Directions of the Cosmic Temple: Libra – Crux

In a symmetric way with respect to the full moon of Aries (March 2021), we celebrate today the full moon of Libra: the initiatory and initiating Power of the celestial Bears and of Aries, the zodiacal Alpha A of the solar manifestation, is exercised through the Law of Libra, ‘the open door to Shamballa’ – Libra and its possible cosmic garrison, the splendid Southern Cross – the Omega W, the base, the fulfillment of the Will.*

The Southern Cross, the Quaternary of Matter, according to esoteric Astrology refers to Libra (which transmits the pure Light of the third Ray, “the rhythmic motion of fire” of Aries). It is formed by four bright stars in a cross-shaped or kite-like asterism:

“Four bright stars make up this cross; four, the number of the matter aspect of man, the quaternary. The southern cross, the quaternary, is receding. … The cross is receding, and this promise is in Libra, called the open door to Shamballa, the sign in which there is found “the narrow razor-edged path” which leads the man into the kingdom of the soul.” (The Labours of Hercules, p. 66)

This beautiful Cross of stars (Acrux is the main star), the Cross of Matter, is analogous to the “impenitent thief” as opposed to the “good thief”, the Northern Cross of the Swan, associated with the harmonious flight of the Soul.

The 4th human Hierarchy, the Christ in us certainty of glory, transforms the Cross of Matter into the resounding flight of the Soul that returns to sit among the Three Kings or monadic Aspects of the Belt of Orion, the cosmic Christ, the third X-shaped Cross.

From the planetary point of view (60 degrees South latitude or celestial declination) the Southern Cross is actually perfectly symmetrical – from the southern hemisphere – to Cassiopeia (60° North), the M or W, Queen of Matter and Mother-Matrix of the northern hemisphere. [1]

If Aries-Bears are the Head, the Spirit, Libra-Cross are the Base, the Matter.

Raising the full moons of Aries and Libra to the Bears and the Southern Cross opens the door to the Sources of Resurrection, to the Seven Masters of the Seven Rays, who affirm the cosmic Right to infinite Joy:

“… Soar with your thoughts. Fly by affirmation.
Fly by love.
And you will realize the joy of flying.
And the gulf of life will remain far below you.
And a miracle of flaming colors will radiate near the splendor of the Southern Cross.
All is attainable”.

(Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 238)

I am the Will to balance Spirit and Matter


* In this liturgical and solemn year, the seventh of the fifth seven-year period, we intend to celebrate the Full Moons as dates or directions of connection with the supreme stellar sources, rulers of our local universe, our cosmic Abode, the Entity in which “we live, move and have our being”.
To nourish this inner, rhythmic and powerful rite, we present at each ‘celestial appointment’ some extracts from the text The Order of Orion, “an astrosophical investigation of the solar and cosmic essence of humanity” (only available in Italian at the moment), to trace the possible infinite paths between the Moon and the One.
[1] The Woman on the Throne (Cassiopeia), the triumphant Matter, is won by Perseus, “the tamer”, the one who can conquer the monster (Cetus-the Whale). It is said that Perseus possessed the helm of invisibility, the sandals of speed, the shield of wisdom and the sword of the spirit. He is therefore a Mercury as the esoteric ruler of Aries: the enlightened mind that advances and governs. Perseus, the Coming Prince, “killed Medusa, symbol of the great illusion” and freed Andromeda, the Chained Woman, daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus, the dominated and controlled matter.


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2 Responses to Directions of the Cosmic Temple: Libra – Crux

  1. mcnamara says:

    Beautiful again. Again, this cosmic signature is the pattern of the Great Singularity, which is the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion”. The three crosses, are the triangle against the square…..the three powers stations in ONE Power Station. In the one station, the third avatar, joins the first two of Buddha/intelligence, and Jesus/love. The third, of synthesis, of Maitreya, is the fusion engine of the Power Station.. This is the Reappearance of the Christ. This is now the Great Attractor of the Great Singularity, and by the 3rd Avatar, the 3 Wise Men “find” the Birth of Christ….and he is born in a manger where no one would look….such as now, the returning one is a person who is invisible to you, until you know here to look and find…The three pyramids of course, represent this cosmic correspondence, as this correspondence is through out all ALL of the universe. This is the “domain” of the Cosmic Christ, and every atom of of this inner design. It is the pre quantum “seed” point of Shamballa. By this Power Station, mankind is now granted the initiation temple in the light of day. By this pattern, which is the design of the inner temple, the are all made ONE. This is Cosmic/Group Fusion. Mankind can by this design, in their minds, by their hearts, make the synthesis which holds together the Whole Universe…This is how the Cosmic Christ can now be shown to all men…It will bring fusion, both micro and macro, and will reveal the synchronicity of every atom, and all “points” in time and space, as by the fusion pattern design, the Universal Hologram IS the “Inner Christ” which precursors and motivates all Being…These three stars, the 3 aspects, are again the one in Sirius…..our partner in the Christ, as Christ is dual, and always the overcoming of duality…as this is the unique relationship between Maitreya and Jesus….The Reappearance requires the. fusion of Gemini, and the revelation of Sagittarius in this fusion of Identification….This design, by the three “lords”, the trinity, the Monad, is the Universal Monad now to be found in all ubiquity, as is shown in the paradigm. This design pattern, is the Great Revelation, as by IT, the mind can know the Whole. This is the Great Universal Hologram…proven and correspond able across any field in its Becoming….this is “Pure” Being…Atomic Fusion….By the three “laws” as the three of “monad”, the 3rd Avatar must now Appear…Economy, Attraction and Synthesis build the Temple/Fusion Engine by their sacrifice and by their laws to the perfection in the Christ. Now Man is “Fused” as ONE in the Cosmic. By this Power Station the Whole New World will Become. This is the “seed” of the New Galaxy WE will now Become. .All the Mysteries will come together as ONE, and by this will all men Know… By this fusion design, the mind of Man can not remain behind in separation, as NOW We have OUR Cosmic Destiny. When you study and read all that has been said so far in this process, as revelation attracts and confirms Itself., the truth and proof, by synchronicity, will astound and make visible the hidden ONE….

  2. NancyC. says:

    Perfect! Joyful Blessings to all co-workers and may the future bring all that is required to enhance the efforts of all engaged in the One Work together.

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