On the day consecrated to the heliocentric sextile (60°) between the Two Great Mothers of the solar System, Jupiter (Second Ray of Love-Wisdom) in Taurus and Neptune (Sixth Ray of Abstract Idealism and Devotion but II Scheme of Synthesis) in Pisces, we celebrate the Law of Magnetic Impulse, associated with the 2nd Ray, the 2nd of the seven laws of soul or group life that reveal to us how to serve in a powerful and focussed way, as Group Consciousness, the demands of the Plan of evolution.
“2. The Law of Magnetic Impulse
It would be well to remember that we are not considering here that aspect of the second ray which is peculiarly concerned with form, and which constitutes the cohering, magnetic agent in any form, whether atom, man or solar system. We are not here concerned with the relation between forms, even though due (as is essentially the case) to second ray energy. Nor are we occupied with considering the relation of soul to form, either that of the One Soul to the many forms, or of an individualised soul to its imprisoning form [the personality]. The laws we are considering [the Seven Laws of the Soul] are concerned entirely with inter-soul relationship, and with the synthesis underlying the forms. They govern the conscious contact existing between the many aspects of the One Soul. I have expressed this phrase with care.
This Law of Magnetic Impulse governs the relation, the interplay, the intercourse, and the interpenetration between the seven groups of souls on the higher levels of the mental plane [the plane of human souls, of egoic or causal bodies] which constitute the first of the major form differentiations. These we can only study intelligently from the angle of the seven ray groups, as they compose the spiritual aspect of the human family.
This law governs also the relationships between souls, who, whilst in manifestation through form, are en rapport with each other. It is a law, therefore, which concerns the inter-relation of all souls within the periphery of what the Christians call “the Kingdom of God”. Through a right understanding of this law, the man arrives at a knowledge of his subjective life; he can wield power subjectively, and thus work consciously in form and with form, yet holding his polarisation and his consciousness in another dimension, and functioning actively behind the scenes. This law concerns those inner esoteric activities which are not primarily related to form life.
This law is of major importance because of the fact that Deity itself is on the second ray; because this is a second ray solar system, and therefore all rays and the varying states or groupings of consciousness, and all forms, in or out of physical manifestation, are coloured and dominated by this ray, and therefore again finally controlled by this law.
The Law of Magnetic Impulse is in the soul realm what the Law of Attraction is in the world of phenomena. It is, in reality, the subjective aspect of that Law. It is the Law of Attraction as it functions in the kingdom of souls, but because it is functioning on those levels where the “great heresy of separateness” is not to be found, it is difficult for us—with our active, discriminating minds—to understand its implications and its significance. This Law governs the soul realm [on the fourth buddhic plane], to it the Solar Angels [the Fourth Human Hierarchy] respond, and under its stimulation, the egoic lotuses unfold. It could perhaps be best understood if it is considered as—
- The impulsive interplay between souls in form and out of form.
- The basis of egoic recognition.
- The factor which produces reorientation in the three worlds.
- The cause of the magnetic rapport between a Master and His group, or a Master and His disciple.
It has an occult name, and we call it “the Law of Polar Union”. Yet when I say to you that this implies the binding of the pairs of opposites, the fusion of the dualities, and the marriage of souls, I have uttered meaningless words, or words which—at the best—embody an ideal which is so closely tied up with material things in the mind of the aspirant, and so connected with the processes of detachment (at which disciples work so strenuously!) that I despair of presenting the truth as it concerns souls and soul relationships.
This law governs also the relation of the soul of a group to the soul of other groups. It governs the interplay, vital but unrealised yet as a potency, between the soul of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human, and the soul of the three subhuman kingdoms, and likewise that of the three superhuman kingdoms.
Owing to the major part which humanity has to play in the great scheme or Plan of God, this is the law which will be the determining law of the race. This will not, however, be the case until the majority of human beings understand something of what it means to function as a soul. Then, under obedience to this law, humanity will act as a transmitter of light, energy and spiritual potency to the subhuman kingdoms, and will constitute a channel of communication between “that which is above and that which is below”. Such is the high destiny before the race.
