Signs of the Heavens year 6.2 – 2023 Second Quarter

In the field of celestial possibilities presented at the last Solstice, the initiatory date of the entire year 2023, the human consciousness now proceeds guided by the March Equinox Charts, whose configurations (heliocentric and geocentric, causal of the subtlest events and of the most concrete ones) have been synthesised in the following two ideal Formulas:

Equinox March 20, 2023 – 9.26 pm UTC

Intelligent Love is the sacred Magnet of right relationships


Equinox March 20, 2023 – 9.26 pm UTC

May the consciousness of its saving Power rise in humanity


Prominent again, as at the solstice for the heliocentric perspective, is the presence in the First Sign (Aries) of Jupiter, Second Ray of Love-Wisdom, and Mercury (Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict, esoteric ruler of the Sign), emphasising the primary role of a harmonious mind in order to advance in the Evolution of consciousness.

“The quality of thought is so powerful that the Fire of Space responds to the tension of thought. The cosmic affirmation can take place only when a corresponding harmony is established. … The warrant of the broadening of consciousness lies in the development of sensitiveness. Hence, the quality of striving is the truest indicator of the growth of the spirit; and consciousness is manifested as the affirmed power of creativeness.

… The quality of thought is intensified by the impulse of search. The creativeness of spirit is intensified by the power of fire. Therefore, Our workers must realize the entire power of creative thought and kindle their fires. Thus, only the quality of thought can broaden the consciousness. Thus let Our workers remember.” (Hierarchy § 45-46, Agni Yoga Series)

In particular, in the heliocentric Chart, the rich interweaving of all the other solar Fires (apart from Uranus, isolated in Taurus) sees as its fulcrum Venus (5th Ray, the constructive force and science of the Mind/Manas), shining in its esoteric Sign Gemini, in stimulating tension with Earth, Neptune (6th Ray) and Pluto (1st Ray) and in fluid relationship with Mercury and Saturn on the edge of Aquarius (the Lord of karmic rebalancing will enter Pisces on April 29, 2023).

Venus, our solar Angel, therefore reminds us the refined quality of cardiac Thinking, the intelligent Love as the sacred Magnet of right relationships.

“The creativeness of Cosmos is always built through the tension of all energies. For all achievements the quality of energies should be affirmed. Therefore, the higher the tension, the more powerful is the manifestation of victory. Our creativeness is saturated with the quality of power. Therefore, having gathered all energies, we can rely upon success. Only the quality of energies gives the needed standard of labor. Therefore it is so important to have an expanded consciousness and to embrace all that is needed for constructiveness.” (Ibidem, § 39)

As recalled at the Solstice, it is in embracing the Infinite that the human Consciousness finds itself as Oneness, as a part of the One capable of guarding the sacredness of universal Communion.


In the equinoctial Heaven of the geocentric perspective, the one that teaches where and how to precipitate evolutionary causal energies, we have thus the answer to the heliocentric Formula

Intelligent Love is the sacred Magnet of right relationships:

May the consciousness of its saving Power rise in humanity

Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Aries speak of a powerful Beginning, clarifying the general mentality, which must be reflected in the saving and redeeming action of the lunar parts still “prisoners of the planet” (Saturn, Moon and Neptune in Pisces, the latter together with the Sun square to Mars in Gemini).

And Uranus in Taurus (the sign ruling the new Group of world servers), sextile to the Moon (“the prison of the soul”), together with Venus (ruler of the Sign) conjunct the north lunar node and sextile to Saturn, opens the way for the light bearers:

“Man is merciless to himself. Bewailing his fate, he forgets that he inflicts upon himself a severe penalty. It is difficult for Us to make people assimilate the thought of karma; but in a still more intractable state is the consciousness of a man headed straight for the abyss. People prefer self-destruction and self-deception to the enlightenment of consciousness.

… To him who is aware of the path to Us, let us say, “Walk by the path of love. Walk by the path of labor. Walk by the path of the shield of faith!” To him who has found Our Image in his heart, We shall say, “Walk by the way of the heart and the Chalice will affirm the path!” To him who, through conceit, thinks he has attained the path, We shall say, “Go and learn from the spirit who knows consummation”. … then this spirit holds the light-bearing name. We cherish the spiritual leaders among children.

The evidence of enlightenment is the best gift to evolution. The Command of cosmic life is a summons to light-sustaining achievement, and this mission is affirmed only by Light.” (Ibidem, § 24)


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One Response to Signs of the Heavens year 6.2 – 2023 Second Quarter

  1. Thank you for this beautiful article reminding us the Solar Angel is Venus. Brava!

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