Meditation Equinox 2020

We are clearly at an epochal turning point, and we could think of it as the evidence of the first initiation of the mass consciousness of humanity.

The signs of the Heavens (see the relevant video) mark and sing this great Opportunity: the right time is now.

It is up to us not to miss the dates; it is up to us to orient the Wind of the New to assert the Plan of Love and Light on Earth.

Our weapons, cosmic and real to the most concrete level, can only be the Three Energies that establish the evolutionary Plan – Power, Love and Light.

Our goal is to concentrate them in this initiatory moment of the Aries-Libra equinoctial axis, through our joint Action, so that the group consciousness of the world servers, in resonance with the hierarchical effort, ignites a spark of that Light supernal which for us is the planetary Purpose, that common Good which is our Summit and North Star, to assert it in human hearts and saturate the Space with an energy of Resurrection.

Resurrection from blindness, from unreality, from death: the will-to-Liberation from separativeness leads us to the externalization of the primary Idea of the now pressing Age of Aquarius, Brotherhood, which is realized through the construction of the ideal of the right human relationships.

The Triad of the three so called Rays of Aspect provides therefore the energy of Resurrection that allows the new ideals to assert themselves and penetrate human minds and hearts.

Here is the recording of the meditation for those who had not been able to participate (of the 156 members only 100 were allowed by the platform in use):

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2 Responses to Meditation Equinox 2020

  1. sacred8earth says:

    Excellent synthesized orientation! Tania Belfort

  2. njc1008 says:

    A very special, powerful and sacred meditation as we enter into the energies of the three aspects of Divinity and bring them downwards and outwards into humanity and our Earth.

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