
On the day of the ecliptic alignment between the Sun, the Earth and Merak, the directing Star of the Great Bear, Source of the 1st Ray of Will-Power, we present some guidelines from the esoteric trans-Himalayan Teaching on Shamballa, the solar Government of our Planet.

That there is an evolutionary Plan that carries out a planetary Purpose, guarded by Consciousnesses higher than the human one, is not only a plausible hypothesis, but an intelligent one, if not even necessary: how would we save ourselves from self-destruction if the human race living on the physical plane of this small planet lost in universal infinity… were really the pinnacle of existence?

According to esoteric Sources, once human (individual) and now higher Consciousnesses, referred to as Masters of Wisdom or Initiates, are guiding human and planetary evolution from the more ‘subtle’, inner, spiritual or divine worlds, as the higher levels of Soul (group or solar Consciousness) or Spirit (planetary or cosmic Consciousness) are defined.

A major Triad of planetary CentresShamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity – is thus indicated at the summit and at the helm of our planetary existence.

Excerpt from: Alice A. Bailey – The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 89

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One Response to Shamballa

  1. mcnamara says:

    The “point” of Shamballa “contains” the Model of atmic/atomic fusion which is the hidden core of Being(the Power Station of Synthesis of Maitreya) in the Center where the Will of God is known. In the Center of the evolutionary PLAN….do Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity meet in the Monad of Trinity, as the inner fire in the creative purpose of the Mind of God, as shown in the causative atom of the Great Singularity, as the Sigil of perfection in the Plan of God in Creation.
    Now that Whole Being is revealed in the Universal Hologram Hermetic, which has precursed all manifest, and that Genesis is now being revealed and catalyzed by the Masters as Humanity moves into His Divine Place.
    The personal is fired in the transpersonal, as is shown in the Chiron paradigm (CFG)(C)….as Maitreya “appears” in the Reappearance.

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