The universal Art of Ideas

Approaching the end of this annual cycle dedicated to the Art of “composing the causes”[1], to the scientific construction of thought-forms at the service of the Beautiful, the True and the Good, let’s consider again the way the esoteric Philosophy presents the World of Ideas, that level of Reality which is the source of any manifestation (in the “three lower worlds” for human beings: mental, astral or emotional and etheric/physical).

An unceasing will-to-harmony moves the universe, and the Ideas are those entities and energies, those unities and sparkles of Harmony made of Sound and Light which as “Powers produce precipitates.”

“Where” do Ideas originate from?

“Beyond all finite existences and secondary causes, all laws, ideas and principles, there is an Intelligence or Mind, (νους), the first principle of all principles, the Supreme Idea on which all other ideas are grounded… the ultimate substance from which all things derive their being and essence, the First and efficient Cause of all the order, and harmony, and beauty and excellency, and goodness which pervade the Universe.

This Mind is called, by way of pre-eminence and excellence, the Supreme Good, “The God” (θεός), and the “God over all”. These words apply, as Plato himself shows, neither to the “Creator”, nor to the “Father” of our modern Monotheist, but the Ideal and Abstract Cause. For, as he says: “This θεός, the God over all, is not the truth or the intelligence, but the Father of it” and its Primal Cause.

Is it Plato, the greatest pupil of the archaic Sages, a Sage himself, for whom there was but a single object of attainment in this life — Real Knowledge — who would have ever believed in a deity that curses and damns men for ever, on the slightest provocation? Surely not he, who considered only those to be genuine Philosophers and students of truth who possessed the knowledge of the really existing in opposition to mere seeming; of the alwaysexisting in opposition to the transitory; and of that which exists permanently in opposition to that which waxes, wanes, and is developed and destroyed alternately.

… It is to avoid such anthropomorphic conceptions that the Initiates never used the epithet “God” to designate the One and Secondless Principle in the Universe; and that – faithful in this to the oldest traditions of the Secret Doctrine the world over – they deny that such imperfect and often not very clean work could ever be produced by Absolute Perfection.

… the Presence of the Unseen Principle throughout all Nature, and the highest manifestation of it on Earth – Man, can alone help to solve the problem, which is that of the mathematician whose x must ever elude the grasp of our terrestrial algebra” [2].

The first Cause, or Father, generates in Itself, substantiates and creates, by thinking, the Ideas, on a universal, as well as on solar or planetary level. The FatherOne, and yet an orderly infinity of Logoi or Creative Powers, fecundates, pervades and renews Space, the Mother, in all Her levels or spheres of influence, according to the hierarchical Model of Life fixed on the 4th buddhic levels by the first creating Agent Sound:

“… the Sevenfold Logos having differentiated into seven Logoi, or creative potencies (vowels), these (the second logos, or “Sound”) created all on Earth.”

The Seven Directions of the 2nd Logos/Sound are the Seven types or qualities of the Ideas, the Seven Rays of Manifestation, which are the very Causes of all on Earth, in the solar System and in the manifested Universe.

“No mystery is more excellent than they (the seven Vowels); for they shall bring your souls unto the Light of Lights” – i.e., true Wisdom. “Nothing, therefore, is more excellent than the mysteries which ye seek after, saving only the mystery of the Seven Vowels and their forty-nine Powers and the numbers thereof.”

In India, it was the mystery of the Seven Fires and their forty-nine fires or aspects, or “the members thereof,” just the same” [3].

At our level, the Ideas, the Causes, inhabit the fourth Buddhic level of Manifestation, as original seeds or principles of Reality, as Sounds and Lights vitalized, nourished and irradiated by the solar Logoi, those cosmic “Ideators” which absorb and transform cosmic Energies into solar Ideas, each of them “on their plane of evolution”, constituted for us by the plane of the Ecliptic, the common plane of evolution and revolution of the solar system and of all its creatures.

These cosmic Energies who organize the cosmic Ideas into 1, 3, 7, 49 primary Orders[4] (“the 49 Fires of Brahma”), are the Seven Rays, the seven Directions of Thought emanated and transmitted by the “Sevenfold Logos differentiated in seven Logoi”: the Lords of starry Systems or higher Constellations, in a geometrical progression of septenaries up to the galactic and intergalactic systems of the manifested Universe.

Risultati immagini per superammassiFor our “local universe”, the directive septenary Constellation is the Ursa Major, which is contacted and represented by the Seven Head Centres of our solar Logos: the Seven Rishis of the Great Bear, together with the Ursa Minor[5] around the North Ecliptic Pole in the Draco constellation.

