Group Initiation

“Group Initiation” is the third Goal of the Plan for Humanity, intuited and formalised in 1990 by an enlightened thinker, E. Savoini, who ordered in a Pythagorean Lambdoma of numerical and sound intervals the indications given by the Tibetan Master regarding the work of the Hierarchy which has, among its tasks, as we are told, that of elaborating and updating the planetary Plan for Humanity. This action was a response to the Master, a candidacy for a possible collaboration with the Hierarchy and a commitment to assert a part of the Plan of Liberation of the new Era.

Among the indications of the Tibetan Master reported in the text “Discipleship in the New Age” we read:

“The work of those who are becoming group-conscious and who can work in group formation… will largely be to summarise and make effective the work of those two great Sons of God, the Buddha and the Christ. (DNE1, 3/4); their task is therefore to perceive the Plan which is the hierarchical mode of implementing the divine Will, plus the Purpose which is perceived by the Heads of the Hierarchy. They have also to undertake to see that that Plan becomes a factual expression upon the physical plane and a part of the recognised consciousness of humanity as a whole”. (DNA2 p. 350)

The Plan of Evolution for the human Group is part of a more general planetary Plan, inscribed in turn in a solar, cosmic and ultimately universal Plan.

The working out of this part of the Planetary Plan depends on human consciousness, which must learn to become more responsive or responsible, but is set up and constituted by the Will and Energy of higher Beings and Consciousness.

E. Savoini, in the book The distant Goals, presents the Plan for Humanity as an actual operational project, a sonic arrangement composed of 49 magnetic Vortexes of lights/Goals (7 distant or primary and 42 subsidiary), accessible to all human beings who resonate to group consciousness and agree to contribute to its execution. The third of the seven primary Goals: “Group Initiation” is a field of Service; the Group is here understood as an operational unit, whose joint action is well organised and the Initiation as the reaction to the Call, as the factual assumption of greater responsibility.

In this book we read: “Group initiation is a very new subject, on which no information exists which can be gathered from ancient texts, but only recent propositions of the Tibetan Master. It is a hierarchical program of great importance, revolutionary, and made possible by the concurrence of various opportunities, both astrological and human. (…) Voluntary collaboration on the part of disciples is the fundamental note of this new way of climbing the Path. Certainly it was not lacking even in the previous method, individual and very ancient; but now it is evident that the group of students must generate initiatives, rules and modes that are able to freely reflect the hierarchical propositions. If the undertaking is new, so are the reactions of disciples, which are as important and decisive for the final success as the advice given from on High”.

Any degree of initiation is always obtained at the cost of sacrifice and marks a step towards the Centre of a new Mystery.

In the books by Alice Bailey we read:

“Group Initiation is the Plan of Liberation of the new Era!”

“Group Initiation is based upon a uniform and united group will, consecrated towards the service of humanity and based upon loyalty, cooperation and interdependence.” (RI, 18)

“This surprising development freed the supervising Masters for some of Their plans and led Them to abandon the training of individual disciples in telepathic rapport and to recognise the opportunity to train and develop invocative groups. Instead of working in lower mental substance with picked aspirants, They changed the medium of contact to that of the soul and launched the relatively new Science of Invocation and Evocation. The lower mind then became simply an interpreter of impressions with the emphasis upon the group mind, the group purpose and the group will. This developing system of trained invocatives made the mind a positive acting factor and tuned out all tendency to negativity.” (TEV, 84/5)

“Initiation is, par excellence, a series of graded steps or awakenings which enable the human being to become eventually a member, or a point of light, in the Kingdom of God. When an adequate number of members of the fourth kingdom have undergone the process of initiation (technically understood), then the fifth kingdom will come into exoteric manifestation.” (DNA2, 381/82)

“It is the moving forward of an entire group of spiritually-minded disciples and initiates into new areas of the divine consciousness and into a closer rapport with the Mind of the Lord of the World. […] Three things will thereby be brought about:

  1. A closer linking of the three divine centres (Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity) so that the flow of divine energy will be increasingly unimpeded, and Purpose, Plan and their Precipitation upon the physical plane will be facilitated.
  2. A far more powerful Hierarchy and one much more closely linked to Humanity by the principle of intelligence—implementing the love principle—and far more en rapport with the Purpose, which is the dynamic focus of all planetary energising, development and evolutionary growth.
  3. A fusion or establishing of relationship within humanity itself, producing right human relations and a consequent integration into the Hierarchy. This will be in the nature of a mass initiation and will be made possible by the relatively new process of group initiation, growing out of the slow method of individual initiation.” (DNA2, 352)

In the texts of ancient wisdom it is said that the time for the restoration of the Mysteries has come. In the near future, and on a higher turn of the spiral of life, the Masters will visibly move among men; the Members of the spiritual Hierarchy will return to lead and direct the affairs of humanity openly to the extent permitted by the innate freedom of man; Christ will physically reappear.

