus of renovation and renewal under way on our Planet. As we have seen in the previous readings, the Lord of Karma, Saturn, is the great protagonist of these years due to his transit into his sign Capricorn (the initiation Peak, source of 1st – 3rd – 7th Ray: Power/Government, Plan/Economy and Order/Organisation), oriented to the fateful meeting with the Reformer and Destroyer Pluto (1st Ray) in January 2020 (last time in such a Sign was in 1518, in full Renaissance).

The square between Pluto and Mercury (4th Ray, the Bridge of Knowledge and Beauty), now in Libra in oppositional tension to the Earth, emphasizes the illuminating and clarifying character of this final fourth cycle.

Anyway, the main heliocentric events of this season concern the transition of the Sign of two Luminaries of “beneficent accomplishment”, both agents of transmission of the universalising energies of the new Era of Aquarius:

–          Uranus (7th Ray, the Lord of the rhythmical Order, exoteric ruler of Aquarius) on 3rd September[5] has entered Taurus (4th Ray: harmonic Construction), initiating on the causal level seven years of luminous reorganisation or of revealing and reorganizing Light;

–          Jupiter, the Master of Love (2nd Ray, esoteric ruler of Aquarius) on 7th October enters Sagittarius (4th -5th – 6th Ray) and teaches to “think big”, attracting to the Truths of Heaven.

Applying these celestial directions to the Goal 5.4 of the current evolutionary Plan, that urges us to the Art of composing the Causes from the plan of the higher Mind or of the human Soul, here are the possible evolutionary right directions of the Seven celestial Principles and Models:

 1) Sun/Vulcan in Libra – Earth in Aries:

The solar Spirit releases the power of Mind

2) Jupiter in Scorpio:

The solar Guide teaches the Art of harmonic construction

Jupiter in Sagittarius (7th October):

The solar Master attracts to the Truths of Heaven

3) Saturn in Capricorn:

The supernal Light initiates into the hierarchical plan

4) Mercury in Libra:

The solar Artist holds the dynamic equilibrium between image and Model

5) Venus in Pisces:

The solar Strength urges to communion with the World of Ideas  

6) Neptune in Pisces:

The solar Christ infuses saving force into the human hierarchy

7) Uranus in Aries:

The solar Initiator irradiates fire of Resurrection

Uranus in Taurus (3rd September):

The solar Hierophant impresses the rhythmic motion of Fire

Such synthetic formulas of the “Signs of the Heavens” of the fourth impulse and quarter of the cycle 2018 can fix into “Seven Rays[6] the next flow of the Solar Plan and its Creative Energy (to follow the flow of the entire annual cycle see Solar Rituality and Ephemerides for the year 2018). 

It is for us therefore, as apprentices of the Celestial Men, to ever improve ourselves in following the solar evolutionary Plan, in order that the higher Purpose is revealed (see: Asserting the Planetary Plan).


At the inverse geocentric level, which is pertinent to the precipitation of causal energies on the Planet up to the individual level,

Geocentric Heaven 4th Quarter 2018

Inner Wheel: 23rd Sept 2018 h. 1.54 UT – Outer Wheel: 21st Dec h. 22.23


the energetic disposition is rich and complex, from there the following couples, or polarities, are now arising: Sun-Mercury in the lead of Libra, Venus-Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn and Moon-Neptune in Pisces.

In the detail of this kaleidoscopic play between energetic dualities, in turn, the square Sun-Mercury to Saturn (contrasting and opposed choices), “loosened” by blazing Uranus in Taurus (clarity between opposites), breaks through the ring of tensions among the Fixed Signs set up among Venus, Mars and Uranus (and the lunar node, the evolutionary merge of the Form) also with the help of the different constructive sextiles (72°) and synthesizing trines (120°): the middle ground stays in maintaining the dynamic balance of relentless motion, withdrawing the beauty of Harmony from all contrasts.

That way, the sensitivity to the Heaven deepens and the Lowest reveals as a door to the Highest, if absorbed by the infinite compassion of the Heart (Moon[7] in Pisces).


May the solar Spirit release the power of Mind



[1] The prospect of investigating these Heavenly Readings is both heliocentric, recognized as the Heaven of general Causes and Effects, and geocentric, the Heaven of particular causes and effects. Being both tropical perspectives, they still concern the celestial energies in rapport to the Planet as well as to Humanity as the 3rd planetary Center. According to esoteric Astrology, these causal energies are transmitted by the Zodiac Wheel of the 12 Signs, the 12 Archetypes of the Evolution of Consciousness, respectively but not coincidentally at the phenomenal level with the relative astronomical or sidereal Constellations. The Signs stand between the Constellations (understood as the Body of expression of the same Entities or cosmic Logoi that govern them subjectively) and Man, and are those “concentrated influences” that represent and transmit the Energies; The Wheel of the 12 Zodiacal Signs is the Motor and the Model of the Evolution of the so-called Fourth human Hierarchy.

[2] The polarity Star-Planet corresponds to that one between Soul and Personality, between “group consciousness”, or solar consciousness, and the individual “awareness”.

[3] “Seven stars of the Great Bear are the originating Sources of the seven rays of our solar system. The seven Rishis (as They are called) of the Great Bear express Themselves through the medium of the seven planetary Logoi Who are Their Representatives and to Whom They stand in the relation of prototype. The seven Planetary Spirits manifest through the medium of the seven sacred planets. Each of these seven Rays, coming from the Great Bear, are transmitted into our solar system through the medium of three constellations and their ruling planets.” [according to an order valid for this present turn of the Great Zodiacal Wheel (25.000 years)] (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 85-6, Lucis Collection).

[4]Aries—Libra—The Sun (which are an expression of the Great Bear) bring about that focussing of energy in the life of the disciple which makes it possible for him to function consciously and with intention upon the Path of Initiation. He enters the realm of the formless worlds because Aries, the sign of beginnings makes this possible; through the potency of Libra, he has succeeded in achieving that point of balance which makes the final escape from the pairs of opposites possible. He now knows, through transcended feeling and from identification with the seen Vision, the true meaning of being.” (Ibid, p. 466-7).

[5] His first geocentric transition in Taurus has been on 15th May and will be definitive on 6th March 2019.

[6] Only the Seven Sacred Luminaries are considered, i.e. those Seven Solar Centers or planetary Logoi which for Their evolutionary level express the corresponding ‘soul’ and ‘monadic’ Ray, and not only the ‘personal’ Ray like other non-sacred Planets (Earth, Mars, Pluto and two other ‘veiled’ by the Sun and the Moon), which result as Their Pupils and subordinates (see Introduction to Astrosophy).

[7] The Mother of the Form, receptive and generative, stands for the “moon bodies” or vehicles of human and planetary Personality. Sun/Vulcan, in this chart of the general geocentric Heaven, stands for the integrated Personality infused into the Soul.

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One Response to Signs of the Heavens year 2018 – 4th quarter of cycle

  1. NancyC says:

    Illuminating and REVEALING for those who have eyes to see! So impressed and grateful for the work that TPS shares in the One Work.

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