The Draconic Bears together with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, build the cosmic spiritual Triad that causes and influences the solar Evolution, through the interaction of our cosmic AngelSirius.

The Ideas and cosmic Energies of the Seven Rays emanated from such Heights are ‘digested’ and transformed into usable solar Ideas by our solar Logos as He from the mental cosmic plane is directed toward its manifestation on the seventh physical cosmic plane as a solar System. As we learn from Esoteric Astrology, this is precisely through the rice-transmission and decoding of a “parabolic”, in our case and point of evolution through the Zodiac, those corresponding 12 creative Hierarchies [6] of conscious Beings that form the collective Individuality of a manifested solar Logos. 

These 12 creative Hierarchies (that constitute the astral and etheric/physical Body of the solar Logos, with the human Hierarchy being one of them on the fourth systemic buddhic level), like our perceptive apparatuses and systems, rice-transmit as Antennas these higher Impulses and translate them through their own Energy and Substance; in the case of the Zodiac and for the evolution of solar consciousness, in as many Signs or Causal Signals. As we have learned, these will be intercepted more or less clearly and “consciously” according to the evolutionary degree of beings: solar, interplanetary and of each planet, human and natural kingdoms included, till the infinitesimal partition or identification of Manifestation.

In turn, the solar centres, the planetary Logoi, the Consciousnesses ruling and caring the various planetary schemes, combine and associate the solar Ideas into solar Formulas (circulating in the System through their orbital revolution), but also planetary, typical of the evolutionary level of their own planetary scheme (activated through their daily or axial rotation): in essence, it is on the fifth mental level, the World of Manasic and Agni Fire, that they make those Formulas circulate in the whole solar Space thus saturating it, and there they fix the sonorous and luminous Archetypes of Forms.

In the process of precipitation, these igneous Prototypes are impressed on the spatial waters of the sixth astral planeaccording to the Desire of the celestial Thinkers/Builders (desire comes from the Latin de-sideris which means “that comes from and belongs to Stars”), where their sound & light vibration creates and projects a first cosmic astral image of Ideas. Here the ‘creative imagination’ of the planetary Formulators composes and perfects their figures through the living Substance of Their constituent creative Hierarchies, which will “in-form” the dense and concrete Forms (on the seventh etheric plane, the vitalizing aspect of the physical one) as long as the contemplation of Their Eye will persist.

Forms, the precipitates, are “simply apparent”, “transitory”, they are “what grows and decreases, and alternatively develops and destroys itself”, be it the form of an atom, or of a human being, a planet, a sun, a universe. Nevertheless, all Forms, from the archetypical to the concrete ones, are living, and not deceiving Symbols, they are projections and creations that can reveal the Quality and Ideas of the Thinker who wanted, loved, thought and projected [7] them, to whom has eyes to see and ears to hear.

Forms are the living symbols of Ideas, of Reality.

As long as the manifested Form of our solar System is concerned:

“In the Secret Doctrine we are told that “the seven solar Rays become seven suns and set fire to the whole cosmos”. That is what produces the final combustion that introduces the great pralaya and puts an end to the logoic incarnation. That occurs under the law of Expansion, and causes the final reunion and fusion of the seven sacred planetary schemes, indicating the achievement of the goal and their ultimate perfection.” [8]

As a server of Evolution and of the “ultimate perfection”, Man must rise to his heritage and dignity as a creator, an artist of Ideas. In such a System of Hearts and Thoughts which is the Universe, Ideas are the guarantee for our infinity and creative power: [9]

 “…Only a tested consciousness understands the value of the seed of reality. Rulership is not in crowns nor in crowds, but is in the cosmic expanse of ideas. …”[10]

If Ar-t is the motion of Life which “joins”, by love, if it is the “creation tending to optimal composition”, to learn and create according to the universal Art of Ideas is the highest mastery that will reveal to Man the Unity of Manifestation and will lead him to the Beauty of Being:

“Upon Oneness stands the entire affirmed Be-ness. The operating law is so stupendous that all cosmic construction rests upon this principle. In every manifestation this law assembles the parts, uniting those which belong to each other. This great law is the Crown of Cosmos.” [11]

[1] See “2018 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides”.

This article is published in correspondence with the centre of the Sign of Scorpio, symmetrically (exactly 6 months later) to the previous one at the centre of Taurus: The constructive Art of Thought.

The axis Scorpio-Taurus transmits the pure 4th Ray of Harmony through conflict, of Beauty and Art.

[2] H. P. Blavatsky, Anthropogenesis, The Secret Doctrine.

[3] H. P. Blavatsky, Cosmogenesis, The Secret Doctrine.

