Leo Full Moon: Construction of Ideals

5.6 – Construction of Ideals
3 August 2020 – 15.58 (GMT)

Leo Full Moon: the Ideal of Identity

OPHELIA … Lord, we know what we are,
but know not what we may be.
(William Shakespeare, Hamlet – Act IV, Scene 5)

Given the fact of the finiteness of man and of his life, given the tremendous periphery of the cosmos and the minute nature of our planet, given the vastness of the universe and the realisation that it is but one of countless (literally countless) greater and smaller universes, yet there is present in men and upon our planet a factor and a quality which can enable all these facts to be seen and realised as parts in a whole, and which permits man (escaping, as he can, from his human self-consciousness) to expand his sense of awareness and identity so that the form aspects of life offer no barrier to his all embracing spirit. (Alice Bailey – Esoteric Psychology vol. II, 219)

The individual becomes the universal. Man, alone and separative, becomes mankind in his reactions and awareness and yet, at the same time, preserves his individuality; he is no longer just a human being, individually self-centred and separative, but becomes humanity itself, losing his personal identity in the good of the whole yet retaining his spiritual Identity. From self-service, he proceeds to world service and yet is always the individualised Son of God until after the third initiation. (Alice Bailey – Esoteric Astrology, 135/136)

credits: Rafael Araujo

Thus, the great schools of intellectual meditation (devoid in the final stages of feeling and emotion) all lead to the same point. From the standpoint of Buddhism, of Hinduism, of Sufism, and of Christianity, there is the same basic goal: Unification with Deity; there is the same transcendence of the senses, the same focussing of the mind at its highest point, the same apparent futility of the mind beyond that point to carry the aspirant to his objective; there is the same entering into the state of contemplation of Reality, the same assimilation into God, and awareness of identity with God, and the same subsequent Illumination.
All sense of separateness has disappeared. Unity with the Universe, realized Identity with the Whole, conscious awareness of the Self and assimilation in full waking consciousness with both interior and exterior Nature — this is the definite goal of the seeker after knowledge.
The self, the not-self, and the relation between the two, are known as one fact, without differentiation. God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Ghost, are realized as working smoothly together as one Identity — the Three in One and the One in Three. This is the objective of all the schools wherein the mystic transcends feeling, and even thought, in the last analysis, and becomes united with the ALL. Individuality, however, remains in consciousness, but it is so identified with the sum-total that all sense of separateness disappears. Naught is left but realized Unity. (Alice Bailey – From Intellect to Intuition, 194/195)

credits: Ólafur Elíasson

Glibly the neophyte talks of identifying himself with others, and eagerly he endeavours to ascertain his group and merge with it; yet in so doing the constant concept of duality is ever present—himself and all other selves, himself and the group, himself and the group energy which he may now wield.  Yet this is not so in reality.  Where true identity is achieved, there is no sense of this and that; where the merging is complete, there is no recognition of individual activity within the group, because the will of the merged soul is identical with that of the group and automatic in its working; where true unity is present, the individual applicant becomes only a channel for the group will and activity, and this with no effort of his own but simply as a spontaneous reaction. (Alice Bailey – Rays and the Initiations, 168)

credits: Ólafur Elíasson

As the individual mind stuff is an integral part of the Universal Mind, and as the principle of mind is inherent in all forms, the sense of individuality and of self-awareness is always eternally possible.  In the higher states of consciousness, it is however, eventually relegated to a subordinate position.  God, for instance, can always and eternally be aware of that reality which constitutes the self, and which governs the integrity of the solar system, and of the solar interplay with other systems, but the consciousness of divinity and the awareness of the solar Deity is not primarily occupied with selfhood.  That—as a result of past world periods and experience—is below the threshold of the divine consciousness, and has become as much a part of the cosmic instinctual nature as are any of the human instinctual attributes.  The focus of the Eternal Attention (if I may use so unusual a phrase where words are necessarily almost worthless!) lies in realms of awareness beyond our comprehension.  They lie as far beyond our ken as the awareness of a Master of the Wisdom lies beyond the ken of an ant or a mouse.  It is therefore fruitless for us to dwell upon it.  For us, there is the achieving of personality, or of a full registration or awareness of the indwelling self; there lies then the utilisation of that personality, and its sacrifice eventually to group good, with a consequent merging of the self in the one self and the fusion of the individual soul (consciously and willingly) in the Oversoul.
‘I am’—the cry of every human being;  ‘I am That’,—the cry of every personality, who realises his selfhood and uses his personality in order to express the will of the indwelling entity, the true person.  ‘I am that I am’—the cry of the individual soul as it is lost in the whole and realises its oneness with the soul or self of all. (Alice Bailey – A Treatise on White Magic, 392/393)

credits: Joma Sipe



Suggested listening (click on the above pics for the relevant videos)


“Your focus determines your reality”
(Star Wars – Episode I)

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2 Responses to Leo Full Moon: Construction of Ideals

  1. Tom McNamara says:

    So true, thank you. This new Identity of the Universal Self, is the solution to the dilemma of which mankind is now forced to recognize and realize…Shamballa has spoken, and the Whole universe has confirmed. The Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion” is this integrating engine for the mind of man to know and in hologram BE with the ALL….

  2. NancyC. says:

    Wonderful! Thank you Mauro C. for this gift at the Leo Full Moon.

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