Jupiter enters Aquarius

Jupiter in Aquarius:

The planetary Heart resonates with Infinite Love

The Lord of Love and Solar Space, Jupiter (Second Ray of Love-Wisdom), enters today, from the heliocentric point of view (geocentrically on December 19), the magnetic field of Aquarius, where it will remain for about a year, and will be the Master Server: He will be able to inspire new ideals from above, expand the consciousness to the Great Service, to the Idea of ​​infinite Brotherhood.

In this masterful lesson of endless Love and Service, from here to Infinity, Jupiter (ruler of Aquarius for disciples) will join the innovative and creative Saturn (Third Ray of Creative Intelligence), the Architect of rebalancing (karma) which as evolutionary Will leads to the Summit of Capricorn and of the future, now finally in Aquarius (from September 3 heliocentrically), the Sign of the rising Age, of universal Service and Brotherhood, of knowledge as Water of Life.

Jupiter and Saturn, Love and Light, the divine Builders of the Plan of Solar Consciousness, with Sun/Vulcan (the center of Will), are approaching the epochal conjunction of November 2 (heliocentrically and December 21 geocentrically, at the solstice!), the first in the Sign of the New Age since 1404. This evolutionary impulse, imposed from above, by the law of cycles, marks a decisive stage for the establishment of the New Age on the Planet and a new orientation of the entire solar Plan (see The seven steps towards 2025 and From linear to cyclical time).

A new beginning encompasses the solar system. The triumph of intelligent Love is being prepared, a New Covenant with Heaven.

On that Date, the two Lords, in perfect conjunction at 0 degrees, will put in circulation the energy of Aquarius, Sign of air, lightness, communion, and prepare future ideals, ferrying consciousnesses into the new world of the One Humanity.

The Air element is the substantial quality that conveys Expansion, which will guide Humanity towards universal Service through solar or group consciousness:

“Aquarius is pre-eminently a sign of constant movement, of changing activity and recurrent mutations, and the symbol for the sign is expressive of this state of activity. It is, therefore, a sign in which the significance of cycles is mastered and understood by the initiate. The results of the valley experience (to use the well-known language of the mystics of all ages) and of the mountain top with its vision and light, are very vividly depicted by the sign… he can know and pass through the exaltation of the soul and the sense of spiritual power which soul control gives, and know them to be the interplay and the action and reaction which are necessary for growth and comprehension”. (Alice Bailey – Esoteric Astrology, p. 141-142)

“The individual becomes the universal. Man, alone and separative, becomes mankind in his reactions and awareness and yet, at the same time, preserves his individuality; he is no longer just a human being, individually self-centred and separative, but becomes humanity itself, losing his personal identity in the good of the whole yet retaining his spiritual Identity. From self-service, he proceeds to world service and yet is always the individualised Son of God until after the third initiation”. (Ibid, p. 135-136)

“Solitude – Coexistence. This relationship of Ideas is the theme of the age of Aquarius, during which humanity will have to solve the problem of the right relationship between collective and individual… and with Jupiter the desert [Space] flourishes, coexistence becomes loving and magnetic“. (1998 Calendar, unpublished text by E. Savoini).

In this time of epochal change, of disorientation and confusion, from which the new pan-human culture must emerge, Heaven, the great Server, offers solutions of such power that it touches the Hearts of all servers.

“Jupiter, the second lord, is the advancing Planet. It advances towards Saturn, advances in human hearts, it is the Lord who returns [the sign of the coming of the Messiah was the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces]. When night falls, his luminous trace is seen, and each day he is closer to the third Lord. It is a fateful path that should be followed with an open heart”. (Ibid)

The majestic liturgy of the Return is celebrated in the great solar field, where Brotherhood spontaneously blooms, that community of Love, which the wise and benevolent Jupiter serves, permeated with expectation.

But the wait is not prudent, timid, it must be lived with courage.

“Brotherhood, like a Magnet, attracts ready souls. The paths differ, but there is that inner chord that sounds and calls to unity… It is impossible to explain in words alone how this unification takes place. One must have a broadened consciousness in order to understand and gratefully receive the Help sent. Thus will man begin to discern how the higher energy draws near”. (Brotherhood § 443 – Agni Yoga Series)

The Magnet of solar Love, Jupiter, moves towards the beloved, the Unknown – He transmits placid and intelligent acquiescence to the new, to the energies that come through cosmic channels, they come from the beloved and unfathomable Infinity.