[4] “… according to the Adepts of ancient Aryavarta, seven principles are evolved out of these three primary entities. Algebra teaches us that the number of combinations of things, taken one at a time, two at a time, three at a time, and so forth = 2n – 1. Applying this formula to the present case, the number of entities evolved from different combinations of these three primary causes amount to 23 – 1 = 8 – 1 = 7. As a general rule, whenever seven entities are mentioned in the ancient occult sciences of India in any connection whatsoever, you must suppose that these seven entities come into existence from three primary entities; and that these three entities, again, are evolved out of a single entity or Monad.”

“As a general rule, whenever seven entities are mentioned in the ancient occult science of India in any connection whatsoever, you must suppose that those seven entities came into existence from three primary entities and that these three entities again are evolved out of a single entity or monad. To take a familiar example, the seven coloured rays in the solar ray are evolved out of three primary coloured rays; and the three primary colours co-exist with the four secondary colours in the solar ray. Similarly the three primary entities which brought man into existence co-exist in him with the four secondary entities which arose from different combinations of the three primary entities.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on cosmic Fire”, Lucis Trust, note p. 449 note p. 148).

[5] “These seven vowels are represented by the Swastika signs on the crowns of the seven heads of the Serpent of Eternity, in India, among esoteric Buddhists, in Egypt, in Chaldea, etc. etc., and among the Initiates of every other country… The seven-headed serpent has more than one signification in the Arcane teachings. It is the seven-headed Draco, each of whose heads is a star of the Lesser Bear; but it was also, and pre- eminently, the Serpent of Darkness (i.e., inconceivable and incomprehensible) whose seven heads were the seven Logoi, the reflections of the one and first manifested Light — the universal LOGOS.” (H. P. Blavatsky, Cosmogenesis, The Secret Doctrine).

[6] The Twelve Creative Hierarchies. Students are often puzzled in trying to account for the “twelves” in the cosmos. A correspondent sends the following suggestion: In a Study in Consciousness, the three, by an arrangement of internal groupings, show seven groups; these may be represented as ABC, ACB, BCA BAC, CAB, CBA, and a seventh, a synthesis in which the three are equal. A second six would be represented by (AB) C, C (AB), A (BC), (BC) A, (CA) B, B (AC), the two bracketed being equal and the third stronger or weaker. The two groups of six, and the group in which the three are equal, would make thirteen. “This thirteen may be arranged as a circle of twelve, with one in the centre. The central one will be synthetic, and will be that class in which all three are equal. The physical correspondence of this will be the twelve signs of the Zodiac with the Sun at the centre, synthesising all of them. The spiritual correspondence will be the twelve Creative Orders with the Logos at the centre, synthesising all.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on cosmic Fire”, Lucis Trust, note p. 1195)

[7] “All symbols emanate from three groups of Creators:

The solar Logos, Who is constructing a “Temple in the Heavens not made with hands.”

The Planetary Logoi, who—in Their seven groups—create through seven ways and methods, and thus produce a diversity of symbols and are responsible for concretion.

Man, who builds forms and creates symbols in his work of every day, but who as yet works blindly and largely unconsciously. Nevertheless, he merits the name of creator, because he utilises the faculty of mind and employs the rational quality.” (Ibidem, p. 1233-4).

[8] Ibidem, p. 1074.

[9] “Men, as a whole, are undergoing evolutionary development in order that they may become conscious creators in matter. This involves

  • A realisation of the archetypal plan,
  • An understanding of the laws governing the building processes of nature,
  • A conscious process of willing creation, so that man co-operates with the ideal, works under law, and produces that which is in line with the planetary plan…” (Ibidem, p. 952).

[10] Community, § 84, Agni Yoga Collection.

[11] Infinity II, § 49, Agni Yoga Collection.

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5 Responses to The universal Art of Ideas

  1. risagoodwill says:

    A great study to integrate, ponder upon…Risa

  2. Zipporah Alperin says:

    Thank you for the Universal Art of the creative love at work.

  3. NancyC. says:

    Wonderful paper on the Manifestation of Divine thought and our part as receivers and transmitters.

  4. ATHINA DANTI says:

    that is a graet work Italian group and Antonella.thank you

  5. ATHINA DANTI says:

    Forms are “simply apparent”, “transitory”, they are “what grows and decreases, and alternatively develops and destroys itself”, be it the form of an atom, or of a human being, a planet, a sun, a universe. Nevertheless, all Forms are living, and not deceiving Symbols, they are projections and creations that can reveal the Quality of the Thinker who wanted, loved, thought and projected[7] them, to whom has eyes to see and ears to hear. thank you!

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