Just as certain human beings have, through meditation, discipline and service, most definitely made a contact with their own souls, and can therefore become channels for soul expression, and mediums for the distribution into the world of soul energy, so men and women, who are oriented to soul living in their aggregate, form a group of souls, en rapport with the source of spiritual supply [the new group of world servers]. They have, as a group, and from the angle of the Hierarchy, established a contact and are “in touch” with the world of spiritual realities. Just as the individual disciple stabilises this contact and learns to make a rapid alignment and then, and only then, can come into touch with the Master of his group and intelligently respond to the Plan, so does this group of aligned souls come into contact with certain greater Lives and Forces of Light, such as the Christ and the Buddha. The aggregated aspiration, consecration and intelligent devotion of the group carries the individuals of which it is composed to greater heights than would be possible alone.
The group stimulation and the united effort sweep the entire group to an intensity of realisation that would otherwise be impossible. Just as the Law of Attraction, working on the physical plane, brought them together as men and women into one group effort, so the Law of Magnetic Impulse can begin to control them when, again as a group and only as a group, they unitedly constitute themselves channels for service in pure self-forgetfulness.
This thought embodies the opportunity immediately before all groups of aspirants and allied men of good will in the world today. If they work together as a group of souls, they can accomplish much. This thought illustrates also the significance of this law which does produce polar union. What is needed to be grasped is that in this work, there is no personal ambition implied, even of a spiritual nature and no personal union sought. This is not the mystical union of the scriptures or of the mystical tradition. It is not alignment and union with a Master’s group, or fusion with one’s inner band of pledged disciples, nor even with one’s own Ray life. All these factors constitute preliminary implications and are of an individual application. Upon this sentence I ask you to ponder. This union is a greater and more vital thing because it is a group union.
What we are seeking to do is to carry forward a group endeavor which is of such moment that, at the right time, it could produce, in its growing momentum, such a potent, magnetic impulse that it will reach those Lives Who brood over humanity and our civilisation, and Who work through the Masters of the Wisdom and the assembled Hierarchy. This group endeavor will call forth from Them a responsive and magnetic impulse, which will bring together, through the medium of all the aspiring groups, the overshadowing beneficent Forces. Through the concentrated effort of these groups in the world today (who constitute subjectively One Group) light and inspiration and spiritual revelation can be released in such a flood of power that it will work definite changes in the human consciousness and help to ameliorate conditions in this needy world.

From: A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 214
It will open men’s eyes to the basic realities, which are, as yet, only dimly sensed by the thinking public. Humanity itself must apply the necessary correctives, believing it can do so in the strength of its own sensed wisdom and strength; yet all the time, behind the scenes, stand the grouped world aspirants, working silently, in unison with each other and the Hierarchy, and thus keeping the channel open through which the needed wisdom, strength and love can flow.
There are, therefore, to be found in this great task the following relations and groupings. These must be considered, and are as follows:
- The Forces of Light and the Spirit of Peace, embodied Lives of tremendous group potency.
- The Planetary Hierarchy.
- The Buddha.
- The Christ.
- The New Group of World Servers.
- Humanity.
You will note that the Buddha focusses in Himself the downpouring forces, whilst the Christ focusses in Himself the outgoing demand and the spiritual aspirations of the entire planet. This makes a planetary alignment of great potency. Should the needed work be accomplished, the needed adjustments in the world can be made. The success or failure lies largely in the hands of those scattered but spiritually aligned men and women whom we call the New Group of World Servers.
In the above tabulation, there is portrayed a little of what is implied in the words “The Law of Polar Union”. The whole process concerns consciousness, and the results worked out in consciousness, with the subsequent physical plane happenings, dependent upon the conscious realisations of the men of good will in, or out of, the New Group of World Servers.