It is the Centre of the Heart and the Agent of Solar Love and Wisdom (the Christ principle, Buddhi, the spiritual Soul or Aquarian “group consciousness”), energies connected to the Star Sirius, the Soul of our Sun.

His obedience predisposes Him to the return. Such is the Teaching, the great service rendered by the solar Heart. Such is the general scene, of the System and of the human heart.

The planetary Heart, by resonance, expands its magnetic power of attraction towards cosmic Love (Sirius), and the human Planetary Order, a cell of that Heart, can tune its pulse to that of the Cosmos.

It is a double return: Christ descends again amongst men, and they return to Him.

The Christ, our supreme Model to be imitated, has opened for us the Way that leads to the essential unity pulsating in all creation (Buddhi), and in Aquarius He is the one “who shows the light and pours water”:

“In Aquarius, Christ put His disciples in touch with the “man, bearing a pitcher of water”, Aquarius, and in the upper room introduced them to union and unity under the symbolism of the communion feast. For that feast, humanity is today preparing… The astrological significance of the New Testament is as yet little understood. Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate who becomes the world Server in Aquarius, and the world Saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces “It is finished”.” (Alice Bailey – Esoteric Astrology, p. 167-168)

“Aquarius — The expression of this influence has been beautifully given to us in the story of the Last Supper. Christ sent His disciples into the city to find the man “bearing a pitcher of water” upon his shoulder. This is the symbol of the sign Aquarius — the sign in which the universality of the water of life will become a factor in human consciousness; then we shall indeed all sit down eventually to the communion of bread and wine. He referred indirectly to the same idea when He spoke of Himself as the “water of life,” assuaging the thirst of humanity”. (Ibid, p. 566)

“Let your light shine”, it was said. Few have understood its meaning, few obey, and yet it is the greatest service. The Sun and the Heavens prove it.

In the previous cycle, with Jupiter in Capricorn, we described the initiatory lesson imparted by the solar Master in the Summit, the Gate of the Gods:

“… now the Door is open. The energies and formulas radiate throughout Space, pregnant with effects not yet manifest; and the luminous powers of Service, having turned their backs to the supernal Light, rush. The future cycle is thus launched towards its destined development, driven by the divine force of desire”. (1996 Calendar, unpublished text by E. Savoini).

Now, the all-pervading and penetrating force of Love moves the Will-to-serve – it consecrates man to the spirit, to life, to the divine expression of service.

The two mottos of Aquarius express this:

“Let desire in form be ruler”

“Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men”.

“Among the pupils the habit of considering the two sentences (these ones as well as those relating to the other Signs) as separate from each other prevails at first, the first being involutionary and the second evolutionary. Sooner or later, however, a different understanding arises, whereby they are seen as not separate and inseparable from each other, and then it is illuminating to contemplate them together without the thought of descent and ascent.

Christ is sometimes called “the desire of the people”, hoped for as a guide, model, saviour and monarch. The first part of the motto, when considered in this light, invokes his appearance, or his advent, or his return, or his taking of power over world affairs. Of course this is an extreme interpretation, but since these are exceptional times it is commensurate with necessity. The second part is the answer that comes from above, evoked by the first”. (1998 Calendar).

“It is the symbol of the server. It is variously represented, and in the most complex form it is a water carrier holding the jug on his head or shoulder, or in the act of pouring.

It is not a water sign, but an air one, a distributor of mental energy.

Throughout [the year], attention is focused on the basic idea of service.

Humanity needs servers who, free from any prejudice, learn to know “that simple truth that transforms life into a miracle”. Thus the disciples available and called for are invited to carry out the Service ”. (The Five-year Period, by Enzio Savoini).


Teach My Path.
Help people to develop an understanding of man’s nature.
They will understand the nature of Service.
They will understand the joy of the Beautiful.
They will understand the simple truths that transform life into a miracle…
(Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 356 Agni Yoga)

Happiness lies in serving the salvation of Humanity. Put aside all prejudices and, summoning your spiritual forces, aid mankind.
(Ibid § 4)

Thus it is, when the spirit comes to realize service:
New wings grow, and the surrounding air sings at night.
(Ibid § 355)


The Will to Serve realizes Brotherhood

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One Response to Jupiter enters Aquarius

  1. Michelina M Foster says:

    Exceptionally well expressed. Thank you!

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