Light in action: the second impulse

Today, November 22, is that Day/Degree of the orbital revolution that sees our Earth aligned between the Center of Sun/Vulcan and the other “Central Sun”, Alcyone of the Pleiades, the Origin and central pivot of the seven Solar Systems (the Cosmic Septenary, of which ours is a part).

On this Day “… the sevenfold brooding Mother, the silver constellation, whose voice is as a tinkling bell, and whose feet pass lightly o’er the radiant path between our worlds and hers” (the Chariot of the Pleiades lies on the resplendent path of the Ecliptic) lets a second toll* resound in the annual cycle of our beloved blue Planet.

Alcyone/Pleiades is the cosmic source of Light, of the creative Intelli-gence of spatial Substance, and the Earth (3rd Ray) and Humanity (the 3rd planetary Centre, connected to the throat) are two of Its direct centres of precipitation and distribution. The presence of such focal centres on the same Plane of Love and Light implies and enhances the vital impulse to orient oneself to the celestial Will and realise the evolutionary and unitary Purpose.

Humanity, in these difficult but great times, is reminded of the meaning of its lofty mission: letting its own Light shine, united in the reconstruction with the Fiery Brotherhood.

When the world is atremble the subtle energies are being attracted to the planet. Therefore, humanity must realize that this is the hour of de-struction and shifting and that a New Dawn glows upon the horizon. The creativity of Cosmos is incessant, and incessant is the replacement of some levers by others. When old conceptions of world evolution are becoming extinguished the dawn of the fires is kindled. Verily, the time is a fiery one, and Agni Yoga takes the place of all the departing energies. Thus do We kindle the New Dawn, and the waves of cosmic recon-struction are most powerful. All the centers vibrate, reverberating with the cosmic reconstruction. It is a great Dawn, and humanity can find in it the path to evolution. Thus, the light of Our fires will give humanity a new impulse. Yes, yes, yes! I so affirm!**

Let the One Humanity be Light in action


* For the first one, see the post “Light in action, published in May, on the occasion of the symmetrical Earth-Sun-Alcyone alignment.
** Agni Yoga Series – Infinity II § 332
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3 Responses to Light in action: the second impulse

  1. TPS Editor says:

    Gratitude Nancy! “… When the planetary consciousness is directed toward unification of all factors, the manifestation of cosmic shiftings overtakes all spheres. Hence, the planetary consciousness establishes the cosmic energy…”

    Let’s strive as One Being to develop the cosmic consciousness in us, in humanity.
    The “cooperation of the centres” will reflect the cosmic Order and the Beauty of Being!

  2. Nancy Connally says:

    Understanding the Cosmic Oneness is a necessary pre-requisite conferring the desire and ability to redeem the substance of the physical, astral and mental levels of our earth, thus restoring the health and well being of the planet and all its life forms…all parts of what will be a Sacred earth as it becomes fit as the cosmic vehicle it is destined to one day provide. Only Humanity can restore the Plan on Earth!

  3. Nancy Connally says:

    Yes, Yes, Yes…the cooperation of all Brothers working for the common good and the cosmic good, gives us the Power to move forward in solemnity and beauty.

    Infinity – Book 1 (1930) – 360:
    360. When humanity will come to understand the Cosmic Oneness, the cosmic construction will be affirmed. The chief task of humanity is to unite the world of matter with the world of spirit. The demarcation line between the spheres is very sharply drawn; hence, the correlation of the predestined with the mechanical world in which men are submerged is rare. When the planetary consciousness is directed toward unification of all factors, the manifestation of cosmic shiftings overtakes all spheres. Hence, the planetary consciousness establishes the cosmic energy. The striving of an Agni Yogi and the work of the centers help to determine the cosmic consciousness. Therefore, the most important affirmation of the energy is the broadening of consciousness. The creativeness of Our Brothers is directed toward the development of cosmic consciousness in humanity. Therefore is the cooperation of the centers so affirmed by Us.

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