On the day of the full moon of Pisces, immersed in Its purifying and saving waters, let us turn our gaze to the very deep sky, to the constellation of Draco (the Dragon), to free the power of the conscious return to the celestial Wisdom, the way of Salvation.*

“Pisces is the descent into the depths (of the Psyche-Soul-Consciousness) and is the First of the 12 creative Hierarchies (part of the “body of expression of the solar Logos”), it is the intelligent Substance, the Matter that returns to the Spirit, to the “Home of the Father”, thanks to the salvation brought about by the evolving Consciousness. It is the vital power (Pluto, which governs the center at the base of the spine) that goes up to the Head center (Vulcan), from the Earth to the Sun, from the Sun to the cosmic Peak of the Bears and the Dragon, personification “of Wisdom, Immortality and Rebirth”:
“… the constellation of the Dragon has the same relation to the ONE greater than our Logos as the centre at the base of the spine has to a human being. It concerns stimulation, and vitalisation with a consequent co-ordination of the manifesting fires.”
Our solar System points to the constellation of the Dragon (North Pole of the ecliptic), therefore the current Will and Action of our solar Logos (2nd Ray), the Son, are informed and orientated by that celestial Direction, and deeply related to this solar System/Constellation of 7th Ray:
“Just as we are told that the life principle is «seated in the heart», so the will-to-be is seated in the base of the spine… This basic centre is the point where, under the evolutionary law, spirit and matter meet, and life is related to form…
It is the centre where the «serpent of God» undergoes two transformations:
- The serpent of matter lies coiled.
- This serpent is transformed into the serpent of wisdom.
- The serpent of wisdom is translated and becomes «the dragon of living light».
There are 3 snakes or serpentine constellations in the Heavens:
- the serpent of matter wrapped in its coils: Hydra (associated with the Sign of Virgo)
- the serpent of wisdom: Ophiuchus (Scorpio & Sagittarius)
- the dragon of living light: Draco (Capricornus-Pisces) [1]
The Dragons of Wisdom or living Light, Initiated into Solar Love, return to the Father’s Home and save.
“The Solar Dragon, symbol of Wisdom (the Solar Kumāras who incarnated the highest Being) [2] … is often mentioned as “the Dragon of the Sea” [Sea = spatial depth]. In Egypt, it is the star of the Dragon (then the North Pole Star) [Thuban], the origin of the connection of almost all the gods with the Dragon. Bel and the Dragon, Apollo and Python, Osiris and Typhon, Sigur and Fafnir, and finally St. George and the Dragon, are the same. They were all solar gods, and wherever we find the Sun there also is the Dragon, the symbol of Wisdom — Thoth-Hermes. [already associated with Orpheus-Swan and Isis-Sirius, sources of Love-Wisdom].” (Theosophical Glossary)
The ‘electric fire’ of Buddhi [3] comes to the solar System from the Dragon (through the Pleiades), which thus reveals itself as a cosmic Initiator, the cosmic Constellation of Uranus.
Uranus, the solar Hierophant, is in fact the Luminary of 1st and 7th ray which precipitates the cosmic Love-Wisdom of Sirius through the most profound Sign of Pisces (while the Light of the Pleiades comes through Capricorn and Mercury and the Power-Will of the Great Bear through Leo and Saturn).
Sun/Vulcan, the Son, the Heart in the head, must “kill” or rule the rebellious dragon of the unconscious – Pluto, the seat of kundalini, the vital impulse – with the Light of Consciousness, the solar and electric Fire that flows from the higher Hearts (Sirius, solar Logos), through the occult Mind of Uranus, which brings together and synthesizes in itself, at all levels, the opposite powers of Pluto and Vulcan.

The Dragon is closely connected to the Bears, the Chariots of Life:
“The seven-headed Serpent has multiple meanings in the arcane teachings. It is the seven-headed Dragon, and each of its heads is a star of the Ursa Minor”.
The Dragon is the Ark of the Covenant guarded by the two Bears: “The two Cherubs that stand on either side of the sacred Tetragrammaton represent the Great Bear and the Little Bear.” [4]
At the centre between the Ursa Major and the Minor “of the ineffable Monad, cause of the seven solar systems”, the Dragon of cosmic Wisdom is that vital power that rises as living Light and moves as Fire of Life (Fohat).
The vital and electrical impulses coming from the Bears and the Dragon through the Pleiades must be mastered by the solar Consciousness (such as the Seven by the Twelve), in order for the Intelligence of the solar Substance (Pisces) to return to the Home of the Father and express the universal Motive, cosmic Love.
I am the power of cosmic Wisdom:
I sublimate the Substance and free its Essence

