F. Donald – Scorpio
As Libra spreads the will-to-decide, so Scorpio transmits that of winning. Victory is the favorable decision of a battle. The last trials are coming, and it is a matter of proving that the determination or the choice matured in that sign is stable and strong enough to defeat the enemy.
The latter has been constructed from millenary illusions, from the centripetal force of selfishness, from repeated negations, but no matter the degree of his power, fierceness and cunning, he is never superior to the Angel who fights in Scorpio. Each one builds, by dint of errors, that colossal force that will have then, by justice, to destroy before the sacred gates of the Infinite.
The final battle is just, because it is up to the human to demolish what from life to life they have built up against the Light and themself.
The battlefield, even if it is planetary, is solar by nature. Each battle that occupies it purifies the solar space and increases its fiery tension. One by one all creatures are called to solve, in the end, this problem, and once again there is a pair, but this time not to unite and merge together, but to destroy what prevents the union. To each one, therefore, pertains the Adversary who is deserved and whom was chosen and manufactured by living.
That Enemy does not fall down by the blows of the Warrior: it dissolves, in short, in the rays of his light. This is why light increases in the solar space, and why other fields, other hierarchies and other suns affirm themselves.
It has been said here that victory is the favorable decision (or choice) in a conflicting situation, and that the battle verifies the firmness of the decisions taken in Libra. It is equally true, however, that the battle itself, with all its phases and events, is the inevitable process to create victories. It is therefore a real construction, which must be planned, programmed and then carried out with the greatest care, just as is done for large enterprises.
The forces to be deployed, the moves to be made, the calculated risks to be faced, the times, the discipline, the necessary courage, the characteristics of the Enemy are all energetic portions to be evaluated before taking the field; and it is just the action, we could say, of the third quality of Scorpio that foresees and decides the victorious outcome of the duel.
Once again, the secret mirror compares two entities, always with the purpose to resolve harmoniously a state of conflict. In Scorpio, the fourth quality works in the most positive way, so much that one can rightly say that precisely it is the real winner on the battlefield, although the clash has been solved even before the beginning of the strategy developed by the third.
That battle cannot be won without the calmness of balance, without supreme indifference, without imitation of the Heroes. To offset the adversary’s moves, it is necessary to know how to mirror them, as this allows the counter-move and gradually exhausts his forces. The final clash, lived for the love of beauty, must be accomplished in beauty, and it is launched in the name of harmony and peace – other words for victory.
It is therefore understandable, from this as well, that the fourth divine quality of Scorpio prevails. This sign transmits the fourth Ray. Who wins is the Sage.
The third power of Scorpio, therefore, prepares the phases of the battle: the fifth prepares it with a numerous series of minor fights and clashes, of various levels and tension. Moreover, it provides the fundamental dualism: the Angel and the Monster, the True and the False.
There is reason to affirm that the whole experience of life in form, thus from the first to the last descent in the flesh, is one continuous series of battles, many of which are lost, but valuable in order to acquire the art of the Warrior; and that all the blows launched by the Enemy are scored, but are received on the shield; and finally, that the Warrior will respond with one stroke, yet fatal and resolving.
In this aspect too, we can see how precious and beneficial is the dualistic power of the Five, which always ends up recomposing the initial unity.
As we know, all humans are expected, sooner or later, to engage in the great battle of Scorpio, that is, to fight against themselves. Taken together, they are a great army, or a large community.
Every single Warrior, while he is fighting against himself, overcomes not for himself, but for everyone: his victory makes it easier for others – and in fact it consecrates him as a member of a spiritual Communion. Therefore, the idealist, the mystic and the saint are soldiers of one great militia, arranged by hierarchical degrees and armed to fight illusion and those who turn it to evil ends.
Triumph is here mentioned: but there is no crowd to applaud the Warrior with clamor; his victory is absorbed in the sound silence of the Infinite. In the eyes of men, that battle, and its outcome, go unnoticed.
Yet it has been won according to orders and systems, respecting the hierarchy of values, applying the rules and the strict discipline of the weapons of spirit. The true triumph of the Warrior stands right here, in the silence of every noise, or clamor, or lamentation, or cry of formal life; in the marvelous profound and harmonious silence, He finally puts down his weapons.
* From E. Savoini, “The Solar System in Space”, 1993 (in translation from Italian).
Dear Editor,
Thank you for this post, I especially like these lines:
1 – “demolish what from life to life they have built up against the Light and them self.”
2 – “it dissolves, in short, in the rays of his light”
4 – “calmness of balance..supreme indifference”
6 – “his victory makes it easier for others – and in fact it consecrates him as a member of a spiritual Communion.”
7 – the conclusion in silence
I am inspired by the septenary format.
Thank you,
Yes, we are warriors! Now let us be sure we are conducting the battle rightly to ensure victory. This should be read by every disciple either as an instruction or reminder of what is already known but perhaps not yet practiced.
Gratitude to The Planetary System for sharing these wise words.