This work, carried forward successfully and intelligently, should make it possible to inaugurate a new relation between the Hierarchy and mankind. This effort could mark (and let us hope it will) the beginning of a new type of mediatory work—a work carried forward by a salvaging group of servers, who are in training for the establishing of that group which will eventually save the world under the Law of Sacrifice. This mediatory work, however, involves the recognition of the Law of Magnetic Impulse, and a desire to understand it, and to cooperate with Those Who wield it. Through its medium and the right understanding of the Law, it should be possible to establish the needed union between the liberated souls (who are in themselves the symbol of the Soul in all forms) and the souls in prison. Much of the success of this planned endeavor depends upon the intellectual grasp of the members of the New Group of World Servers in connection with the necessary technique. It will depend also upon their willingness to accept the idea of the opportunity, and upon their readiness to work along the indicated lines. They have no guarantee as to the accuracy of claims made regarding the importance of this period, nor have they any personal knowledge of the situation as it is here described. Some do not even know that there is a watching Hierarchy, but they are consecrated and selfless souls, and as such, belong to the New Group of World Servers. If they can aspire, pray, meditate and serve, focussing always in unison with all other servers, the salvaging of humanity will go forward with much greater speed than heretofore, and to this call many will respond.
For the individual disciple, the significance of this Law of Magnetic Impulse and the corresponding relationships in his own life might also be shown in tabulated form:—
- The world of souls on the higher mental levels.
- The Master of his group.
- The solar angel.
- The aspiring disciple on the lower mental levels.
- The personality, integrated and often troublesome.
- The aspirant’s environing associates.
It is useful for students to have these analogies in mind, for they can often arrive at release from the limitations of their lives and at a truer comprehension of the larger issues, when they see that their little, unimportant lives are only the reflection of greater and more important factors.
It is wise always to remember that on the plane of soul existence there is no separation, no “my soul and thy soul”. It is only in the three worlds of illusion and of maya that we think in terms of souls and bodies. This is an occult platitude and well known, but the re-emphasis of the well known truth will sometimes serve to bring home to you its exactitude.
The second illustration which may perhaps make clearer the meaning and purpose of this law, and which will be of deep interest to esotericists, is to be found in connection with the symbol that specifies this law in the sacred records and in the archives of the Lodge [of the Masters]. It is the symbol of the two balls of fire and the triangle. This has not only a planetary and cosmic significance, but has a very definite relation to the individual unfoldment (in the physical body) of the spiritual life of the disciple. Let me put it very simply. Students know that there are in the head two centres, the ajna centre and the head centre,—two balls of fire, symbolic of the fiery consciousness of the soul, and not of the animal consciousness of the body.
These two centres (externalised by the two glands, the pineal gland and the pituitary body) become vibrant and alive and intensely active, through service and meditation and right aspiration. A line of contact between them is eventually set up and established with increasing potency. There is also another line of outgoing fiery power toward the top of the spinal column. As the life of the soul gets stronger, the radiance of the centres increases, and the periphery of their sphere of influence is set up, creating a dual magnetic field.
Speaking esoterically they are “magnetically impelled towards each other” and towards the stored up energy to be found in the spine, and localised in the five centres up the spine. Eventually the interplay is so powerful that a triangle of force appears within the radius of the magnetic field, and this triangle of light, of living fire, links the three “laya centres”. The symbol is then completed, and the indication is that the disciple is now controlled by the subjective side of his nature. He is now governed by the Law of Magnetic Impulse (as the linking of the head centres demonstrates) and the two aspects of his nature, higher and lower, which constitute the two poles with which he is concerned, are now united. The polar union has been brought about.
The subject of this magnetic interplay offers food for thought and indicates the way of group, and of individual service. As the individual aspirants lose sight of self in service, and as they arrive at the stage of indifference to personality claims and happenings, they learn to cherish a spirit of confidence, of joy and of love, deep and lasting, for each other; they learn to work together whole-heartedly for the helping of the world and the assistance of the Hierarchy.” (From A. A. Bailey, “Esoteric Psychology II”, pp. 109-118)
Gratitude for this brilliant and complete illucidation of the current opportunity.