The Mother of the World

Today, the new moon of Capricorn of this new year 6.2 dedicated to Space, Infinity and the Christ Principle of Love-Wisdom as the Bases of the New World Religion, we would like to contemplate together some concepts from the Teaching on the Mother of the World, which will form the ‘note’ of the Solar Festivals of the full moons of the year 2023 (Sun-Earth-Moon directions).

These Impulses on the marvellous Image of the Mother of the World, Substance of Love and Feminine Origin, will be the counterpoint to the Earth-Sun entrances into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, sacred to the Son, to the 12 Christ-Maitreya Assertions, ritually celebrated in the ideal circle of the Group of World Servers (see here for the online Rituals in 7 languages).



The Sun-Earth-Moon Direction is analogous to the Father-Son-Mother Relationship, or Hierarchy-Humanity-Lower Kingdoms, or Soul-Personality-Bodies.

The Group of World Servers, the One Planetary Server, golden section between Hierarchy and Humanity (Sun and Earth), activates the sacred polarity of this Cycle (new moon and full moon), freeing its Christic evolutionary essence, qualified by the 12 petals of the solar Heart (Signs of the Zodiac):[1]

NEW MOON: the One planetary Server is a Chalice of Love and Light that welcomes the Seed of Communion between Spirit/Sun and Matter/Moon

SOLAR FESTIVAL (FULL MOON): the One planetary Server realizes in themself the Unity between Spirit/Sun and Matter/Moon and radiates its liberating Light into human Consciousness, qualified by the Sacred Formula to the Mother of the World according to the energy of the Sign:

Capricorn: The Light supernal of the Mother is the Voice of Silence

Aquarius: The Star of the Mother commands the Brotherhood between the worlds

Pisces: The sacrifice of the Mother is the effulgence of the Cosmos

Aries: The Fire of the Mother is the great creative Force of the Universe

Taurus: Beauty is the radiance of the Mother of the World

Gemini: The Magnet of Being is the unifying power of the Mother

Cancer: From the command of the Mother the Ocean of Silence is born

Leo: The Mother is the breath of Infinity in every heart

Virgo: The Mother of the World is cosmic Love

Libra: The Mother’s thread is the sacred Middle Way

Scorpio: The Harmony of the Mother is the cup of Victory

Sagittarius: The Mother’s Song is the Joy of the Distant Worlds



One channel, one banner—Maitreya, Mother, Matter! (New Era Community § 72, Agni Yoga Series)

On the Phrase “Mother of the World”. The various ways in which the phrase can be used can mean quite a number of differing things. It can mean:

  1. The feminine aspect in manifestation, symbolised for us in many of the world religions as a virgin mother and in the Christian religion as the Virgin Mary. It is that substance which enables Deity to manifest.
  2. Nature itself, the mother of all forms.
  3. The moon also, who is the symbol of the generative, creative life which gives birth to forms and is therefore the symbol of the form nature.
  4. The concentration of the feminine force in nature in some individual in female form who is then called the “World Mother”. Such an individual has never existed in our particular planetary life, though the avatars of a previous solar system, expressing itself through planetary life, always took this form. But not in this solar system. The tradition of such appearances is purely symbolic, inherited from the previous solar system from which we inherited the matter of which all manifested forms are made. This symbolism has come down from the far-off period of the Matriarchate, which had a religion that recalled the ancient ways of the earlier system and in which period of time Lilith symbolised the World Mother, until Eve took her place. (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing, pp. 362-3)

Thus, the Mother of the World, when considered in her cosmic aspect, is Mulaprakriti, the One, all-containing, all-conceiving [as the veil of Parabrahman, the absolute Life]. In the earthly reflection, however, She is the Great Spirit of the Feminine Principle. Behind each manifestation, each aspect, and each symbol stands the great Individuality. Thus, each high Individuality has its own substitutes or personifiers, the nearest to it by ray, and sometimes it appears personally in such incarnations. Hence, the concept of Avatara. Thus, the high Spirit that was incarnated, let us say, as Isis, Ishtar, etc., did not necessarily have to be the Spirit of the Mother of the World, but was impregnated by her Ray; and, indeed, because of this, in the later legends the image of Isis became fused with the Image of the Great Mother of the World. (Letters of Helena Roerich, 3 September 1935)

The “Mother of the World” is at the head of the Great Hierarchy of Light of our planet. […] Behind each symbol stands a High Individuality, and each symbol covers a great reality. (Ibidem, 18 June 1935)

In the East, the cult of the Mother of the World, of the goddess Kali, or Durga, is widespread, and one may say that it is predominant in Hinduism. But even among other sects, one finds more worshipers of the Great Mother than of any other aspect of Divinity. In Mongolia and Tibet Dukkar, or the White Tara, and other Taras—Sisters—are greatly worshiped. In all the most ancient religions, the feminine deities were considered the most sacred. At the head of all, or rather, behind the veil is the “Eternal and Everlasting Breath of all Be-ness.” But on the plane of the manifested reigns the eternal Feminine Principle, or the Great Mother of the World. (Ibidem, 24 August 1936)

