Here is the complete document of the next ritual and rhythmic Sowing, complete with the heliocentric Ephemerides for 2022:
2023 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides
Here are some extracts:
The TPS solar Sowing intends to follow, “with a united breath and unified rhythm”, the causal and causing cyclic pulsations of the higher Creating Entities – planetary, solar and cosmic, in order to build the Future by the collective creative imagination: the conscious Dream of a New Culture and Civilization (nourished particularly in the past seven years or 5th septennium: 2015-2021), together with that of a New World Religion (the primary Goal and theme of the coming Sixth seven years 2022-2028), at the Service of the general Plan of Evolution and of a new human planetary Order.[1]
We know from the Esoteric Teaching that Evolution proceeds, in the source Era of Aquarius, towards the primary Idea and the conscious realization of universal Brotherhood, towards the Communion between all worlds, towards the world of the Soul: the very fundaments of the New World Religion and of its essential Truth – the Unity of the Whole.
In particular, in the year 6.2 Space. Infinite. Bases of the new Religion, the reunifying energy of the 6th Ray combines with the main energy of the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom, whereby this Idea or supreme Reality of infinite spatial Love becomes and is our primary Magnet and Motive, our Master of the Heart.
Its Agents of transmission or living Symbols are, according to the Wisdom Tradition, Christ and the Mother of the World, the two “wings” of the advance of the Heart towards the realization of the Unity of the Whole.
And therefore, to the love that moves the sun and the other stars and to its sacred Guardians, our gaze and smile are turned; and in this infinite breath we announce and prepare the primary Goal 6.6, symmetrical to 6.2, oriented by their sacred center, the summit of 2025 – Goal 6.4, crucial Date for the fate of the Planet and the Externalization of the Hierarchy.
Christ and His 12 Assertions, together with the Mother and the Muses,[2] will therefore be our Lighthouses to magnetize Space and direct hearts to the Infinite, to the Foundations of the New World Religion.
Anchoring the foundations in the Elysian Fields, connecting and directing the Work towards the Sources of Life, its realization will follow in due course, according to the progressive resonance power of us-humanity to the celestial energies or Ideas, to the Fiery World.
With such a humble attitude, humble as adherent to the service of the Earth to Heaven, burning with ignorance and joyous dedication, let us work as if we were builders of the Future, as active units of life of the Solar System and infinite Space, such creatures driven by the unceasing will to collaborate harmoniously with the macrocosm and the Supermundane.
“Who is well oriented is the Way.”