Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction: A New Life begins!

November 2, 2020 is the heliocentric date of the long-awaited conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, the solar Lords of Love and Light – of the solar Heart and Intelligence, who complete a revolution around Sun/Vulcan, the central Will-Power, every 20 earthly years, tracing every 3 conjunctions or 60 years, the primary figure of the equilateral Triangle inside the Circle of the Zodiac with its 12 Qualities.

With the rhythmic dance of Their reciprocal Directions, They inscribe there every 60 years the marvellous Figures of the five and six-pointed Stars, sacred Numbers to the Fire of the Mind and to the perfection in the Form.

And 2020, a year of initiatory trials for humanity, coincides with the vortex and goal 5.6 of the first Cycle of 49 years, formulated to assert “the Plan of Love and Light on Earth” through a human hierarchical Prototype, an Order or harmonic System of human Souls coordinated according to the hierarchical Model (see “The Distant Goals” and “Asserting the Planetary Plan”). Here’s where this sixth year of the 5th seven-year period (starting from 1987, impulse 1.1) sees the birth of new Stars (five and six-pointed)!

This Triad of planetary Logoi (Vulcan, Jupiter and Saturn) has been recognized as the “Upper Triangle of Solar Consciousness”: the Science of Cycles, part of the ultimate “Science of Spatial Relations” or Esoteric Astrology of the Tibetan Master, affirms that at each conjunction of these Luminaries the 3 Rays of Aspect impress upon the “energized substance and substantial energy” of the Ecliptic, the solar Plane, a causal impulse for all the planetary Plans, including our Plan for the evolution on Earth. (See “The Solar System in Space” by E. Savoini and From linear to cyclical time)

In particular, this conjunction of 2020 is the first in Aquarius since 1404, in the Sign of the rising Age, of universal Brotherhood and of the Initiation of the human Group. It is the first of 4 conjunctions every 60 years in Aquarius until 2199 (2020, 2080, 2139, 2199), and therefore decisively takes us to the New World of the One Humanity, of the human planetary Order.

Their heliocentric Union of November 2 prepares on the causal or higher mental plane (the plane of human Souls) Their conjunction at 0° of Aquarius from the geocentric point of view of December 21, 2020, in solemn synchrony with the initiatory date of the Solstice, a timeless moment that holds within itself all the potentialities of the terrestrial annual cycle to come.

The conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn of 2020 is the main event from here to the fateful date of 2025 (see “The Seven Steps towards 2025”), sacred to the Externalization of the Hierarchy and to the reappearance of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict, namely of the Fourth human Hierarchy guided by the buddhic or christic Principle.

In this initiatory conjunction, the higher Love and Light merge and unite in the Heavens and in us: as Above so Below, the planetary Heart and Intelligence Centres, Hierarchy and Humanity, can be in tune and vibrate together with an extraordinary intensity.

From the conjunction in Capricorn of 1961 until 2020 we are experiencing the 34th 60-year Star of Jupiter and Saturn starting from the First Advent of Christ (conjunction in Pisces[1]), in amplified resonance with His 34th year that saw the fulfilment on Earth of His Mission of Love and Sacrifice.

As indicated by Mme Blavatsky, Christ came during the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces[2]; will Maitreya come in one of the 4 conjunctions in Aquarius?

In the current 49 cycle dedicated to the Assertion of the hierarchical Plan, after the last conjunction of 2000 in Taurus, at the turn of the millennium, which revealed the Return of the Master in the Heart (7th year of the 2nd seven-year period, dedicated to the Return), now 2020 is the right time for His beloved ones, the New Group of World Servers, to attest to His Reappearance and to the one of the Mother of the World, at the foundation of the New Culture and Civilization (5th Goal of the Plan) and of the New World Religion (6th Goal).

As the Beloved (Master) and the Beloved (Mother) move towards Their loved ones, the New Group of World Servers in golden proportion between Hierarchy and Humanity, as the Eye open to solar Love and Light, asserts the Reappearance and the Initiation of the human Group, here and now, everywhere and always.

We attest to the Reappearance on this causal Date and build in us, especially in the 49+1-days “Pentecost” between Their heliocentric and geocentric conjunctions, the “body of Christ”: the Presence of Maitreya in the vital substance of the Mother, in the sacred matrix of the human planetary Order.

Acting as if, in a balanced, humble and joyful way.


Identified with the idea of omnipresent Power,

Let us work together with the Hierarchical Plan.

With Heaven in our hearts, we build the New universal Community.


The Glory of the Eternal Being radiates in the stars

Amidst the boundless tumult of life do We erect Our Temple.

Love and Lightning do I manifest.

(From: Leaves of Morya’s Garden – The Call § 152 – 320)


Together, let us now shoot that arrow of thought which affirms the Return of the Master of Masters, announced by the Mother.


We do it today, each in our own place and in the silence of our hearts, on the exact day of the conjunction, November 2 at 4pm GMT, crossing our thoughts as a single sword of victory.

Brothers and Sisters, 

we know the power of thought.

Let’s not hesitate at this crucial moment.

The Way is open.


United as one heart and one mind,

we pronounce those words that will let the Awaited One

and the whole Hierarchy manifest.






Formula for the Conjunction:

The planetary Server asserts the Plan of Love and Light

Here is the video of the global meditation held on October 31 at 5pm GMT by hundreds of world servers:

[1] Heliocentrically on September 1 of 7 BC and geocentrically on May 29, October 1 and December 5 of 7 BC.

[2] “The sign of the coming of the Messiah was the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces. (SD, III.152)” (Esoteric Astrology, 678)

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