Pisces 2021







The net is cast to fish; we sow to reap.
The net is held together in the sea by its knots of fire:
the blazing seeds intermingle in the soil with the roots.

Those who fish and those who sow perform the same ritual,
but in reverse: the first destroys forms and saves lives;
the second encloses lives into forms to save them.


Therefore I fish and sow.
Therefore I save.




There is a time when we pass from I to We.
Actually neither of them has borders –
in this respect they are equivalent.
But when the I considers itself as a captive and sees Space as
isolation, the power of the We saves him: the prison dissolves
and Space reveals itself as the home of the We.

Thus Communion is prepared, for groups
and groups of groups, according to the law.


Then the time comes for the common march,
to ascend to the greater We.




From innumerable paths the Pilgrims gather in their Place, and
climb up. Each has his own pace, but now there is only one way.

In this lies the great and new project.

The Goal is distant when it seems close,
and near when it seems remote.


Why looking for the Way, why marching, Pilgrims?
Why so much pain, if one passes from the I to the We?




Here is the storm, the sea is raging.
It is time to think of the lull.

Here is the sovereign calm, delightful is the sky.
It is time to think of the tempest.

I am the helmsman of the We,
which I address to the Port at all times.


I guide the hearts, here and there. Yet I know that the alternations
are not forever, and I teach them to follow that Route which
barely touches the waters and does not perceive changes.




New ways for new times.
Another era begins, to be welcomed in a new way,
according to a co-measurement with its qualities.

Therefore I capture from Space the currents
that open new orbits and absorb them in the heart.
The heart measures them, then radiates them
pulsating in theSpace of humanity.


By analysis I extract from the Infinite
what I then return, humanized.
I devise the routes I envisage for the march of the group
that has been preparing from the Beginning.




How many paths branch off towards the horizon!
It is a big labyrinth, made up of all the labyrinths.
And all these roads are new, never been travelled by man.

But I see those to lead to the Centre, the closest, the highest.
I see those that lead to the common Good and freedom.


Therefore I reassure the Pilgrims who march together
towards the last Beginning, illuminated by the Star of Life.




A line of Pilgrims proceeds towards the Temple.
They come from different places, they have a common goal.

They help each other; but I connect them together
with bright and sonic threads.
I bind them two by two, and these to other couples,
to make them safe on the slope.


Therefore the Pilgrims sing, while they dare to climb
to the sacred Place of the common Beginning.







In this solemn year 5.7, which concludes the seven-year period dedicated to the work for the manifestation of a New Culture and a New Civilization, we celebrate the entry into the various zodiac signs with these magnificent Rituals, designed to “unite Spirit and Substance”, complying with the action of the seventh divine energy, and to make the creative Liturgy of the human group and work as effective, rhythmic and harmonious as possible, in accordance with the Planetary and Solar Rituality (see “Asserting the Planetary Plan”).


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