I am the Light of the World

We celebrate today the Sun entering into Taurus, the sign of “Desire, as the main incentive of life”, of Beauty, but also, powerfully, of Light. In fact, the Tibetan Master says: “Thus from every angle, illumination remains the theme of this sign.” (A. Bailey,Esoteric Astrology, p. 393)

Let us therefore solemnly sound forth into the living Space, bearer of the Universal Consciousness, the Christic assertion associated with this Sign (see the introductory article).


Many times Christ spoke of the Light. This affirmation of power is recorded in a passage of John’s Gospel, in which a miraculous healing by the Master is narrated. Having restored sight to a man blind from birth, he was then mocked and considered a sinner by the Pharisees.

Then Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might become blind.” Some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this and said to him, “Surely we are not also blind, are we?”. Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, ‘We see,’ so your sin remains.”

Indeed, we are often presumptuously convinced that we see when in fact we are blind. Knowing that we do not see (and therefore do not know) marks the first step on the path to enlightenment, that gradual daily conquest that is achieved by learning the art of “holding the mind steady in the Light”.

“I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD”, said the great Master: flashing words that sounded obscure then, and are misunderstood even today. Great spiritual entities, before Him, poured Light into the world and into human society, but He claimed to be the source of those Lights, that is, the Master of Masters. Minds obscured by physical shadows cannot understand those words, which are instead dazzling to those turned towards Heaven.

That Light is the psychic climate of the great dialogue between Earth and Heaven: Earth calls, Heaven responds. Man acts as the interpreter between the objective and specific language and the universal one; he picks up swirls of the latter and translates them, to the best of his ability, into abstract or concrete thoughts, wrapped in logical forms of words. This leads to distortions and loss of meaning, yet the fabric of that dialogue is refined and shines most clearly.” (Enzio Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Holding the mind steady in the light, unpublished paper)

The Gospel passage we are considering (John, 8.12) continues with these words of the Master: “Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.

In this way, He implicitly invites those who follow Him not only to imitate Him (a thought that for centuries, following the popularization of the work by Thomas à Kempis, “De Imitatione Christi”, was considered little less than scandalous) but even to take the Kingdom of Heaven by force, i.e. to identify themselves, by an act of Will, with His very nature.

Our mind already knows that this is in fact the case: we are told and repeated that Christ is in us, the Hope of Glory, and we are in Him, and at times we perceive His presence. In order to truly accept this provocation, however, we must have ears to hear, be truly courageous, have Faith, determination, and thus no longer be centred in ourselves, but have acquired a common consciousness and realised the resolving power of Unity.

“It’s amusing to recognize that, after so much effort, we become “common” men, being the ordinary – or common – man, just the level from which we started. Communion is a sign of distinction.” (From Communion by Enzio Savoini) 

Light is the third aspect of the divine, the creative Intelligence; in the generating Lambdoma it is described as the rhythmic motion of Fire. It is the daughter of the vital power of the Father and of the spatial Love of the Mother, and of both it shares the nature: as a matter of fact, it is both punctual and discrete on one hand and oscillating and undulatory on the other.

“Centre and periphery love each other, and out of love the centre explodes in myriads of rays, in every direction, directed to the circumference. Out of love, it implodes, simultaneously, and launches its waves at the centre. The ONE and the TWO come together. Thus Light is born.” (E. Savoini, Theory of Light I, unpublished text)

Light is the emergence of creation willed by Sound, the Word, the fiery impulse of Life and received by Space, its infinite container. It is that energy that designs the Universe and colours it. Therefore, all is Light, from the atoms of substance to the great consciousnesses manifested through the majestic Suns that sail through the Heavens and govern conspicuous portions of Space.
Light is joy!

When we think of Light, we automatically refer to the clear, radiant, point-like, discontinuous light of the Rays, considering the undulatory, seemingly obscure, light of Space as the absence of Light. The manifestation of this “obscure” light is evident at night, when the veil of the Mother of the World, whose constant presence is obliterated during the day by the Sun, acts as a backdrop and reveals the clear light of the stars and planets: the people of the Heavens, an astonishing profusion of luminous points of varying power. It is this wonder, magnified by the “dark” veil of Space, that from time immemorial has drawn human hearts to recognise the divine. Human beings have sought to interpret their destinies in those drawings and through them have been able to orient themselves and follow their paths by land or by sea and thus gradually recognise the magnetic tracks that have always been readied for their return to the Father’s Home.

“When night fades and the Sun rises into Heaven, the vision is transformed, and from universal it becomes local. Light changes, but remains the main element of creation. In lieu of the stars, things and colours appear, and all the senses are active. Although the vision is totally different, it is also revealed by the Light. The innumerable sources of light are replaced by a single, dominant one: this is the great cosmic teaching of the eternal, cyclical relationship between the many and the One.” (E. Savoini, Theory of Light I, unpublished text)

Light is Consciousness and shines wherever the fire of fervent commitment burns. It is important, in this regard, to be aware of the presence, within Humanity, of a Light-bearer, whose Consciousness is the synthesis of those of all beings who, at different levels and degrees and in different ways, consecrate their existences to the service of the common Good. It is a human garrison of the Hierarchy; it is the hands and feet of that Brotherhood of Light: it is the planetary Disciple; it is the salt of the earth, the Light of the World in action.

The planetary Disciple lives in the place of fire, in the Light of the abstract mind and, identifying with the hierarchical Model, he reflects it, co-operating with the Great Ones and seeking to understand and execute their Will. It is through such an Entity that the continuity of connection between the Hierarchy and Humanity is assured, so that the arcs of consciousness can unite in the glorious splendour of the future.

“The Sons of Reason—We proclaim them as Hierarchs upon Earth. The Daughters of Reason—thus, also, We proclaim them upon Earth. Those who strive to the evolution of the spirit must follow in the steps of Hierarchy in order to progress. Who, then, will nurture the spirit of striving disciples? Who, then, will affirm the path of ascent? Only the Daughters and Sons of Reason. In whom are contained the fires of attainment? In the Daughters and Sons of Reason. Thus We proclaim Our Carriers of Fire. Each realization of Our Will proceeds, revealing the fiery law of Hierarchy. Only the conscious adoption in life of the law of Hierarchy affirms the right path. Verily, space resounds with the affirmation of Hierarchy. Thus the wondrous life is being built. Thus the predestined enters into life. The Sons of Reason, the Daughters of Light can make manifest the power of the higher laws only by obedience to the Hierarchy. Thus Our Hierarchs manifest Our power of Reason and Heart—thus unto Infinity!” (Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 82)

In Christ and with Christ, putting ourselves in the place of the Fire, in the centre of the common heart, we can then together dare to consecrate ourselves to the Light, recognise ourselves in the power and task of the planetary Disciple and humbly affirm:

I am the Light of the World



See the calendar of all the celebrations online (passages into the 12 Signs and Solar Festivals of the full and new moons 2023 – in UTC hour) – with related links:

Online celebration dates 2023

The videos of the online ritual Celebrations of the Entries into the 12 Signs with the Christic Assertions are available at the following Playlist:

Ritual·e · Rituel – Zodiac 2023.


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2 Responses to I am the Light of the World

  1. jo garceau says:

    Thank you for this writing so filled with Christ light and love.

  2. Suzanne B. Miller says:

    Beautiful, en-“LIGHT” ending, in”SPIRAL” ing. Thank you

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