The most ancient Teachings always highly regarded the Feminine Principle, and even female divinities were considered by them to be the most sacred. We can now find traces of these most ancient cults among the American Indians, whose priesthood is headed by women; women also head the clan, and the whole line of inheritance is considered as coming from the woman’s side. Likewise, there is no distinction between the two Origins in the Teaching of Buddha, and woman, as well as man, can reach the state of Arhatship [Fourth Initiation]. And even now in India, in spite of the fact that the later Brahmins humiliated woman because of greed and self-interest, the cult of the Goddess Kali is nevertheless spread most widely. The last of the known sages of India, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, were worshippers of the Divine Origin in its aspect of the Mother of the World. (Ibidem, 17 May 1937)

The God in us is the sole reality; all else, as beautifully and poetically expressed by the East, is but the “Play of the Great Mother of the World”. (Ibidem, 24 May 1936)

With what, then, is the Heart of the Arhat fed? We say—with love. Only this Source knows how to saturate the fiery heart. The great Mother of the World knows this Source. Each pure heart knows this Source. How, then, are the hearts commerged? We say—with love, that powerful source which converts life into a manifestation of beauty, that source which contains all the subtle energies of the heart. (Fiery World III § 171)

The Star of the Morning is a sign of the Great Epoch, the first ray of which will flash forth from the Teaching of Christ; for who is to glorify the Mother of the World if not Christ, He who was belittled by the world? Give Us the arch of the Vault through which to enter! (Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 153)

The star of the Mother of the World is the planet Venus. In 1924 this planet for a short time came unusually near to the Earth. Its rays were poured on Earth, and this created many new powerful and sacred combinations which will yield great results. Many feminine movements were kindled by these powerful rays. (Letters of Helena Roerich, 11 January 1935)

Urusvati—it is time to say that this is the name We have given to the star that is approaching the Earth with irresistible force. For long ages it has been a symbol of the Mother of the World, and the Epoch of the Mother of the World must begin when Her star has made an unprecedented approach to the Earth. The Great Epoch is beginning, because spirit-understanding is linked to the Mother of the World. Even to those who know the date it is wonderful to witness the physical approach of the destined. The advent of this great Epoch is so very important, for it will bring about substantial changes in life on Earth. A Great Epoch! … Today is the beginning of the feminine awakening, for a new wave has reached the Earth today, kindling new hearths, and the substance of the rays is penetrating deeply. It is joyous to feel the New Era approaching. (Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 138)

To the Brothers of Humanity is assigned the construction of the life of the planet; and they maintain the Command of the great Mother of the World. The music of the spheres resounds when the current of joy is in motion. The music of the spheres fills space when the heart is stirred to tremor by the cosmic force. The Heart of Our Brotherhood safeguards for humanity the path to the General Good. (Hierarchy § 11)

I feel how deeply the teaching of pure thoughts can penetrate into the consciousness of the people. “The sower of thoughts gathers the harvest”—this needs to be written on the doors of cooperation. Thus, all-seeing cooperation is inseparably linked with the Mother of the World; and the state of the substance of space, which is being permeated by combinations of new rays, is making it possible for the New Era to begin. Everything that is Good should be gathered. (Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 232)

You have already heard about the saturation of rhythm in one’s work, a special quality that people possess only occasionally. Its beneficial nature has far greater significance than may appear. The ancient mysteries were already familiar with two expressions: “to work in the wave of Great Nature” and “to work with the heartbeat of the Mother of the World”. (Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 350)

The equilibrium of the elements is a foundation of Life, and the violation of this law leads to destruction. And now the Great Teachers will affirm the rights of woman. Therefore, the coming epoch will be not only an epoch of great cooperation, it will also be the epoch of Woman. Woman will have to be armed with courage, and first of all, she will have to restrain her heart from unwise giving, for there must be the Golden Balance in everything. Woman must affirm herself, and that is why the Sword of Spirit is given precisely into the hands of woman. In the East this epoch is noted as the epoch of Maitreya, the epoch of Great Compassion, and the epoch of the Mother of the World. (Letters of Helena Roerich, 8 March 1935)

[1] The new moon can also take place in the previous Sign, as it happens this year starting from the full moon of Taurus, which is prepared by a 2nd new moon in Aries (occurring on the same day of entry into Taurus on 4/20/2023, some hours before).

See the calendar of all the celebrations online (passages into the 12 Signs and Solar Festivals of the full and new moons 2023) – with related links:

Online celebration dates 2023

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2 Responses to The Mother of the World

  1. mcnamara says:

    The equilibrium of the elements is what is accomplished in and generated from the Great Singularity, as shown in the Chiron paradigm (CGF).Thank you for this work as it sets out the foundation for the demonstration of Synthesis, which is the note of this Age…..and from this Model will all so Become.

  2. marthagallahue says:

    This newsletter is the most important one I read and you do not always receive my gratitude for the depth and richness you send out in the golden universal light of the One Incarnate Soul. Indeed your contribution is great…The article on the Mother of the World in this moment is spectacular. That we are gifted with such knowledge that Inspirits Love Itself is profound. Accept my deepest gratitude for this transformative service. Blessings and joy be yours.

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