“Under the divine will, He had to reappear on Earth in visible Presence. He had to preside over the materialisation of the Kingdom of God on Earth, and He had to reinstitute the Mysteries of Initiation in such a form that they would prove the basis of the new world religion. Above all, He had to reveal the nature of the will of God.” (RC, 71)

“The word goes forth to the initiates of the future: Lose sight of self in group endeavour. Forget the self in group activity. Pass through the portal to initiation in group formation and let the personality life be lost in the group life. The final result of the work of the Christ is to be found in our identification with the whole: individuality, initiation, and identification—these are the terms in which the message of the Christ can be summarised. He said, when on Earth: “I and my Father are One,” and in these words epitomised His entire message. I, the individual, through initiation, am identified with Deity.” (EH, 413)

“From the wider point of view the terms initiation and individualisation are synonymous; they both express the idea of an expansion of consciousness, or of entrance into a new kingdom of nature. (…) This assertion of “I am” distinguishes not only man, but is the mantric word which preserves the integrity of all groups likewise. When man can say “I am That” he is beginning to sense his oneness with his group. When groups make a similar assertion they are beginning to realise their identity with all other groups.” (TCF, 351 e 420)

“These evolutionary impulses may be regarded as three in number for a solar system, or for a Monad:

There is the impulse which drives every atom to self-determination, and is the secret of the phenomenon called individualisation. It is largely the force called Brahma.

There is the impulse which forces the individual atom towards group determination, and is the secret of the phenomenon termed “Initiation,” or the process of passing out of the human or selfdetermined individualised Life into the higher kingdom. It is the sum total of the force of Vishnu, the second aspect, and produces the higher states of consciousness.

There is finally the impulse which forces the planetary groups, the sum total of all atoms and forms, to a conscious realisation of the nature of the all-enclosing group, the solar atom.” (TCF, 1048)

“Initiation marks a stage in the intensification of “solar Fire.” It has relation to the achievement of Vishnu [2nd aspect of Love-Wisdom], and marks a point in the evolution of consciousness, through self-consciousness to group consciousness, or universal consciousness.” (TCF, 731)

“The will-to-good, demonstrated at the third initiation when self-consciousness gives place to group consciousness. This is the second stage of divine fulfilment. It connotes soul, quality. It is the expression of the second aspect.” (EA, 620)

“This first great initiation [the third – Transfiguration] will be objectively staged and the general public will recognise it as the major rite and ritual of the new religious institution of the period. This is the stage where the forces of resurrection are active, when the Lord is with His people and Christ has returned to earth. Religion is then recognised as an attitude governing all phases of human experience.” (EH, 574-5)

The “coming process of planetary service through the third divine centre [Humanity] is only truly effective when Aquarius [“higher synthesis and a universal group awareness”] rules and when our sun is passing through that sign of the zodiac. Hence the immense importance of the next 2000 years. Therefore, only when a man is a world server and becoming group conscious can this desired objective of manifestation begin to demonstrate. (…) The self-consciousness aspect of the human being… will ultimately give place to group consciousness and group relationships and group work. Hence the trend towards amalgamation today, towards federation, spheres of action and the many groups which distinguish increasingly human intercourse.

