Capricorn – Adriano N.
To celebrate the entry into the Sign of Capricorn, here is a video that attempts to translate the basic ideas of the 12 “zodiacal archetypes of the evolution of consciousness” into sounds and lights.
The poetic text of Capricorn is taken from “Il Poema celeste” (The Celestial Poem – ongoing translation from Italian – subtitles in English in the videos), written in 2000 and rewritten in 2020 (in resonance with the successive conjunctions of the two Builders of the solar Plan, Jupiter and Saturn), which celebrates in verse the Ideas transmitted by the 12 Zodiac Signs (see also the introductory video on the Genesis of the Zodiac: The Celestial Poem).
The fundamental theorem from which this creative work originates is:
Idea = Sound + Light
All Ideas, those causal and causing powers which produce all forms, are composed of Sound and Light, Sound being “the first creative Agent” of Space and Light “the rhythmic motion of Fire” revealing the work of the Sound-Creator.
And since “Rhythm is that magic that transforms steps into a dance and prose into poetry”, the attempt to sing and illustrate the ideal Essences of Heaven is son of the desire to learn Its Art of living and to express it on earth.
May the Will-to-Beauty prevail on Earth!
Oh, golden purest Work stretching
Space, the electric straight-line burns
The white rod shining red splendor.
Lights purple glows of blue azure
Ascend to the Temple golden Sun
Shooting around seven coils in rings.
One is the agent creator Sound
In its Light it finds itself again
Saturn them marries thinking the Ideas.
Keys degrees potencies the ascents
Unveiling arches to human spirits
Hierarchs the cantors of Liberty.
And Venus the high Star of the Five
Twin sister Sirius Isis it is
To the blue white Lodge to initiate.
They embroider their Garment with pearls
In waves weaves pentacles vaults
At their sacred final marriage above.
United in spirals and orders around
The jewel center of Light supernal
They dance in ribbons around the Bride.
Poles revolve increases the glory
Solstices horses dragons to Power
To the master ruler King of the New.
And in heaven pastures valleys
The indigo souls their essence find
Serving flowers crystals and loves.
Copper of lead gold forges creation
Colors forms and music in stone
Sacred Towers by Number engraved.
A new supreme arch is the compass
Squares the circle contacts designs
Bending darts into columns electro.
As a spear shaking the spine is
Melting rocks and winds neutrinos
Here in the central spiritual Sun.
See other creative videos on the website Pearls of Life and YouTube channel Perle di Vita.
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For the online ritual celebration of the entry into the Sign of Capricorn in group formation (in 5 languages) see the recording of this event on December 20.