1.4 – 4.1 Principle and Centre


1.4 PRINCIPLE: The Principle is the original seed

4.4 MODEL: The Model is the reflection of Life

4.1 CENTRE: The Centre is the radiating Origin of Life

1.1 LIFE: Life IS

The four Ideas examined within this Generator Lambdoma define a square field that appears as the first octave of the initial, transcendent one, where Life and Space, Infinity and Magnet, delineate and describe that absolute Reality, beyond the range and reach of any human thought or expression”, of which the Universeis a conditioned symbol”. (see).

In this expanded framework the powerful and causative impulses that prelude to manifestation are triggered: Life, as Fire, generates and multiplies itself and the Fiat, the Sound, its fiery impulse, echoes in Space, making Light, the rhythmic motion of Fire, which incessantly draws the energetic texture of the space Field, spring forth.

In order to ‘fall’ into manifestation and imprison itself in existence, the primary Triad of Life, Infinity and Sound, focuses on the Principle, the original seed, potential germ and divine core inherent in everything. The vital Principle is reflected and differentiated according to the energies of the seven creative Rays, permutations of the Triune One and ‘builders’ of all Ideas and Forms, to which they give distinctive character.

“This life principle, this basic essential of being and this mysterious elusive factor is the correspondence in man of that which we call spirit or life in the macrocosm. Just as the life in man holds together, animates, vitalises and drives into activity the form and so makes of him a living being, so the life of God—as the Christian calls it—performs the same purpose in the universe and produces that coherent, living, vital ensemble which we call a solar system.” (1)

“A principle is that which embodies some aspect of the truth on which this system of ours is based; it is the seeping through to the consciousness of the man of a little of the idea on which our Logos bases all He does. […] A principle, when really fundamental, appeals at once to the intuition and calls out an immediate re-action of assent from the man’s higher Self. […] A principle is that which ensouls a statement dealing with the highest good of the greatest number.” (2)

“Perceive that the power of the law of the life principle is invincible. The tension of the spiral of the higher energy puts all elements to work. The accumulation of energy in the spheres of the world gives variety to the substance, and it calls for the manifestation of creativeness.” (3)

The attractive power of Life, focused in the Magnet, is activated in the Centre, Its radiant origin. This double simultaneous energetic motion generates a pulling and expansive pulsation that triggers the cycle of the Great Breath: all the sparks of Fire carrying the life Principle immerse themselves ever more deeply in the Substance, and go back, charged with experience, to the Father’s Home, the One from which they separated in consciousness, bringing to salvation the lesser lives that enabled and empowered their existence.

“Attraction to the center of the generating fire imparts consciousness to the energies. Each attraction and emission of the fire, to and from the center, leads to conscious expression. The center is the core comprising in itself the entire potential. […] Space is permeated with these centers. […]” (4)

“[…] any centre, as such and whatever its hierarchical position, must:

  1. a) spin in a regular and stable way.
    b) orbit around a greater centre.
    c) In the absence of one of these two motions, a centre, unable to nourish itself, could no longer welcome, host and process life, and would die, becoming extinct.

A Centre rotates only if it is lighted, that is, alive and pulsating. The rotational movement (which actually proceeds in a spiral) is a characteristic of Fire.” (5)

“The centre is the true driving force of the Plan, yet it gives immobility to any creature. It is known that each one has the sensation of being still in Space, through which he is dragged by the planet. This is to be interpreted as a gift from the central point (the Centre of centres), which transmits its divine power to all the others and equalises them. Creatures are conscious of being at the centre, therefore they are motionless, that is, they possess, in a latent way, the powers of the central point. For these reasons all the points of the Plan are still and central. The central point is the origin and the end, the reference of every development, to which it gives birth and conclusion. It is the synthesis between being and becoming. It emits quanta of energy, or sparks of will, which trigger regular and innumerable cycles. It is the supreme Lord of the Plan.” (6)

“All events collect around one focus. All signs point to the one focus. One manifested fire exists in everything, the seed of which attracts all corresponding energies. Thus all cosmic events are fulfilled.” (7)

