Harmony and Union

This day welcomes the fundamental celestial Direction Aldebaran-Earth-Sun-Antares, sacred to the Harmony between Light and Love, between divine Vision and Desire, sacred to the pure Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict and to the Sixth Ray of the Union with the World of Ideas.

It is the cosmic Middle Way that mirrors, at a local level, the Reality of the Being in which we live, move and have our being [1]: the Eye of Revelation, Aldebaran/Taurus, stares at the Summit of Heaven and contemplates that Reality; it is the door and pivot, with its polar opposite Antares/Scorpio, towards the Plane of the Seven Solar Systems, between the solar Heart [2] and the galactic Heart, Origin and Goal of all the Suns and hearts of the entire Galaxy.

In the current Sign of Sagittarius, the evolutionary field of consciousness that teaches us to discern future Goals with increasing enthusiasm and wisdom, the mirror is placed between the Archer and the target; the resulting magic celebrates the prodigy of Communion.

The bow of common consciousness then proceeds towards a new tension, the Solstitial Summit, ready to shoot the arrow of victory.

“Heaven is reflected on the planet and in every man. This ensures communion, and destines him to the stars and Heaven itself.

For this reason man is a celestial nomad.

Such a prodigy is the work of universal Harmony, which provides forces and energies.


Unity is strength – but even the wicked know this. In order for force to be real and just, the union must be harmonious, which is impossible for them.

Therefore Victory lies in Harmony”. [3]

As we did symmetrically 6 months ago (see here), today we celebrate in a special way this alignment that sees the ignition of the 4th and 6th Ray through the fiery garrisons Aldebaran and Antares, active Agents of Harmony and Union.

In response to this blazing impulse, let us assert and activate in the silence of the common Heart the ideal Formulas:

Harmony is the perfect Glory


Union is convergence to the One


Let the One Humanity reveal
the Communion with the World of Ideas



[1] The Way reveals the even higher correspondence between this side of the celestial Sphere (hosting Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades) and the galactic heart (between the stars of Scorpio and those of Sagittarius), the Centre of centres, the supreme Origin of the entire galaxy.

[2] They concern the focussed energies of the seven solar systems of which ours is one. These energies (six in number) reach our solar system, via the constellations Taurus and Scorpio and the planet Mars […]. Their peculiar nature, objective in evolution and basic purpose is only revealed to initiates above the fifth initiation. They are concerned with the problem of desire (which is to humanity a problem but not in its higher octaves) and with its transmutation into spiritual will and divine purpose. They are the originators of conflict, are closely connected with the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and are, therefore, in a peculiar relation to the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human, and to our Earth in this fourth round”. (Esoteric Astrology, 467)

[3] E. Savoini, “Rituals 1992 – Part II”

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One Response to Harmony and Union

  1. NancyC. says:

    The Recognition of the Synthesis of the Whole will Save the World. We can harmonize and coordinate all our efforts and methods into this one direction.

    Humanity is now finally beginning to establish the connection between its personality and its higher nature. This confers the ability to respond to spiritual realities in ways not possible before. The Ultimate Spiritual Reality which puts all life and existence into context is that there is One Life that is comprised of that Life which is outside of all form and yet is contained within all parts of its creation. This is the Foundation of the Saving Force which must be established and which will bring harmony to all the parts in the One Work as we learn to think, speak and write always from the Universal to the Particular.

    “Brotherhood (1937) 296. “Solemnity should be proclaimed when Infinity is realized. Some are surprised at the fact that the book Infinity was given before succeeding books. But how would it be possible to understand Heart , Hierarchy , Fiery World , and Aum if the concept of Infinity were not sent in advance? All the aforementioned concepts cannot be in a finite state. Man cannot assimilate any of them, if he does not breathe in the call of Infinity…”

    We bring to humanity that which the esoteric teachers of the past have given to us, and one of the most ancient rules is: Always begin the the Universal and end with the particular. It is no accident that at this time in our planetary history we must begin with teaching Identification with the Whole.

    The Life Aspect is now entering our planetary life, and will complete the trilogy of The Saving Force, the synthesis of the three energies: Divine Intelligence; Divine Love; and Divine Will through the planetary focal points of Divine expression, of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. (Ex. Hierarchy pp 273-275)

    As we open ourselves up to the new incoming energy of Synthesis (incorporating it into our work of every kind and sort) “the inspiration coming from the cosmic Avatar becomes in time a group inspiration, and therefore can be more safely handled. This group inspiration can happen today. If it does, there will then be a simultaneous appearing of the cosmic Avatar, the World Saviour in the Person of the lesser Avatar, and—at the same time—a group saviour, composed of responsive disciples and world servers. Ponder again on this.” Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 308

    Infinity II, 380. When a great structure is built, each page has its significance. Each affirmation of the cosmic evolution is impregnated in conformity. It is correct to say that humanity builds its cosmic steps in its strivings and assimilations. Humanity either receives or gives out the manifested forces. Precisely, its Service to the Cosmic Good gives humanity its ascent. When the transport of human aspiration is limitless and endless, a cosmic coordination can be affirmed. How wondrous is the realization of the link with Cosmos! How beautiful is the building of cosmic evolution!

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