We create by Thought

A chant of correspondences is this heliocentric meeting between the 5th Ray of Venus and the 3rd of Saturn in Their Sign of Capricorn (1st-3rd-7th Rays)! (Geocentrically it will occur on December 13).

On the causal level, this “Father Line” of odd Rays (1-3-5-7) is even more powerfully activated by the close presence also of Pluto (1st Ray), the Destroyer and driving force for regenerating upheavals.

According to the heliocentric study of the Solar System that associates a Ray number or value also to the Orbits of the Seven Solar Centers or sacred Luminaries, Venus, the Mind illuminated by Love, flies on the third orbit of the sacred Luminaries, while Saturn, the Solar Thinker, is on the fifth:

Venus performs what Saturn plans.

Their relationship with our Planet is also unique: Venus represents the alter ego of the Earth, and the non-sacred Personality of the Earth resonates with the 3rd Ray.

This day, therefore, from the peak of Capricorn, humanity receives the opportunity to transfigure the mental plane towards the evolutionary Goals and plan the future in resonance with the golden rules of the solar Masters.

Infinity 2, § 351 — Certainly, creative thought will regenerate the world. The king of thought creates evolution. Thus, We can move human consciousness. We create by thought. How deeply, then, should humanity realize the significance of thought! …

World of Fire III § 150 — Verily, thought is infinite. The domains of the Cosmos are revealed to it. There are no limitations where the spirit rules. Is not thought, which pervades all and manifests the beauty of the Cosmos, miraculous? Thought, emanating from the Depths of the Cosmos, revealing all sources, is the most fiery of the manifestations of space. Even if thought does not find its application upon Earth, nevertheless, it fierily saturates space with these creative records. Thought-forms intensify each vital designation, as a fiery impulse of life. The source of creative power is inexhaustible when life is filled with thought. Therefore, to think means to construct life. To think means to affirm the forms of life …

World of Fire III § 445-7 — All is first built in the Fiery World, then lowered into the subtle body. Hence, whatever is created upon Earth is only a shadow of the Fiery World. One should firmly keep in mind this order of creation. People must know that a great deal of that which is created in the Fiery World has not been as yet lowered into earthly delineations. Therefore the ignorant judge according to earthly evidence, but the wise smile, knowing the reality. This order in creativeness is simple but is not very intelligible to the ignorant. But even they know that statues are obtained by pouring a mass melted by fire into a fragile form.

… Indeed the chief factor lies in the fieriness of the primary structure.

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One Response to We create by Thought

  1. Margo Yoder says:

    … very helpful…

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