Here is the 2020 TPS Solar Rituality and Ephemerides in order to rhythmically and ritually coordinate the common Work toward a New Culture and planetary Order:
2020 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides
The TPS solar Sowing of “Ideas, Formulas and Forms for a new Culture and Civilization” intends to “carve a new path” of collective creative imagination “with a united breath and unified rhythm” with the cyclic pulsations of the higher Creators, the planetary, solar and cosmic Entities: the conscious Dream of a New Culture and Civilization, as a manifestation on Earth of the evolutionary Plan and of a new human planetary Order (see the document Asserting the Planetary Plan).[1]
As we know, by working we learn to work: in this Workshop of spatial Thought we learn together to build more and more knowingly Harmonic Thought-forms, as a result of a right or heavenly way of being and existing, in order to set up a better Future and to progressively release our humanity from its lower trammels.
Humanity can and has to spread, in an impersonal and disinterested way, Seeds or Ideas capable of fertilizing consciousness making it resound to infinity:
“Culture is a treasure of consciousness, therefore the field of the sowing of the new Thought is the human consciousness … It is a vast field like Heaven: no one knows its boundaries. Thus the seeds to be spread have no number or form … Only with formless seeds an infinite field can be cultivated. And the soil of human consciousness is ready to welcome them: many signs prove it, both above and below, and sowing cannot be deferred”. (E. Savoini)
Subtle seeding is now a daily reality, whether it is realized or not:
It is astonishing that even recently the transmission of pictures was considered unrealizable. But now images are already transmitted over great distances; the word thunders through many spheres, even further than people imagine. The Fiery Worlds likewise have no impediments in transmission and communication. One should not be astonished at such fiery potencies when even the material world has already mastered the crude forms of the same possibilities. And how many achievements are knocking upon the doors of the human heart![2]
In conformity between Above and Below, the seeds for a New Culture are directed and oriented by and towards the Powers and psycho-geometries of the solar and cosmic System, in order to set up, in imitation of the builders of the megalithic alignments and sacred temples, some vital channels for the beneficial accomplishment of the Work.
These are not sacred temples or places in stone, yet these orientations to Heaven serve the same function, as qualified space resonators, but informed by subtler matter: by the fiery, creative and evolutionary Thinking of the heavenly Formulators, whose Sounds and Directions ignite innumerable other fires, centers, beginnings, orienting the ‘crops’ and seeds of the New.
Anchoring the foundations in the Elysian Fields, connecting and directing the Work towards the Sources of Life, its realization will follow in due course, according to the progressive resonance power of us-humanity to the celestial energies or Ideas, to the Fiery World.
With such a humble attitude, humble as adherent to the service of the Earth to Heaven, burning with ignorance and joyous dedication, let us work as if we were builders of the Future (and we are co-creators), as active units of life of the Solar System and infinite Space, such creatures driven by the unstoppable will to collaborate harmoniously with the macrocosm.
“Who is well oriented is the Way.”
In particular, in the current Cycle of construction, or first beat of 49 years (1987-2035) of the Planetary Plan of 49 Goals — Goals deduced from the occult Teachings and foreseen for the evolutionary and conscious advance of humanity and the planet in the current third millennium –, 2020 corresponds to the phase 5.6 – Construction of new Ideals[3] (each year corresponds to the assertion of the corresponding Goal and to its sowing in the human group consciousness):

Table of the Plan with the 5 pointed-Star, the Fifth row corresponds to the 5th septennium)
Let us then construct the Ideals of the new Culture by asserting and activating in the common Heart, “with a united breath and a unified rhythm with Heaven”, some ideal Formulas so that they may attract and instill ardor in the hearts and visions of men, and may substantiate the Thought-form of the New Culture/Civilization.
Seed 5.6
I contemplate the new Ideals as they form above. I read the truths held within them.
Below, I scan what hearts want for the common Good.
What goes down and up, invokes and is evoked, come together in the new Ensigns,
attracting and dragging them.
I project great Flags of Light.
Let us begin!