* In this liturgical and solemn year, the seventh of the fifth seven-year period, we intend to celebrate the Full Moons as dates or directions of connection with the supreme stellar sources, rulers of our local universe, our cosmic Abode, the Entity in which “we live, move and have our being”.
To nourish this inner, rhythmic and powerful rite, we present at each ‘celestial appointment’ some extracts from the text The Order of Orion, “an astrosophical investigation of the solar and cosmic essence of humanity” (only available in Italian at the moment), to trace the possible infinite paths between the Moon and the One.
For today’s Full moon, see also the association, from a galactic point of view, of the constellation of Pisces to Fomalhaut, the main Star of the constellation of Piscis Austrinus.
[1] Excerpts from “Esoteric Astrology”, p. 46 and from “Esoteric Healing”, p. 181-2.
The Dragon is associated, with respect to the human Hierarchy, with the Sign of Capricorn, symbol of the “north” Gate, entry of the energies, and of the summit of human initiations, the Third or Transfiguration; but Capricorn (the Initiate), Aquarius (the Server) and Pisces (the Saviour) are all Signs that convey the Mastery of the Dragons of Wisdom.
“DRAKŌN (Gr.) – or Dragon. Now considered a “mythical” monster, perpetuated in the West only on seals,. &c., as a heraldic griffin, and the Devil slain by St. George, &c. In fact an extinct antediluvian monster. In Babylonian antiquities it is referred to as the “scaly one” and connected on many gems with Tiamat the sea… He [Thoth] is the god of wisdom and of authority over all other gods. He is the recorder and the judge. His ibis-head, the pen and tablet of the celestial scribe, who records the thoughts, words and deeds of men and weighs them in the balance, liken him to the type of the esoteric Lipikas. He is the “Lord of Hermopolis” — Janus, Hermes and Mercury combined. He is crowned with an atef and the lunar disk, and bears the “Eye of Horus”, the third eye, in his hand. He is the Greek Hermes, the god of learning, and Hermes Trismegistus, the “ Thrice-great Hermes”, the patron of physical sciences and the patron and very soul of the occult esoteric knowledge… According to Plato, “Thoth-Hermes was the discoverer and inventor of numbers, geometry, astronomy and letters”… In other words Thoth, as the Registrar and Recorder of Osiris in Amenti, the Judgment Hall of the Dead was a psychopompic deity; while Iamblichus hints that “the cross with a handle (the thau or tau) which Tot holds in his hand, was none other than the monogram of his name”. Besides the Tau, as the prototype of Mercury, Thoth carries the serpent-rod, emblem of Wisdom, the rod that became the Caduceus [here are the symbols of the Taurus-Scorpio axis, presided over by Vulcan-Mercury, the zodiacal axis sacred to the Eye of Revelation and to the 4th Buddhic Principle of the 4th human Hierarchy]. Says Mr. Bonwick, “Hermes was the serpent itself in a mystical sense. He glides like that creature, noiselessly, without apparent exertion, along the course of ages… He is… a representative of the spangled heavens. But he is the foe of the bad serpent, for the ibis devoured the snakes of Egypt.”… The Hierophants of Egypt and of Babylon styled themselves “Sons of the Serpent-God” and “Sons of the Dragon”. “I am a Serpent, I am a Druid”, said the Druid of the Celto-Britannic regions, for the Serpent and the Dragon were both types of Wisdom, Immortality and Rebirth. As the serpent casts its old skin only to reappear in a new one, so does the immortal Ego cast off one personality but to assume another… [Kuklos Anagkēs] … a Dragon of Wisdom, i.e., an Initiate. The world over, the priest-adepts called themselves “Sons of the Dragon” and “Sons of the Serpent-god”…
“CARNAC – A very ancient site in Brittany (France) of a temple of cyclopean structure, sacred to the Sun and the Dragon; and of the same kind as Karnac, in ancient Egypt, and Stonehenge in England. It was built by the prehistoric hierophant priests of the Solar Dragon, or symbolized Wisdom (the Solar Kumāras who incarnated being the highest). Each of the stones was personally placed there by the successive priest-adepts in power, and commemorated in symbolic language the degree of power, status, and knowledge of each”.
Also in Cambodia we have a necklace of 72 temples that reproduces the constellation of the Dragon as it appeared in the Sky in 10.450 BC.
THRAETAONA (Mazd.) – The Persian Michael, who contended with Zohak or Azhi-Dahaka, the destroying serpent. In the Avesta Azhi-Dahaka is a three-headed monster, one of whose heads is human, and the two others Ophidian… Metaphysically, however, the human head denotes the physical man, and the two serpent heads the dual manasic principles — the dragon and serpent both standing as symbols of wisdom and occult powers. (Excerpts fromThe Theosophical Glossary)
[2] The “Dragon of living Light”, associated with the Sign of Capricorn is in Sanskrit Makara, the crocodile, veil of the Kumaras or Initiates.
[3] Buddhi-Love/Wisdom is the ‘electric fire’ (1st aspect) which is found in the nucleus of every atom, but it is ‘solar’ (2nd aspect) with respect to Atma-Will (1st aspect), which however cannot manifest itself except through Buddhi, just as Buddhi is manifested to man through Manas (the 3rd aspect, the Mind).
[4] H. P. Blavatsky, Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis: the sacred Tetragrammaton is the four-letter sacred name of the Deity, of the Second Logos, the Dragon of Love-Wisdom, which “can only be resolved on Earth by becoming sevenfold through the manifest Triangle, which proceeds from the Tetractys”.