Seeing the Invisible

The Sun/Vulcan – Mercury – Earth direction on the Sagittarius – Gemini zodiacal axis today [1] suggests to the heart the power of the Fourth Ray that, invisible and silent, traces the infinite spatial symmetries, by following which the paths of Life will gain colour and movement.

We have already mentioned that Life proceeds by advancing between opposites, and in leveling them each one of us gradually approaches the Centre from which, as a refreshing source, this same Life flows; we have already pointed out that Beauty and Harmony are the weapons that the Fourth Ray offers to pilgrims in order to cross the banks of the Way and that the imitation of models, small or large, allows us to proceed from “light to light” on the paths of Infinity.

Today we would like to bring attention to another aspect of the Fourth Energy, an apparently secondary aspect, which, on the contrary, reveals itself as that inner action that allows us to walk in the supernal light.
When we are able to affirm “From the place of Fire I contemplate and reflect the Model” [2], our consciousness has assumed a particular “posture”, has taken a seat within Being itself and from that Centre begins to govern not only its own interior acts, but also those acts which make it participate, together with a Hierarchy of consciousnesses, in the planetary and solar evolutionary Plan.

And the first action that the consciousness is required to do is “to contemplate”, although it does not seem like a real action; the act of contemplating recalls a passive and fideistic state, a total abandon, mostly unconscious, to forces greater than us, an absolute forgetfulness of our mental abilities if not even of our own identity.

Western culture has deepened the dichotomy between “active life” and “contemplative life” (and has given an effective image of them in the figures of Martha and Mary in the encounter with Christ), connoting the latter as a mystical way, as an attitude in the which the mind, and the heart, emptied of all intellectual content, turn towards an elevated source of light and love, towards inviolate spiritual horizons; this deep concentration on spiritual things would consequently become the guarantee and meaning of every practical act of life.
Already Plato, and Plotinus after him following the same path, had emphasized the importance of contemplating; Plato argued that only through contemplation it was possible to reach the knowledge of Ideas, the supersensible forms on which the formal world is modeled, while Plotinus saw in contemplation the main way to reach the Absolute, the One.

Contemplating is therefore outlined as a precise inner “action”, a definite interior movement that allows us to turn, in full awareness and will, our consciousness, firm in the light, towards the Model and that keeps the consciousness in that Light until they become one.

Contemplating the Model means becoming one with the Model, it is acting “as if” there were no degrees of separation between us and the Model that the inner eye is contemplating: after this operation it will be possible to act more incisively in the world of forms, reflecting the light energy we got in contact with.
Say to the hypocritical contemplators that if contemplation is a tension of energy and accumulation for a leap, then from the “Lion” comes ordainment of such action. But if contemplation is indolence and indifference, then it is impossible to represent this shameful pastime as a great Covenant”. [3]

Contemplation is therefore a real “action”, a motion of fire that allows the consciousness to rush towards the Infinite, its primary goal, and to look at It, “eye to eye”:
People should be taught not only to esteem truth, but also to develop the ability to contemplate the Universe. Of course, We do not mean that everyone should become an astronomer, but We do advocate thought about Infinity. How can people continue to lie while learning about the grandeur of Cosmos?” [4]; “Let us accept the currents of unceasing motion. The realization of our adaptability will be affirmed as wisely as the pulsation of the Cosmos. Unfit are sorrow and grief! You must accept the true life of the Cosmos for the full contemplation of Infinity”. [5]
And if that motion leads the consciousness towards the most fiery spheres, that gaze penetrates into the essence of Being and takes up residence there; there is no longer any distance between us and the Infinite because the temple (templum) of the heart has welcomed the ardent Spirit that vivifies it.

Be assured that only a few contemplate the far-off worlds, or think about the continuity of life, and the very ideas that would help to improve life are neglected. It is not the acceleration of technical discoveries that leads to concentration of the mind, but the desire of people themselves to learn something new. Yet, how can they learn if the most fundamental truths have not found a place in their consciousness? One must do more than listen politely to these truths; one must apply them as reality. The Thinker spoke precisely about this over two thousand years ago. Does this not ring out as a great rebuke to humanity? Men have perfected themselves in the techniques of killing one another, but have lost the ability to contemplate Truth. (…)  How many times must We stress these words! How can people contemplate truths when their minds are filled with a craving for murder?” [6]

Contemplating is therefore the first step on the path that leads to the One, it is immersing ourselves into the fullness of Being until we are completely imbued with it; thus, filled with this abundance of Life, we can return to the streets of the world and become a mirror of the Light, keeping in the heart the splendour of the True, of the Beautiful and of the Good.
This perfect union with the Infinite is an immediate and conscious act, a flash of love that makes us similar to what we contemplate and that transfigures us within.

