In order to celebrate the Day of Easter or Resurrection, we sow Seeds for a New Life.
(It follows the text of the first part of a recent talk held with the 2025 Initiative for the Aries full moon (see video), dedicated to the art of precipitating Ideas into Forms):
The disciple “takes his place with those who perceive the needs of the coming cycle—a cycle wherein the new ideas and ideals must be stressed and for which a fight must be made, wherein the wider plans for the good of the whole must be understood, endorsed and preached, the new and clearer vision for human living must be grasped and finally brought into being, and a cycle wherein the effort of all members of the New Group of World Servers must be given to the lifting of humanity’s load.”
The intent of the Hierarchy is to increase men’s capacity for freedom in order to function effectively with that “life more abundantly” which the Christ will bring and which demands that the spirit of man be free—free to approach divinity and free also to choose the Way of that approach.
“…the Hierarchy is simply the world of souls, that it is consciously aware of the Plan, sensitive to the purpose, and creatively and constantly impressing humanity with the aim in view of expanding the human consciousness.” (A. A. Bailey, DNA II, 137)
The New Group of World Servers, especially in Aries and because of Aries, holds the Vision of the Plan steady and with focused intention in order to increase men’s capacity for freedom: we “come forth and from the plane of mind, rule”.
So, as any thoughtform or form, also the new global Garden of Love and Light to be planted has its roots in the fiery World of Ideas: Aries “is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective.”
Ideas, which are living impulses or beings, the potencies which produce precipitates, are attested on the 4th buddhic plane, and are the energies, made of Sound&Light, which the 7 hierarchical ashrams, the spiritual Souls(focused on that plane too), associate and transform into forces on the 5th fiery manasic plane of mind, into Ideals, to plant them in the garden of human mentality, desires and etheric perceptions, and thus work out the Plan according to the Purpose and Will of the Planetary Logos.
“What is the method whereby ideas are developed from the moment of impressing the mind of some intuitive?
Broadly speaking, they pass through the following stages …:
- The idea . . . based on intuitive perception [buddhi-higher manas].
- The ideal . . . based on mental formulation and distribution [manas and kama-manas]
- The idol . . . based on the concretising tendency of physical manifestation. [kama-manas and etheric/physical]
(A. A. Bailey, Glamour a World Problem, 124)
Synthetically the scheme of precipitation is this:
- Ideas/buddhi are fixed as Ideals on mental/manasic plane,
- They can blossom and flourish on astral/kamic plane when sufficiently magnetized by creative imagination, and
- become living seeds on etheric (then physical) plane if vitalized by rhythmic visualization.
And which is the main Idea and Ideal to plant in human planetary Garden?
“The idea before the race today is the re-establishing (upon a higher turn of the spiral) of that spiritual relationship which characterised the race in its child state, in its primitive condition. Then, under the wise guidance and the paternalistic attitude of the Hierarchy and the initiate-priests of the time, men knew themselves to be one family—a family of brothers—and achieved this through a feeling and a developed sensuous perception. Today, under the name of Brotherhood, the same idea [to be one family] is seeking mental form and the establishment of a renewed spiritual relationship (the idea) through training in right human relations (the ideal). This is the immediate goal of humanity.
This result will be inevitably brought about by means of the cycle of necessity through which we are now passing and the dimly sensed idea will—as a result of dire necessity—impose its rhythm upon the race and thus force the realisation of true Being upon all men …. All the present ideals, expressing themselves through the current ideologies, will serve their purpose and eventually pass away, as all else has passed in the history of the race and will give place, eventually, to a recognised spiritual relationship, a subjective fellowship, as a defined and expressed brotherhood. These will produce, when sufficiently developed and understood, a form of control and guidance and a species of government which it is not possible for even advanced thinkers at this time to grasp.” (A. A. Bailey, Glamour a World Problem, 133-5)
And we do need this, a subjective fellowship that will precipitate a mature public opinion or discrimination, the only way to disempower our current fake idols and fake governance of the world. Right human relationships – we know – are based on loving discrimination of what is really Good, True and Beautiful for the One Humanity.
And “Right human relations” will naturally extend to right relations with all life expressing in all the Kingdoms of nature.
