Aries Full Moon: Construction of Ideals

5.6 – Construction of Ideals
8 April 2020 – 02.36 (GMT)

Aries Full Moon: the Ideal of Resurrection

DUKE … Heaven doth with us as we with torches do,
not light them for themselves;
for if our virtues did not go forth of us,
’twere all alike as if we had them not.
(William Shakespeare, Measure for measure – Act I, Scene 1)

Resurrection of the spirit can be manifested in any sphere whatsoever of vital activity. Any step can become the stimulus for this purification. But resurrection of the spirit requires real action. Words or promises or intentions do not cause resurrection of the spirit. Rightly have promises been pointed out which were not intended for fulfillment. Resurrection of the spirit can be affirmed only by true strivings for action. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember how it is possible to attain resurrection of the spirit. (Fiery World III § 143 – Agni Yoga Collection)

Verily, resurrection of the spirit will produce a new Epoch. What, then, can be compared with the power of the spirit? There is no other lever which could intensify the fires of the centers. Each creative force which will be saturated by the resurrection of the spirit can be a pledge of a great Epoch. Each construction which will be based on the resurrection of the spirit can be a pledge of ascent. Spiritual advancement can begin only when there comes an understanding of the regeneration of spirit. It is impossible to dwell in the old distortions. It is impossible to create the great Kingdom of the Spirit without realization of the affirmation of the pure, fiery understanding of achievement. Thus, only regeneration of the spirit provides a firm foundation for the new construction. In it humanity will find its great destination and its place in the Cosmos. Verily, resurrection of the spirit will be the creative force of the New Epoch. (Fiery World III § 186 – Agni Yoga Collection)

… The creativeness of true strivings will grant those new steps which will give to the World resurrection of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that it is vital to bathe the Teaching of Beauty in achievement and with service. (Fiery World III § 200 – Agni Yoga Collection)




Suggested listening (click on the pics for the relevant videos):

An invasion of armies can be resisted,
but not an idea whose time has come.
(attributed to Victor Hugo)

(credits: Tor-Ivar Næss)

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2 Responses to Aries Full Moon: Construction of Ideals

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    Wonderful and most important as purpose…..when this centers the purpose, then the beauty will Become. Await these efforts and participate in the fusion, your actions will bring them together, as will the process which leads to this….which will be found in planetary and cosmic participation and exchange in new evolutionary fusion of the coming ONE. So does Chiron and Group Fusion work.

  2. njc1008 says:

    Beautiful post Mauro C. Thank you for the inspiration accompanied by wonderful art and music. Truly an idea whose time has come cannot be resisted! Resurrection of the Spirit will produce a New Epoch.

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