Urusvati knows that often a short thought, quick as lightning, is of more value than lengthy contemplation. But this is not readily understood. People think that artificial profundity is stronger than a swift thought, not realizing that lightning thought can be evidence of the highest influence. Long ponderous thoughts can usually be traced to some earthly origin, but it is far more difficult to determine the source of a fleeting thought, which is of such speed that one cannot fully comprehend it and put it into words. Such messages can deal with the loftiest concepts. But they are often misinterpreted, the subtlety of their meaning is distorted, and they usually vanish without a trace. We are often the source of these messages, which We send out for the general good of humanity without knowing who the recipients will be. Thus thoughts are engendered in various parts of the world. But it is lamentable that so many of these glorious guests are rejected by the human mind. Long ago, the Thinker taught His disciples to pay attention to short, swift thoughts. “The sparks of the Highest Intelligence pierce us like lightning. Blessed is he who knows how to keep them in his heart. Indeed, you should perceive them with your heart, which cannot be burnt by their flame, whereas the brain could be seared.” [7]

We too must learn to keep in our hearts the flashes of the supreme Intelligence that we have seen while contemplating it; we too must learn to see the Invisible, that supreme Model that enlivens and does not burn.
As Mercury, the shining son of the Sun, approaches the heart of that star, contemplating its splendour and then sending messages of Beauty to the entire solar system, so we, little lights born of that same Sun, learn to contemplate the radiance of the One and to make ourselves the mirror of that “supreme light”.

Mercury, the great Disciple, indicates the goal of initiation, the result
of having imitated the Master and practiced his precepts with love
”. [8]



1. On June 11 we celebrate the first of the three conjunctions of this year between Mercury (4th Ray) and the Earth (3rd Ray, not sacred), which turn the inner Eye in harmony to the radiant splendour of the Sun/Vulcan (1st Ray). Light and Harmony resonate in Space and nourish the transfiguring power of the solar Heart, the supreme Model of every heart that beats in tuning with the One. The first conjunction of this year was on February 8 and the third will take place on October 9.
2. This ideal Formula is asserted in the silence of the heart by the Functionaries of the Fourth Vertexes in view of 2025, the initiatory moment which sees, according to the esoteric teaching, the return into manifestation of the Fourth Ray energy.
3. Agni Yoga Series, New Era Community § 213
4. Supermundane § 264
5. Infinity I § 13
6. Supermundane § 183
7. Supermundane § 250
8. The solar system in space (published only in Italian)


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2 Responses to Seeing the Invisible

  1. Bonnie Orgren says:

    “When we are able to affirm “From the place of Fire I contemplate and reflect the Model” [2], our consciousness has assumed a particular “posture”, has taken a seat within Being itself and from that Centre begins to govern not only its own interior acts, but also those acts which make it participate, together with a Hierarchy of”.

  2. mcnamara says:

    Such contemplation of the same design of the perfection of God, as could be seen in the model of the construction of that perfection, using the energies of the monadic triplicity of attraction, economy and synthesis of which that construction would assume in its perfect relationship to this whole model, buy each of these three in their most perfect expression in this relationship to each other, as would be shown in the abstract as the inner pyramid design of integration of the 3 with the 4 by these rules to each other, would as the Great Singularity be seen in this model in the movement of fusion to this matrix/design/pattern of this connection between the points of the pyramid in movement in both directions to the points, could be in the same movement in expansion and contraction, as it breaths in and out, and as such could all seven rays by the 3 with the 4 be so joined where all could be as ONE..Such is the design of the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion”…This Universal Singularity is the formative matrix of realization in this process of perfection as ideation….such realization, with the contemplation to it, will move energy to this point of Power, and as where all in concept could realize the whole as perfect in itself, and as such could act as the initiation and realization vehicle of transpersonal identification, as the separate self could so mirror and exactly copy this idea process as the ideal of God. This relationship would show the process of trinity in the realization to and of form, as the triangle to the square, the cross inside the square joined in all points, where the perfection could be seen in the infinite point both large and small, and could repeat in recapitulation in every point, the same expansion into the 5 points of the pyramid above and below in the infinite hologram as the ONE Singularity….infinity in both directions, contained yet in pure liberty…..such is the guiding process of the thought of God in contemplation as the quantum of its Being in purpose to this Whole of which there is no separation, and where all are one in realization, such is the liberty of infinity in this knowing.

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