Online Meetings on “The 12 Zodiacal Signs according to Astrosophy”

On 9 January 2025, an Astrosophy Course will begin, dedicated to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, the archetypes of the evolution of consciousness, that 12-petalled celestial Heart that propels every being towards its perfection and liberation.

The main reference is the Esoteric Astrology of the Tibetan Master, which has inspired and continues to inspire our gaze in love with the Heavens and our understanding of the Qualities of the Living Space. (See also Introduction to Astrosophy on the Documents page, as well as related videos on our TPS YouTube channel).

In this 2025 Cycle of meetings, in resonance with the Rhythm of the Solar Heart, we will explore the principles, qualities and characteristics of each Sign, month after month, seeking to love and live them in group consciousness (referred to as the Soul or Christic Buddhi-principle), in support of not only individual, but above all collective evolution, remembering that

The sequence of the Mysteries which each of the signs of the Zodiac embodies will be clarified for us by the Christ, because the public consciousness today demands something more definite and spiritually real than modern astrology, or all the pseudo-occultism so widely extant.” (A. A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, p 127)

‘The energies of Space come to us on the waves of cosmic rhythms. Sensory perception, the study and observation of these pulsations, and finally the concordant (harmonic) action with them, that is, the accurate correspondence introduced into life between the cycles of man and of the universe, destroy the forces that prevent free communion with Space and Fire. All this, in short, means living and lived astrology.

If it is true, as it is, that in a musical form what matters most is not melody, nor tonality, nor instrumentation, but rhythm, to which we owe the creative effectiveness of the work, and which sustains it on sure and invisible wings and predetermines all future ‘dates’, what must be the value and importance of a cosmic, or solar, rhythm! If the perception of sound leads back to the psyche, rhythm leads back to spirit.’ (Enzio Savoini, Harmonics compendium)

“The seventh ray will convey to man the power to recognise the cosmic Christ, and to produce that future scientific religion of Light which will enable man to fulfill the command of the historical Christ to permit his light to shine forth … [It will] inaugurate that scientific understanding of the divine purpose which will foster the coming religious synthesis … it will prepare for that scientific technique which will demonstrate the universal light that every form veils and hides, and for that internationalism which will express itself as practical brotherhood and as peace and goodwill between the peoples.

… The ritual of the solar system is the result of the meditation of God and the act of divine service, carried on throughout the entire period of manifestation. The subordination of the lower life to the ritual of service is literally the tuning-in of the individual to the rhythm of the life, heart and mind of God Himself. From that tuning-in, automatically a spiritual development follows.

…  Every service is governed by the ritual.” (Esoteric Psychology I, p. 362 and 375)


In group consciousness, we therefore place the Rhythm and Rite of the 12 petals of the Solar Heart at the centre of the Human Heart and of the New Culture, to found the New World Religion, the expression of the eternal Idea of UnityCommunion and Brotherhood between the worlds.

To love that moves the sun and the other stars!


Here is the logistical information on the

Course of

Astrosophy – The Wisdom of the Stars

The 12 Signs of the Zodiac


Meetings will be held on the Zoom platform always at 7pm-8.30pm GMT (recordings will be available to the course subscribers):

  • Thursday Jan 9 – Capricorn
  • Thursday Feb 13 – Aquarius
  • Tuesday Mar 18 – Pisces
  • Thursday Apr 10 – Aries
  • Tuesday May 6 – Taurus
  • Tuesday Jun 17 – Gemini
  • Thursday Jul 17 – Cancer
  • Tuesday Aug 12 – Leo
  • Wednesday Sept 17 – Virgo
  • Thursday Oct 9 – Libra
  • Thursday Nov 13 – Scorpio
  • Tuesday Dec 16 – Sagittarius


To participate, please write to


This Astrosophy course is based on free donations. Further information on how to donate will be provided to members.

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4 Responses to Online Meetings on “The 12 Zodiacal Signs according to Astrosophy”

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    Free communion is now bestowed on the Whole in the Will of God by the Hologram of Being, the Model to seed in All the Mind of God to his Will in Love, the Divine Sigil restored in the Cosmic Fire of Liberation in the Divine Heart of the Great Attractor, I stand.

  2. Jo Garceau says:

    I tried to register, too. Please provide a new opportunity! and many thanks.

  3. TPS Editor says:

    Thanks for your interest and reporting, we have fixed it, here it is too:

    TPS Ed staff

  4. Martha Gallahue says:

    I tried to register for the Anthrosophy course but was told the form doesn’t exist. Look forward to participating

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