Life, whose fiery spark is asserted in the centre, in the Principle, is therefore reflected as Model, consubstantial child of Light, the rhythmic motion of the vital Fire, from whose sparks it draws reflections of Beauty, energetically qualified by the power of the seven creative Rays. Everything is ready for the Manifestation, where the Life that is, shrouded by Quality, can exist in the world of Appearance and take Form.
The Model represents that middle level which is a bridge between abstract and concrete and belongs to both; it is elusive but everywhere present. It is located between Life and Appearance, between Idea and Form.

“It was taught in the inner temples that this visible Universe of Spirit and Matter is only the concrete Image of the ideal Abstraction; that it was built on the Model of the first Divine Idea. Our Universe therefore existed from eternity in a latent state.” (8)

“The Lord of the World, through meditation, is carrying forward processes which He instituted in His original, creative meditation […]. The whole creation is the result of His directed and controlled thought—a process of sustained thinking which sweeps all the creative energies into evolutionary and cyclic activity, in conformity to the pattern which He eternally visualises.” (9)

“The Model is the true father of the work and provides the vision that feeds and supports the attempt to copy it into the manifest world.” (10)

“The true Model leaves and provides liberty. By its nature it is infinite, as it would not otherwise be a Model, and can thus infinite ways, variants and methods of expression. Whatever the model, in fact, always and only the Infinite is imitated, of which it is a Bearer.” (11)

“Whether the spirit manifests a cosmic and conscious aspect or affirms the consciousness by its attunement with the spatial cliche, the principle of inducing the manifestations of cosmic forces by way of fusion is one. Only by this unification are the forms of space created. Diffusion cannot produce entities which are not subject to the same law.” (12)

In this Lambdoma (which is a numerical and sound model) the Idea of Model is found at the centre, in the fourth level, from which the Vital Principle is reflected in all the others.
Regarding planetary life, this level is represented by Man, intermediary between Earth and Heaven and the fourth creative Hierarchy within the solar system.
In Humanity it corresponds to the buddhic plane, the higher abstract mind, a reflection of the divine nature, where the New Group of World Servers operates, ensuring its connection to the Hierarchy of Masters.
And it is the Model, substantiated by a Teaching, which attracts the aspirant when he settles on the mental plane and begins to consciously walk the Path of Return to the Father’s Home, starting to build the antahkarana, made of the substance of his own life, which connects the lower manas to the higher one, that is, the personal ego to the divine Ego. The construction of the ‘rainbow bridge’ continues, uniting the enlightened personality, focused in the mental body and motivated by the love of the soul, with the Monad or One Life, through the level of consciousness of the spiritual Triad, proceeding through ever increasing degrees of unification and liberation.

Thus, from level to level, the Great Breath of Life passes, bringing the stone with it, in a sort of mixture between the highest creation and the largest matter and of all that makes One.

“In the Universe all things are but a reflection
of the Divine, and in each spark of light
the Divine Energy is at play.

Light unto all of you!”


Principle and Centre unfold the Model of Life in the Cosmos


This article is published in assonance with the celestial alignment of Mercury (4th R.) and Pluto (1st R.) in Capricornus (1st, 3rd  and 7th R.).

1. Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 451
2. Ibidem, p. 116-7
3. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 21
4. Agni Yoga Series. Infinity I § 384
5. Enzio Savoini, Il Sistema Solare nello Spazio (The Solar System in Space, available only in Italian)
6. Enzio Savoini, Dispense del 3° Settennio. Allestire un Piano (Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Setting up a Plan, unpublished paper, January 2001)
7. Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 223
8. Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. III
9. Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 223
10. Enzio Savoini, The Group in Star formation, Ed. Nuova Era
11. Enzio Savoini, Le Mete Lontane (The distant Goals)
12. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 118
13. Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 92


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One Response to 1.4 – 4.1 Principle and Centre

  1. mcnamara says:

    A magnificent summation of the action of the Great Singularity.

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