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TPS - English » Impulses
Category Archives: 5. Manifestation
5. Manifestation
- What do we understand by manifestation of a New Culture/Civilization?
- How can the various sectors of human activity be linked in a harmonic way?
- Which principles should be sown for the launching of a new Culture/Civilization?
From the Late Latin manifestatio, consisting of manus and –fest:
manus: hand, “strength, power over; armed force; handwriting,” from the Indo-European root *MA- (variants *ME-/*MAN-/*MEDH-) which expresses the idea of measurement, relationship. This is an important root which is found e.g. in “mother”, sanskrit matṛ: “the one who relates through measure,” the ordering one;
-fest: “struck”, from the Indo-European root *FEST-/*FEND- which expresses the idea of hitting, bumping.
Etymosophy result: commensurate and incisive expression.