The group spirit and the forms through which it will express itself are being increasingly demonstrated and this constitutes a veritable initiation for the race. It is the emergence of the glory of the human spirit in a more definite and arresting way and involves an orientation towards freedom which will later stand in the historical records as the outstanding characteristic of this age of major conflict. Humanity is today participating in the preparatory tests for initiation, the initiation of the world disciple.” (EA, 200-1, 351, 542)

“A Heavenly Man represents a coherent conscious group… the nature of group consciousness, the quality of the seven Heavenly Men…”. (TCF, 295, 1198)

“The elevation of a unit results in the raising of the group; the realisation of the unit brings about eventually group recognition; the initiation of the unit leads finally to planetary initiation, and the attainment of the goal by the human atom and his achievement of his objective brings about steadily and ceaselessly group achievement. No man liveth to himself, and the crucifixion of the units throughout the aeons, and their realisation of their essential nature, only in order to offer up the best they have and realise to the interests of the group, are but the methods whereby the work of liberation is carried forward.” (TCF, 1218)

Without this fiery attachment to Cosmic Fire
the heart cannot know initiation into the Higher World.

The vastness of the spatial Fire of Cosmos offers
the best destiny to searching humanity.


* Fiery World III § 381
** Agni Yoga § 649


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3 Responses to Group Initiation

  1. “Let the Fires Be Resplendently Aflame!”
    Supermundane Entry 553.
    ” The character of humanity will shape its history.”
    T.T. Taight

  2. njc1008 says:

    “The word goes forth to the initiates of the future: Lose sight of self in group endeavour. Forget the self in group activity. Pass through the portal to initiation in group formation and let the personality life be lost in the group life. The final result of the work of the Christ is to be found in our identification with the whole: individuality, initiation, and identification—these are the terms in which the message of the Christ can be summarised. He said, when on Earth: “I and my Father are One,” and in these words epitomised His entire message. I, the individual, through initiation, am identified with Deity.” (EH, 413)

    This gives us a perfect alignment tool, that allows us to see all the steps of the Evolutionary Ladder as One Journey and it is then up to us to bravely, with Intelligence, Love, and Will continue upward, step by step, knowing what awaits at the end.

    • Yes. This is my goal. This universal identity, can be known in every mind, as it seeks to know itself, and in so doing, does it find as God so finds. This is the great Singularity, the inner monad or point, as shown in the Chiron paradigm, Chiron and Group Fusion”. This singularity, as is given in the Great Singularity, is the same whole identification, from atomic to universal. Be it, planetary, solar, cosmic or universal, the same identification in the ONE pattern, of the fusion by the laws of attraction, economy and synthesis in their perfection, as to each, so as to each other. This is the inner seed which is now given to grow in every point of Being in this realization.. This is the birth and death in One where immortality IS. It contains the solution to all problems, the answer to all questions, and the secret of all that is not yet known .From this thought seed, the process must unfold to this Being ness. It is the fusion temple of all initiation processes which lead to ever increasing ONENESS. It is the hidden atom (Adam) which is .the genesis of the ALL. It is where the 7 know each as ONE, and where all can be known as ONE in this movement in process to this fusion by these laws in their purpose and fulfillment. It is the One Point…..and is shown in the paradigm, where all can be in one point at one time and one place as pure ubiquity, where God can not be separate….This is the alpha and omega point from which every Septenate has come and will become…by this realization the group life and the individual life are ONE LIFE. This is shown in every correspondence which holds this as its genesis monad, the infinite precursor to any process to Become. It is thee answer of which all metaphysics and physics intends, and by this fusion is it so made in identification, as this thought is made form….This is an actual pattern which when understood by the mind, will cause this process to unfold, as by knowing it, it comes into Being…..By this is the whole so made, and by this is every separate atom healed in the knowing of this process to become as God in this sacrifice of the separate into the ONE. All of the efforts we see here, and in all which has come before, are now given in this Great Singularity……This is revealed in the corresponding comments and revelation which I have given here and in other comments, which lead to this revelation, which is the magnetic center of all that IS, and is the center of that which is now being given, as all who so identify are so attracted, as this is the Great Attractor….This process to this demonstration, brings all correspondence to it… it is the Universal Atom, the Genesis of every Septenate and Zodiac. This is the Universal Hologram, and by so Knowing IT, is every man made Whole, as it IS. It fulfills the evolutionary PLAN of GOD .It is the Reappearance, and the fulfillment of the Prophesy…All that is here given, and all that has been given, in all knowledge past and present, is now made ONE in IT. This is the WILL of GOD. This Will, this highest synthesis, is contained in every point, before and after as ALL, and is so to beknown in the Chiron paradigm. This is the surprising development know to be shown and known…and proof of my Appearance….

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