Mother of the World – Solar Festival of Capricorn

Mother of the World –  Solar Festival of Capricorn

Today, solar Festival or full moon of Capricorn (Earth and Moon in Cancer), the first of the 12 Festivals of this year 6.2 dedicated to Space, to Infinity and the Christ Principle of Love-Wisdom as the Bases of the New World Religion, we celebrate an admirable symbol of the generative power of the Infinite: the Mother of the World.

The creative capacity of cosmic Love is unlimited and connects all centres into one Heart.

“Whoever loves flowers is on the path of the heart. Whoever knows the striving to the heights is on the path of the heart. Whoever thinks with purity is on the path of the heart. Whoever knows of the higher worlds is on the path of the heart. Whoever is ready for Infinity is on the path of the heart. So let us summon these hearts to realization of the Source. It is right to understand the essence of the heart as something that belongs to both the Subtle and the Fiery Worlds. One can perceive worlds through the heart, but not through the intellect. So wisdom is contrary to the intellect, but there is no ban on adorning the intellect with wisdom.” (Heart § 390 )

And it is only the Heart (the Soul), the seat and central essence of the Unity of the Whole, that knows the divine relationship which links in the Light of Love the Mother to the Son: in our ‘corner of infinity’, that One Heart given to Humanity by Mother Nature gives life to the spatial Substance of the kingdoms of nature and sustains the ascent of all creatures towards their own liberation, through Love.

And we know that such a call to the unitary and unifying Source of Love is particularly powerful in the trails of light traced by the Sun-Earth-Moon directions (full moons and new moons), which are naturally sacred to the Mother of the World.

On such solar Dates of full moon, we can imagine Her unifying Matrix interweaving in mighty unity, splendour and beauty with the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom embodied in Her Son Christ-Maitreya (Buddhi in Sanskrit), radiating this year through Her 12 Assertions at the Earth-Sun entrances into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac.

Along the Capricorn-Cancer cardinal axis, the magnetic and generative power of the Mother pours into living Space the Light of the eternal Wisdom of the words of the Master of Masters, that we let resound at the solstitial incipit:


Inspired by the great Creator of beauty and with renewed gratitude, let the precious gems from the Teachings dedicated to the Mother of the World shine in the One Heart of humanity:

“… I advise that the Name of the Mother of the World be pronounced not as a symbol but as a power-giver. I advise that the Source of Infinity be invoked not as a symbol but as a manifestation of Eternity, as an eternal Generator of beauty and the Creator of the firmament.” (Infinity I § 9)

“You Mother, you are called the White Mountain, and there shall you be when the time comes, when you shall lift up Thy Hand for the salvation of the world, surrounded by whirlwinds and light, you shall call forth all the forces of the far-off worlds.” (Nikolaj Roerich, Fiery stronghold)

“The Mother of the World has ordained: «Winds, gather ye! Snows, gather ye! Birds, hold back! Beasts, stand back! No human foot shall put its mark on My Summit. The audacity of the dark ones shall not last! The light of the moon shall not endure! But the sun’s rays shall touch the Peak. Sun, guard My Summit, because that is where I keep Vigil. Never shall beast ascend, nor human power prevail!». The Mother of all that exists keeps Her Vigil with a fiery shield. What glows upon the Summit? Why have the whirlwinds gathered to form a resplendent crown? She, the Great Mother, ascended the Summit alone. And none shall follow Her.” (Agni Yoga § 315)

“… Do not lower your eyes to the lowlands, but turn to the heights of the Mother of the World, and thus judge your actions by the measures of the Infinite.” (Agni Yoga § 647)

“The ancient ones said, «The mountain of the Mother rises from the Earth to the heavens», indicating thus the unity of all that exists.”  (Agni Yoga § 604)

From the ‘summit of the heart’ of the Eternal Feminine Principle that embraces all and generates all, the Call has resounded and the Command calling to the Action of Love is given: All is One and Infinite.

The disciples consecrated to Service, impelled by the will-to-good, respond and, interweaving their rays of Light, advance upon the infinite Path of the One Heart, offering the vessel of Love: the Guarantee of eternal Life, the Guardian of the sacredness of Communion, the Treasure of the New Religion – the Victor.

The Command

And above all spoken commands rings out the Silent Command — All-penetrating, Immutable, Indivisible, Irrevocable, Effulgent, AllBestowing, Unutterable, Irrepeatable, Invulnerable, Inexpressible, Timeless, Undeferable, Illuminating, Manifest in Lightning.

Here are two Commands—at the limits of the World are the Lords Christ and Buddha. And Their Word is as a Flaming Sword. But above them is manifest a Silent Command.

Above Them is She Who veiled Her Face, She Who wove the Web of the far-off worlds, She the Envoy of the Unutterable, the Ruler of the Intangible, the Bestower of the Unrepeatable.

By Thy Command is the Ocean Silenced and the whirlwinds trace the invisible signs.

And She Who Veiled Her Face shall stand Alone in Vigil, amid the Splendor of Her Signs.

And none shall mount the Summit. None shall witness the Effulgence of the Dodecahedron, the Sign of Her Power.

Out of the spiral of Light, She herself has woven the Sign in Silence. She, the Guide of those who go towards attainment!

The four squares of the sign of affirmation are bestowed by Her upon those who determined to achieve.”

(H. Roerich, On Eastern Crossroads — Legends and Prophecies of Asia)


The Light supernal of the Mother is the Voice of Silence

See the calendar of all the celebrations online (passages into the 12 Signs and Solar Festivals of the full and new moons 2023) – with related links:

Online celebration dates 2023

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