The Fire of the New Art

In this pivotal year for the destiny of the planet and the Externalisation of the Hierarchy, coloured by Goal 6.4 (1), Religiosity and intelligent communion of Art, the solar sowing that follows the cyclic causal pulsations of the heavenly Rhythms and Rites, brings our hearts to include, as indicated by the Goal, also the encounters with the celestial bodies of 9 asteroids that the inherent human intelligence has recognised and attributed to the highest Energies of the Goddesses of Beauty, the Nine Muses. It is precisely ratio 6.4 that teaches that universal Unity and Brotherhood (6th R.), the primary Ideas of the Age of Aquarius (and beyond), are realised through intelligent understanding of or communion with the Beauty and Harmony emanating from the Hierarchy of Masters and from the Muses (4th R.):
“Humanity has always loved Art… When the Muses circulate among them, human beings perceive their superior energy and cultivate it; when they retreat to their Heavens, human beings feel bereft and bleak. The Greeks, we know, recognized and named them.
The Muses come and go, sing and dance and are living rhythms and all peoples honor them, as a scent and balm of existence. …
Man cannot survive without Art, even though he has not yet fully understood its nature and Law.
It is the first and last consolation, it does not react to the schemes that intellect would sometimes like to impose on it; it is as vast and comprehensive as Space. One seeks it and sometimes finds it not only with the brush, or the compass, or the chisel, or the flute, but with every breath, because it is inseparable from Life.
What the One wills and the Two loves and the Three plans is reflected by the Four, and it is Art. It is the Art of living, the highest art of all. Man is called to make a work of Art of his existence, in the broadest and most complete liberty. As it flows from the Centre, it involves and transforms every action and is present and active in all approaches…
The energies of the Vortex 6.4 lead to understanding and communicating Art, which none the less remains a mystery… The Six presides over this interval and it is not simply sentiment but controlled desire for creative joy, for general, superintelligent communion. It leads to the supermundane, which is accessible to man…
The Light of Art is the clearest. Nothing reveals the imperfect and the false better.
The work of Art, whether expressed in an object or conceived in the heart, is a truth…
One day, down this path, it will be understood that the pure principle of Art is far more powerful than today’s politics and armies…
Art is therefore the great hope for the harmonious union of the human race and between this and the other kingdoms of nature. What never was achieved with weapons, the goal not reached by fighting religions, the missed objective of all kinds of ideologies, will be reached by Art and by the secret Muses who inhabit the spaces and treasure their immensity.
(Enzio Savoini, The Distant Goals, Goal 6.4)

Apollo and the Muses – John S. Sargent, 1921 | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

The Muses “guard the secret of a sacred dimension that exceeds ordinary life. They are like a flowing fluid, they are like water, not only because water is the principle of life, but also because water is the mind itself: still, crystal-clear water that, like a mountain lake, reflects the ideas and forms of thought, or water that ripples and churns, threatening and gloomy, in the changing whirlwind of emotions. The Muses are mental waters, superior and celestial waters, in which the images of the world and of being appear.
… The voice of the divine maidens does not merely celebrate what has been created, but orders it and, in ordering it, adorns it…” (2)

The Muses are hierarchical and devic Powers who, as the crown of the God of Love, Zeus, make Creation perfect through Their songs and dances, teaching their salvific Art to the Heroes among men, to the disciples of the ‘Art of Living’ according to the hierarchical Principle of the Good, the Beautiful and the True.
And Zeus, Jupiter for Esoteric Astrology, is the solar Agent of the Second Aspect of the Soul, of the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom, the Divine Ray, the Goal of the present Second solar System; the Buddhi Principle, that Fire which is at the centre of every atom and in the heart of every being, the love which moves the sun and the other stars: the ‘Universal Motive’, that sacred Fire of the new Art and the Art of living, which is the supreme among all….
It is, therefore, those olympian Powers of Thought that substantiate with their Arts the World of Ideas and of the Gods…

Clio, Thalia, Erato, Euterpe, Polyhymnia, Calliope, Terpsichore, Urania and Melpomene | Marble sarcophagus, Roman art 150-160 AD (Paris, Louvre)

(…) The Thinker also said, “Learn to revere the Muses, who help you to become heroes. The Muses lead you to achievement, they accompany you in battle and in labor, and greet you with garlands of victory. The Muses transform your sufferings into beauty. The Muses will find you in the gardens that are adorned with the trees of knowledge. The Muses will not abandon those who revere them. Know how to serve the Muses, the Gate-Keepers of the Beautiful.” (Supermundane § 188, Agni Yoga Series)

Following this indication, let us turn the gaze of our hearts to the heliocentric Heavens and, recognising the skilful power of Its rhythmic Art, in united breath and unified rhythm, let us celebrate the sacred and salvific value of Encounters with such celestial Powers in order to engrave them in human minds and hearts as new paths to Harmony.

