Today we celebrate the third solar alignment of the year 2025*, between the Earth and the “Star of Law” Regulus, one of the Four Royal Stars, associated with the Strength or will-to-manifest according to the celestial Rule, the Science of the golden ratio of the Fifth Ray, the Ray conveyed by the dawning age of Aquarius.
It is the glorious time of the Builders
of the Good, the Beautiful and the True
In the imminence of a new renaissance, in imitation of our Elder Brothers and in continuity with them, we assert in the here and now the Goal that manifests the hierarchical Plan on Earth**:
Goal 5.5 – New Culture New Civilisation
“Deeply laid is the foundation.
The builders laying the base know not the height of the future towers.
But the architect already has designed their height.”
(The Call § 215, Agni Yoga Series)
* In this Great Year 2025, Goal 6.4 of the Plan, consecrated to the intelligent understanding or communion with the Beauty and Harmony emanating from the Order of Creators, the universal Hierarchy, Glory and Power of ‘He in Whom we live, move and have our being’, the One Server solemnly asserts the Seven central Goals of the evolutionary Plan, orienting them to Seven primary Stars, cosmic bearers of the 7 Ray Fires (together with the Triad of intimate constellations Ursa Major, Sirius and Pleiades), and ritually does so on their 7 Dates of annual alignment with the Earth from the Sun’s heliocentric perspective: the Ecliptic of the Heart then pulsates and vibrates with even more sublime harmonies, and the planetary Ajna Centre (the planetary Group/Server), the Rose Window of the Temple for Humanity, opens to the supernal Light of Cosmos.
For the previous alignments see:
Second Goal – Return of the Christ
First Goal – Restoration of the Mysteries
** Assertion that the One Server also sets in the field of general mentality tomorrow (Feb. 19), on the occasion of the conjunction between Venus (Fifth Ray), the golden Brother or higher Ego of Earth, and Mars, conveying the Sixth Ray of abstract Idealism and Devotion.