Bases for a New World Religion: Golden Relationships and Unity

In the book “The Distant Goals”, seven lines of thought are mentioned, guidelines on which the new World Religion could be based, described in the article “The second year of the Sixth Septennium”; the second of these propositions reads as follows:

“On account of the great development of relations achieved among the most different peoples, the new religion will be planetary. It will be the very basis of the recognized community of Nations. Instead of dividing peoples and opposing their evolutionary processes, it will be the greatest agent of real pan-human union (…)”.

The Tibetan in the book The Destiny of the Nations, p. 65, already encouraged us: “… humanity is in truth a unity… Its goal is one and it is as one great human family that we must emerge into the future… It is as one humanity, chastened, disciplined but illumined and fused, that we must emerge into the future.

The first seed of this pan-human unity lies in the creation of the United Nations, “We, the Peoples”, as an effort to formulate a world plan that will result in peace, security and right human relationships, demonstrating the power that spiritual values have in laying the foundations for a way of living in harmony and cooperation among all the peoples of the world. This will be possible by applying the Law of Love and recognising that just as “no man lives for himself”, neither do nations, and that the goal of all human endeavours must be the harmonious sharing and understanding of our golden interrelationships. We will get there driven by an expanding group consciousness, a growing recognition of the uniqueness of everyone that, transcending apparent diversity, can give rise to right relationships as an expression of the Love that underlies all manifestation.

This same idea is found in the Teaching of Agni Yoga; in Infinity I § 360, we read: “When humanity will come to understand the Cosmic Oneness, the cosmic construction will be affirmed. The chief task of humanity is to unite the world of matter with the world of spirit… The most important affirmation of the energy is the broadening of consciousness. The creativeness of Our Brothers is directed toward the development of cosmic consciousness in humanity…”.

Consciousness, which arises from the correlation between the centre and the field, is luminous and a child of Space, therefore unlimited, infinite. As human consciousness expands, thanks to its spatial nature, it will be possible for humanity to grasp the reality of relationships; progressively we will come to understand and experience ever wider and ever more inclusive relationships: the relationship between all human beings that make up the one Humanity, between all kingdoms, between our planet and the planetary lives that move within the orbit of the Sun, and the even greater spiritual influences that reach as far as our solar system.

“Great unity in Cosmos holds sway like a powerful law. Only those who accept this law may truly participate in the cosmic cooperation. The unity of essence in everything directs humanity toward creation.” [1]

All is One. What exists is interconnected with all other things, inner and outer; the mutual relationship between all entities is the universal sacred precept.

This expanded consciousness, which transcends the fictitious boundaries of the personal to feel and live as one Humanity, embraces within itself realities recognised in the Heart; it is called group consciousness or Christ consciousness and will lead to the worship of Space, of the Infinite, as the basis of the new world Religion. This new world Religion will be the Religion of Space, leading to unity in diversity, to synthesis, and will be governed by golden relationships between all creatures.

“A dominant feature of the future religion (and its glory) will be the cult of Space, recognized as divine love, and of Light, understood as divine intelligence… This will be the real revolution in the religious approach…”. [2]

Space is alive and is the universal container of Life

Space is the primordial Substance from which all is made. It is the Chalice containing Life, the Fire. It is the magnetic field saturated with love that holds all energies with their diverse and changing qualities, united with perfect freedom and continuous creativity in right relationships.

“What is that which was, is, and will be, whether there is a Universe or not; whether there be gods or none? … What is it that ever is? Space… When it expands the mother diffuses and scatters; when it contracts, the mother draws back and ingathers. This produces the periods of Evolution and Dissolution, Manvantara and Pralaya.” [3]

“The mountain of the Mother rises from the Earth to the heavens,” indicating thus the unity of all that exists. [4]

In the bipolar waters of Space, where all creatures are interconnected by the golden threads of love, there are no boundaries or separations, only the Communion in which joy reverberates in infinite symmetries of sound, of light.

From the heart of the omnipresent, generating Mother a song resounded, a call to live in Love, in union, in Infinity. “As the abode of the spirit, as a new world, as an indescribable cosmic beauty, Infinity calls.” [5]

Fiery hearts respond to the Call and a silent heart-to-heart dialogue is established in the sacredness of universal Communion, because humanity is about to take a new step: communion with the far-off worlds. And “Christ is that totality in which communion is consummated”. The heart of humanity tends to the awakening of the Christ within itself, to infinite, group consciousness: the Christ Principle (Love-Wisdom) or Solar Fire is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

“The work of pouring out the principle of love (which is the Christ principle) and of lifting the masses in their consciousness to the pitch where they can understand and welcome that love-principle is the main work of the new age, and it will inaugurate the age of brotherhood and mould humanity into the likeness of the Christ.” [6]

When the recognition of this human brotherhood, of the universal brotherhood, is an actual experience, we shall see thought-forms materialise when men raise their eyes in ardent invocation, for they already exist on the higher planes; they can be precipitated if all human arms rise and open to embrace Fire, Space, Infinity. Then, in fiery communion with all creatures, merging appearances in joyous liberation and blazing advance towards the Centre, we become One and Infinite.

Solar wisdom calls to the decisive power of Oneness

Let human consciousness open up
to the unifying value of the Infinite


[1] H. Roerich, Letters I (24 February 1930)
[2] E. Savoini, The Distant Goals
[3] H.P. Blavatsky, Cosmogenesis
[4] Agni Yoga § 604
[5] Infinity I § 98
[6] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 504


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One Response to Bases for a New World Religion: Golden Relationships and Unity

  1. mcnamara says:

    So Beautiful this is….the future now to come…the totality where communion is consummated..This is result of the Great Singularity.

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