And today’s ardent conjunction occurring in Leo’s fiery space between Venus (5th R.) and Therpsichore (Asteroid 81) (3), the Muse of dance and choral song, ignites the mind of the heart in all Servers of the Good, the Beautiful and the True with sparks of Fire. Leo, the Sign ruled by the Sun, conveys, in fact, the energies of the 1st and 5th Ray, now most powerful at the dawn of the New Age and connected with the Will-Power and the mental Principle-Science, and radiates the fiery will to express Sound and Light, and the creative Force of the solar Fire Agni and of the individual Soul, set on the 5th higher mental plane.

It is stated in the esoteric Teaching that when the Ray of the Soul is acknowledged, recognised and developed, a responsiveness to ideas will be produced leading eventually to a sensitivity to the intuition which will enable an individual to distinguish promptly between the unreal and the real, a process of detachment will be nurtured which will see the submergence of personality interests in those of the Plan, and the absorption of personal desire in the aspects of the soul and a period of creativity will begin, due to the third aspect of the soul which is the creator aspect… The development of the new art will be expressive of a sensitive response to ideas
The art of the past expressed largely man’s understanding of the beauty of God’s created world, whether it was the phenomenal wonder of nature or the beauty of the human form. The art of today is as yet almost a childish attempt to express the world of feeling and of inner moods and those emotionally psychological reactions which govern the bulk of the race… The art of expressing ideas creatively will be the glory of the Aquarian Age. (Alice Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, pp. 706-8)

And the Master of Agni Yoga teaches that:
the element of Fire intensifies art and spirit-creativeness. Therefore, the wondrous pearls of art can actually uplift and transmute the spirit instantaneously… Verily, the pearls of art bring exaltation to humanity, and the fires of spirit-creativeness give a new understanding of beauty to humanity… (Hierarchy § 359, Agni Yoga Series)
… The vitality of art, which guards the divine fire, gives to humanity the saturation by that fire which kindles the spirit and imbues all worlds. Hence, the wondrous torches of the beauty of creativeness are so precious for humanity. We have seen how the creations of art have transformed men… Thus the Banner of Beauty and Peace unites the world. Thus spirit-creativeness saturates space. (Ibid. § 366)
… Thus Beauty, Knowledge, Art, and all nations will unite under this sign. Thus, only the highest measures can be applied to the Banner. Verily! (Ibid. § 377)

Giulio Romano – Fall of the Giants | Palazzo Te (Mantua, Italy)

Those who have offered themselves in the service of Will-to-good, Beauty and Harmony, cannot but welcome into their hearts the Voice of the Muses as sublime Teachers, and in the light of the higher Mind, invoke their help and initiatory power.
Today, therefore, from the Place of Fire, in the Heart of the Head, from that Summit where Zeus commands and creates through Love, let us celebrate together the joint flight of:
– Venus, sacred Luminary (attested at the level of the Soul) of the Golden Manifestation, who is to the Earth what the higher Self is to man and is the vehicle of the energy of the 5th Ray, the systemic Fifth Ray which is the dualistic Fifth Principle of the Mind (Manas) that implements, realises and reveals the inner Reality,
– Terpsichore, the Muse who delights in dance: dance and choral lyricism, the movement that prepares for the sacred, the dance to access sacredness through the soul… she is the protectress of dance.
“Dance arose together with beauty from the same mystery; its movement represents the attained quietness of the limbs in the unity of their innate coordination.”
The enchantment of dance lies in the fact that it appears to be effortlessly accomplished, even though such simplicity derives from mastery acquired through hard work and long experience.
Terpsichore thus embodies the creative freedom that comes from much work and control over one’s body or vehicles of expression. It also indicates flexibility, agility and the body’s ability to translate and reinterpret all rhythms…
Thus dance becomes poetry of movement, expression of the Soul.

Antonio Canova | Terpsichore



1. of the planetary Plan with 49 Goals, Goals inferred from the occult Teachings and foreseen for the evolutionary and conscious advancement of humanity and the planet in the present third millennium; each year therefore corresponds to the assertion of the corresponding Goal and to its sowing into the consciousness of the human group
2. Davide Susanetti, La Luce delle Muse – La sapienza greca e la magia della parola (The Light of the Muses – Greek wisdom and the magic of the word, only available in Italian)
3. The asteroid Terpsichore was discovered on 30 September 1864 transiting in the Sign of Aries and has an orbital period of 4.81 years.
4. Walter Friedrich Otto, Le Muse e l’origine divina della parola e del canto (The Muses and the divine origin of word and song, available in Italian)


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