Another important quote:
“Synthesis dictates the trend of all the evolutionary processes today; all is working towards larger unified blocs, towards amalgamations, international relationships, global planning, brotherhood, economic fusion, the free flow of commodities everywhere, interdependence, fellowship of faiths, movements based upon the welfare of humanity as a whole, and ideological concepts which deal with wholes and which militate against division, separation and isolation.”
“It is only in the immediate interim—a period of one hundred fifty years [that is, the end of this XXI century]—that delay may seem the rule. Such, however, will not really be the case. The forms through which these new and impending ideas must take shape and manifest have yet to be created, and that takes time, for they are built by the power of thought and due process of educating the public consciousness until that consciousness becomes confirmed conviction and demonstrates as an immovable public opinion.” (A. A. Bailey, The Rays and Initiations, 121)
And our real destiny, the destiny of Humanity, is far beyond the short-sighted and short-term conceptions of the lower minds, which still affect the public opinion and most of human ordinary life, through their three beasts – anger, fear and doubt (namely, separativeness, the head of Medusa, but also, in the 1st Labor of Hercules in Aries, the man-eating mares or lower minds which devour Abderis, the unprepared personality).

Leighton, Frederic – Perseus On Pegasus Hastening To the Rescue of Andromeda – 1895-96
These lower minds are precisely kama-manas in sanskrit, astral desire moving thought, and not vice-versa as it is for the loving intelligence, kindness and courage of the higher manas, of our human souls or egoic bodies, moved by cosmic Desire or Kama, which means Love.
A quote from an Italian writer: “The unexpected transforms what the human will has not been able to transform. But now it is a question of reactivating the renewable energy of imagination”.
Through our creative imagination, let us assert our real Destiny. As a manifestation of the 4th Human Hierarchy, our destiny is a level of Harmony which is cosmic:
“… the four major goals which the Workers with the Plan have set Themselves. Let us state them succinctly, and later we can somewhat elaborate them:—
- The first aim and the primary aim is to establish, through the medium of humanity, an outpost of the Consciousness of God in the solar system. This is a correspondence, macrocosmically understood, of the relationship existing between a Master and His group of disciples. This, if pondered on, may serve as a clue to the significance of our planetary work.
- To found upon earth (as has already been indicated) a powerhouse of such potency and a focal point of such energy that humanity—as a whole—can be a factor in the solar system, bringing about changes and events of a unique nature in the planetary life and lives (and therefore in the system itself) and inducing an interstellar activity.
- To develop a station of light, through the medium of the fourth kingdom in nature, which will serve not only the planet, and not only our particular solar system, but the seven systems of which ours is one. …
- To set up a magnetic centre in the universe, in which the human kingdom and the kingdom of souls will, united or at-oned, be the point of most intense power, and which will serve the developed Lives within the radius of the radiance of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said.” (A. A. Bailey, EP II, 217)
Thus, according to the Teaching, it is the Science of higher Thought, ruled by the Will-to-Good, to free us and teach us how to plant the Seeds of Future in the Eternal Present of pure Service, so that the flowers and fruits of the Aquarian Garden of Brotherhood will blossom and flourish in pure Harmony.
And here is the final assertive meditation (meditation, from the Sanskrit MED, as we know, meaning healing or unifying thinking ME to give light D):
- Let us be One at the center of our heads, that mental heart which is symbol of the synthesis of Power, Love and Light. Here&Now, from this “place of Fire”, at the “summit of the pyramid”, we assert the Unity and Oneness of Humanity –
- In this point of tension, which is a unified field of Love&Light&Harmony, the will-to-good anchors, as a driving force, direct to re-establish the primary Idea of Brotherhood on Earth, our beloved Garden à through the Ideal of the right human relationships à through an increasing social and international fraternity and enlightened public opinion –
- Here&Now, Always&Everywhere, through our evolving creative imagination, let us love and hold in the light this vision of Humanity as the Planetary Server of the divine Plan –
- Here&Now, Always&Everywhere, let us vitalize this image and goal in the ‘third eye’, “with united breath and unified rhythm” with the higher Septenaries and in agreement with the heavenly energies and cycles –
- Here&Now, Always&Everywhere, let us assert into the hearts and minds of men:
Love is the universal Motive
Brotherhood is the community of Love
Let the One Humanity be Will-to-Liberation
Let It be a Magnet of Solar Love
well done ty