Today we celebrate the second solar alignment of the year 2025*, the solemn and mysteric instant when the Sun-Earth axis joins the supreme ‘Star of Direction’ Merak, First Ray fire of Ursa Major which, together with the other star Dubhe, points to the North Star: the main channel for the Energy of Will or Power ‘which fulfils God’s purpose’, and ‘in some occult way’ connects the system with its cosmic centre.
Merak is the magical casket, guarding the Mystery of Being, of the Life that is.
From that lofty Life comes the nondeferrable call to ‘be Atma, or Spirit itself, and veritable sparks in the one great Flame’.
Not my Will, but Thine be done
That mighty Fire of Heaven bestows that fateful possibility, here and now, on the threshold of Infinity.
“Recognize the call even in the fall of the rose petal.
Life is full of calls—the fire brings you to the summit of the Mysteries.”
(Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden – The Call § 134)
‘In order to do this in the most careful, useful and powerful way, we keep silent’. With the power of the faith that moves mountains.
Let us assert the First Goal:
1.1 Restoration of the Mysteries**
* In this Great Year 2025, Goal 6.4 of the Plan, consecrated to the intelligent understanding or communion with the Beauty and Harmony emanating from the Order of Creators, the universal Hierarchy, Glory and Power of ‘He in Whom we live, move and have our being’, the One Server solemnly asserts the Seven central Goals of the evolutionary Plan, orienting them to Seven primary Stars, cosmic bearers of the 7 Ray Fires (together with the Triad of intimate constellations Ursa Major, Sirius and Pleiades), and ritually does so on their 7 Dates of annual alignment with the Earth from the Sun’s heliocentric perspective: the Ecliptic of the Heart then pulsates and vibrates with even more sublime harmonies, and the planetary Ajna Centre (the planetary Group/Server), the Rose Window of the Temple for Humanity, opens to the supernal Light of Cosmos.
For the first alignment see: Second Goal – Return of the Christ
** To explore more thoroughly the topic of the Mysteries, see the paper:
“Restoration of the Mysteries”
(Compendium from H. P. Blavatsky, A. A. Bailey and E. Savoini)
WOW! Most auspicious and gratitude for this sacred sharing.