Mother of the World – Solar Festival of Pisces

Today, Solar Festival or Full Moon of Pisces, Earth and Moon in the opposite Sign (Virgo), is the third of 12 Festivals in this year 6.2, dedicated to the Mother of the World – celebrations consecrated to honouring the feminine Origin as the “Substance of Love that illuminates everything”.

“In the chain of spirit creation we find manifestations of the most precise and subtle harmonies, manifested by the creativeness of Cosmic Fire. The Cosmic Fire is not solely the substance from which we derive our forms. All the subtlest spiritual manifestations, which affirm the most worthy human actions, We call Fire. Beauty of achievement lies at the basis of spirit-creativeness. Our Mother of the World has endowed the world with that eternal achievement which is laid into the foundation of the Universe.

Why does Earth dissipate so much its treasures? The origin of self-sacrificing achievement is the foundation of all pure beginnings. The self-sacrificing achievement of the Mother of the World is reflected in spirit-creativeness as the refulgence of Cosmos. Let us accept as law the manifested sacred achievement. The beauty of life is contained in cosmic unity, and the principle of life is based upon the affirmation of an achievement. The self-sacrifice in the achievement links the spirit with the highest manifestations of Be-ness. Fullness of life may be expressed by the spirit who carries the chalice of self-sacrifice on his way toward Infinity.” [Infinity I § 117]

Immersed in the sacred waters of the sign of Pisces, let us evoke the Power of the Sun-Earth-Moon alignment, a moment in which the Unity of Spirit/Sun and Matter/Moon is realised, and this liberating Light is radiated into human Consciousness, qualified by the Formula of the Mother here related to the energy of Pisces:

The Sacrifice of the Mother is the effulgence of the Cosmos

“The veil of the radiance of the Mother of the World will be the crown of our striving… Let us look at the one who consciously strives to the veil of the Mother of the World. We shall see that, of all the inexhaustible, numberless consciousnesses, this warrior, aflame with cosmic fires, is borne there where the power of Infinity glows. But here on Earth the warrior carries a brimming chalice. Wondrous is the transposition of our conception thitherward, into our true life! Verily, only the cognizance of Infinity will unite all elements.” [Infinity I § 36]

“It would seem, then, that a true striving toward realization of supreme possibilities should fill the greater part of human life as a most essential and engrossing occupation. But in reality the light of knowledge has been replaced by the conventional dogma of religion; and man, meant to be a thinker, worships his dark corner of idols, hanging amulets upon himself without even understanding the meaning of their symbols. Repeat this to all those who sleep in the darkness of the ordinary. There exist no half-measures; there is either striving or the paralyzing cold of death. Moreover, striving is replete with the joy of cosmic realization, whereas the stiffening of death is filled with terror. The governments that try to conceal their poverty of thought behind a mask of conventional success are doing the work of grave-diggers. Thus, it is necessary to point out to the younger generations the approach of the Yoga of Life. All preceding Yogas, given from the highest Sources, took as their basis a particular aspect of life. Now, at the dawn of the age of Maitreya, there is needed a Yoga comprising the essence of the whole of life, all-embracing, evading nought. One remembers the example of those unignitible youths in the biblical legend who valiantly sacrificed themselves to the fiery furnace and thereby acquired power.

You may call this the Yoga of Life. But the most precise name will be Agni Yoga. It is precisely the element of fire that gives its name to this Yoga of self-sacrifice. While in other Yogas the dangers are diminished through practices, in the Yoga of Fire the perils are increased, because fire, as an all-binding element, manifests itself everywhere. But it also permits mastery of the subtlest energies. Fire will not lead away from life; it will act as a trustworthy guide to the far-off worlds. For what but fire saturates immeasurable space? Thus, with a smile of joy, greet the fiery life.” [Agni Yoga § 158]

The Formula of the Mother of the World is interwoven with the Words of power of the Master of Masters, solemnly sounded in the Living Space, and asserted in the One Heart of humanity at the entrance in this Sign:

Before Abraham was, I am

The Christic note of the Saviour of the World, the divine energy of the First Ray of Will and Power, which through the energies of Love and Wisdom of the Second Ray of Pisces frees Humanity from form and saves it.

“That man is called hero who acts selflessly, but this definition is not complete. He is a hero who acts self-sacrificingly, unwaveringly, consciously, and who, acting in the name of the Common Good, thus brings nearer the current of cosmic evolution.
Heroes may be encountered in present-day life. One should not consider this concept inapplicable. If we fear to introduce such a concept, we ourselves break away from the path leading into the region of truth. One should recognize heroism in life; one should fearlessly recognize the presence of the enemies; one should remember that the sword is the staff of the hero. Knowing how to turn sword into staff must find a place in the day’s work.
How all magical formulas droop before the irrepressible leap over the abyss to the life-giving Sun! Only those who cognize reality can speak about the Sun without superficial tearfulness. We wish to see you steadfastly conquering. Each victory teaches prudence, but this restraint palpitates with flights. Be not afraid of big definitions, but, setting forth for an achievement, see that you have food prepared for the morrow. He who moves toward achievement must proceed as if summoned by a work bell. For the striving one the thinnest surface is sufficient. Aspire!” [New Era – Community § 147]


“The Mother is beauty, and the world is self-sacrifice.

It is by these two fundamentals that the Gates are opened.”

[Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 221]


See the calendar of all the celebrations online (passages into the 12 Signs and Solar Festivals of the full and new moons 2023 – in UTC hour) – with related links:

Online celebration dates 2023




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2 Responses to Mother of the World – Solar Festival of Pisces

  1. We are led from Chaos to Beauty in the this perfect Love between Mother (matter) Father (spirit). Thank you for this reading.

  2. mcnamara says:

    When an atom makes a molecule, the form is sacrificed from its old identity to form the new identity…All serve a greater whole. There is a universal Model for this process of fusion of the parts to the Whole objective which the Model shows. It is this movement, of the knower to fulfill this Model, which fires his thought to see and know that this sacrifice of the separate parts (these parts are the 7 rays/notes/colors/etc. which define the Self paradigm, in atom and man and universe). This Genesis “seed” is the point of fire atomic/atmic, which are all Modeled by this Septenate Octave Universal, (which the Model is) the Universal Hologram Hermetic.”The Absolute Unit” of.All Being. Fire is “formed (informed) ” or realized when all of the parts (7) are the same in all the parts (7)as they all contain the other 7 in themselves as hologram…As the Model shows, by attraction economy and synthesis, is this sacrifice made complete,when realized as this is the Atmic core fire of fusion (in the point where they meet in matter AND mind). This is the Central Atom of Maitreya’s Power Station. The “point” is both abstract and real,(the point has no mass as idea/thought, but mass as reality…so subject and object are ONE by it). The thought, in its movement to realize the pattern of it, will make this Model in the mind, which will seed a future sacrifice to fulfill it, as energy follows thought by the pattern of the Model. This is described in the Model which accomplishes this/the Great Singularity., The completion of the Model evokes the process of this sacrifice as its realization….so sacrifice becomes desirable to realize its truth, and makes man a seeker and hero for transpersonal Being…The salvation is and in All Being. This is the inner Temple, and the Chiron Key to Liberation, and the Will of God is known in this act of Love to achieve God in this Truth.of the Model.

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