On July 21st, in the heliocentric Sky of the Solar System, the alignment between Sun/Vulcan (1st Ray), “the great Illuminator”, the Earth (3rd Ray), “the sphere of experience”, and Saturn (3rd Ray), “the Designer of all solar developments”, lights up along the zodiacal axis Cancer-Capricorn (1st-3rd-7th R.), the two Gates of incarnation in the Form (Cancer) and of liberation (Capricorn), which transmit the dynamic and initiatory energies of Sirius, our Sun of suns.
The initiatory sparks of Third Ray, released by the combined flight of the two Light-bearers, ignite the motivating impulse that guides all creation, the resplendent Light of solar Ideas illuminates the consciousness and instills ardour in the hearts of men, so that the ideal formulas of the New Culture and Civilization can be built.
Synchronized with the power of Light, the rhythmic motion of Fire, we raise the creative thrust, design the planes of progress to a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral and joyfully Irradiate the third aspect of Light*.
The third aspect of Light is simple and immediately recognizable, since the radiant splendour is certainly, for this solar system, expressed by the Sun.
This fiery centre infuses heat, feeds and sustains all manifested forms and is the powerful dispenser of the Third Ray energy.** It is the great Architect of its system which, as an implacable programmer, marks the rhythms and organizes the life on the Planet.
When it appears on the horizon all creatures respond to its divine impulse, they begin a phase of new experiences and lessons, docile to the constructive and organizing force of the third Ray.
The sun, a bright golden-yellow centre encamped in the blue sky, symbolically represents the three major aspects of energy: it is in fact the third ray in the Mother’s womb (blue is the colour that best describes the energy of the 2nd aspect) and the first appears in the characteristic igneous nature of that light source.
Midday (not the one marked by clocks, but the local one, which indicates the passage of the sun on the meridian, establishing the intimate adhesion between place and sun), is a particular moment of the day, as the irradiation – and therefore the dispensation of third ray energies – peaks.
For this reason, the third Vertex repeats the first stanza of the Great Invocation every day just when the true source of all intelligent activity is in full splendour.
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
The Servers of the Good, the Beautiful and the True respond concordantly to the impulse of the Light that descends on Earth, advance along the orbit of evolution and devise the Plan for the common advancement. The love for the heavenly Order, the sense of responsibility and the right understanding of the Service rendered to the Hierarchy of Light open the doors to the greatest victory.
“When a great structure is built, each page has its significance. Each affirmation of the cosmic evolution is impregnated in conformity. It is correct to say that humanity builds its cosmic steps in its strivings and assimilations. Humanity either receives or gives out the manifested forces. Precisely, its Service to the Cosmic Good gives humanity its ascent. When the transport of human aspiration is limitless and endless, a cosmic coordination can be affirmed. How wondrous is the realization of the link with Cosmos! How beautiful is the building of cosmic evolution!” (Infinity II § 380 – Agni Yoga Series)
The basis of Planning is Light
Light is the rhythmic motion of Fire
Let the One Humanity be Light in action ***